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Man Cave Help......


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I was visiting with a relative tonight and we got to talking about decorating a man cave. He was putting license plates and metal signs of all kinds on the walls of his garage. I told him that I was taking my time in my basement (my mancave) until I was sure what I wanted. I told him I was thinking about putting some classic movie posters on my wall next to the big screen. He went into the back room and came out with a James Dean "Rebel Without A Cause" framed poster and gave it to me. I hung it up already, and got to thinking about all the possibilities. So with that said, what would be the all time best movie posters to hang up. This should be fun to see what we come up with....


I'll start with "The Outlaw Josey Wales", and "The Great Escape"


So come on, I need some more ideas!

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Well if going with sort of a bike motif, Easy Rider I guess would have to be in there somewhere. Also dont know if they had any posters but something from "Then came Bronson"


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Clint Eastwood - Dirty Harry, Trinity, Three Stooges, Hogans Hero's, Tarzan, Star Trek, Combat, Rat Patrol..

I also think some really cool old Album Covers framed up would be bad to the bone,, Beach Boys, Beatles, Monkeys, Archies.......

Then old bike broshures in a frame....


Great thread BJ!!!

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I'm not one for posters but one I would get is bullitt, with Steve McQueen. That fastback mustang is insane. Since I have been studying MMA and weapons for over a decade, I would put up my signed and framed magazine with Guro Dan Inosanto on it. He rarely signs personal items anymore.

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