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To wave or not to wave....


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OK. I am now confused about when to wave and when not to, heres why;


Waived to a lone harley and he did not:mad:

Waived to another harley who started to waive back but pulled it back - must have thought I was a harley for a second:crying:

Waived to a group of harley's and only the last one waived back - thanks but why only him ?:sign isnt that spec

Waived to a crtch rocket and he did not waive back:mad:

Waived to a scooter and he waived back - thanks:cool10:

Waived to a Golwing and almost ran me off the road when he waived back with two hands-thanks but be carefull:shock3:

Waived to trike who prompty waived back - thanks:thumbsup2:

Waived to a LEO who turned his siren and lights off - thanks:clap2:

Waived to a RSV who waived back but he almost went off the road - think it was the surprise of seeing another RSV:Venture:


So I tried not waiving anymore and all of the above are now waiving......what to do.....:bang head:

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Simply wave and at the same time pay close attention to riding. If your left hand is on the clutch then don't sacrifice your safety just to wave or wave back. Never take it personal, if the rider does not wave back. This is my mentality.

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I waved to cruisers (including HD's) and most of the time he/she waived back at me.


I waved to crotch rocketeers and most of the time he/she didn't wave back at me.


So I wave at cruisers but let the crotch rocketeers wave at me first.



How about mopeds / scooters? Did you wave at scooters? I didn't, but when I'm on my scooter it feels great to get waved by cruisers (yeah, crotch rocketeers don't wave to anything else but another crotch rocketeer)

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Simply wave and at the same time pay close attention to riding. If your left hand is on the clutch then don't sacrifice your safety just to wave or wave back. Never take it personal, if the rider does not wave back. This is my mentality.


:sign yeah that:


If everyone waits for the other rider to waive first......................


If you don't get the waive back, the other rider may just be paying attention to something else, in the middle of shifting or have any of a dozen other reasons not to return it. Even if they just don't return waives to your type of bike...so what!!! Ride on and waive to the next one and don't get yer tighty whities in a knot. I don't know how many times (a lot) I just noticed someone giving me the waive when it's too late to reciprocate.

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I pretty much wave at anybody on 2 wheels (or 3 for that matter) and 9 out of 10 wave back.

Including LEOs!


I pretty much do the same. At times when my hand is busy with the clutch I give a helmet knod. Due to their riding position, it's hard for a sport bike rider to actually wave back, but watch their left hand they do lift and wiggle their fingers. :biker:

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If they wave I will ususally return a wave. So many bikes now that its no longer a good idea. I think it may have originated because to see another biker was uncommon and a courtesy. I feel that a stranded biker(broke down on road) would like a helping hand more than a wave, even if its just a friendly voice while he is making adjustments or waiting for help to arrive. Could u imagine waving at sturgis or blessing of bikes in baldwin MI, that would be a full time job.

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We all wave,,,, down here.


Try this, slap the top of your helmet 3 times.

See how they react.





http://www.ridemyown.com/articles/safety/images/Ticked.gifTICKED OFF

Extend your left arm straight out with your elbow bent 90 degrees. Carefully extend your middle finger to clearly demonstrate your dissatisfaction with the other guy. NOTE: It is not recommended you do this when you are alone.


(PS: Moderator,,, delete if needed,,, though it was funny.)

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Waving is weird. Sometimes I will meet other bikers and few wave, whether solo or in groups and then other times about everyone waves. Sometimes I will meet a group of mostly Harleys and everyone will wave and it is obvious on a 1st gen they are not mistaking you for another Harley.

I do usually wave at everyone and actually feel a little bad when I did not see quick enough the other biker that waved until he was passed. I have also felt a little irritation when on a two lane road and I wave and they glance at you and then look away, or a biker pulls up beside me and ignores me. But, it is no big deal and I have been known to pull away from them if they take off fast.

I think it is good camaraderie to acknowledge each other but, I think is even more important that others see us wave at each other. You never know when someone had some road rage on their mind and saw a bunch of other bikers wave at you and then decided that maybe road rage might not be a good idea.


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We all wave,,,, down here.


Try this, slap the top of your helmet 3 times.

See how they react.





http://www.ridemyown.com/articles/safety/images/Ticked.gifTICKED OFF

Extend your left arm straight out with your elbow bent 90 degrees. Carefully extend your middle finger to clearly demonstrate your dissatisfaction with the other guy. NOTE: It is not recommended you do this when you are alone.


(PS: Moderator,,, delete if needed,,, though it was funny.)



Finally some humour:big-grin-emoticon:


Seriously though, thanks for your input on this one. I do and will continue to waive and will try not to get my ''whithy thignis in a knot'' as was suggested earlier:backinmyday:



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I waved to cruisers (including HD's) and most of the time he/she waived back at me.


I waved to crotch rocketeers and most of the time he/she didn't wave back at me.


So I wave at cruisers but let the crotch rocketeers wave at me first.



How about mopeds / scooters? Did you wave at scooters? I didn't, but when I'm on my scooter it feels great to get waved by cruisers (yeah, crotch rocketeers don't wave to anything else but another crotch rocketeer)


I wave at anyone who has waved at me, most cruisers, some crotch rockets and all girls on scooters



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I always give a wave to fellow riders, whether on the CT90, Helix, venture or even on the Dual Sport.. Tippy and I had sooooo much fun waving at the groups of HD out at Sturgis - picture the two of us on an 83 Venture covered with stickers from all the sites - a tent with two sleeping bags on a rack I built on the back and a set of antelope horns that I pulled off a dead antelope in montana mounted on the mirrors and you gotta ask yourself - would you wave back at something like that???

We found that the best way to be sure we got waved back at was to ride at the back of a pack of HD riders :rotf: One really cute situation was once we were doing that and a couple guys went by us, giving the two finger down sign at about 20 bikes in front of us and as soon as they came to us they jerked their hands in quickly :rotf: I take no offence, seriously,, if I found one of those guys stranded I would stop and help them too, guess I been biken long enough and have owned enough bikes that it really dont matter anymore, I wave cause I love riding!!

On another note, the HD riders that we stopped and helped who were stranded on the the highway didnt refuse help hahaha... Oh yea, and I rode on the back of a Beemer to a gas station cause I ran out of fuel!! Guy was on his way to the Beemer International in Oregon. Nice as could be, refused any payment and loved our bike and what we were about... We bikers are nice people!!!


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I wave all the time, if they don't no big loss. now I'll stop an help out any rider. even of I'm in my trucks. it's about respect. "no one gets left behind"



Not to say I don't feel something when one doesn't wave back.

Unless of course they try to snap it back... That brings a very big, wide grin to my face! Woooooooo Hoooooo!

I don't know what's going on in their lives to be a judge and jury.

So, I give them the benefit of the doubt....

Edited by CaptainJoe
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If I am able to wave, I do, regardless of the outcome, however I am not wave happy. Sometimes I give ( and get) the nod, sometimes I get nothing because I may be not socially accepted by that rider, or he is preoccupied. I will beep the horn if I am waved at but cant wave back in the middle of shifting to in a turn or curve, or cranking my tunes!!!

I wave to LEO, HD riders, 1%ers, etc. I will NOT wave to a Vespa.

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:sign yeah that:


If everyone waits for the other rider to waive first......................


If you don't get the waive back, the other rider may just be paying attention to something else, in the middle of shifting or have any of a dozen other reasons not to return it. Even if they just don't return waives to your type of bike...so what!!! Ride on and waive to the next one and don't get yer tighty whities in a knot. I don't know how many times (a lot) I just noticed someone giving me the waive when it's too late to reciprocate.

:sign yeah that:

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so I was fueling up and a guy in a truck looks my ride over and says hey thats a wanna be not a Harley..... I looked over and said its pronounced Yamaha



So now I notice after the Harley guys go past they are looking back realizing they just waved to Jap crap......


We are all on two wheels for the same reason and the only thing that matters to me is that you learn how to ride what ever your ride is safely

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