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Blue green time share


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Has anyone had any dealings with this outfit and if so what do you thing of owning time shares. Going to do a weekend at one of there resorts then I have to sit thru there sales pitch. Just trying to find out anything about them before hand. Jerry

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Don't do it!! They will corner you and give you an extreme sales pitch which can go on for hours until they wear you down. If you want to go to the same place at the same time every year for your vacation it may be ok. But there are condo fees, grounds keeping fees, managers fees, taxes, housekeeping fees etc. You can not get out of it unless you can find some sucker to take your place.

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There's a reason why they have to pay you to sit through those things.


I wouldn't even go to it.


Time shares are horrible.


The fees are ridiculous.


They're impossible to get rid of and as soon as you default, they sue you and win.

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I can not give any specific to your question of the Blue/Green timeshare. I believe that most timeshares have many similarities.

There is the initial investment.

There is a yearly maintenance fee.(change from year to year most up)

Most likely you will not want to go to the same resort year after year.

Yes some timeshare can be exchanged.

The Exchange programs are RCI or Interval International

Each of these has a yearly membership fee ($50 to $100 yearly depending on the number of years ).

In addition each exchange cost from $130 to $180(can go up also )

The only timeshares that are exchangeable are the ones that others puts them up for exchange.

One needs to be very open as to where one wants to go and when one wants to go.

If you are looking for a specific place on a very specific range of dates. Then good luck finding it.

I normally plan my vacations out nearly 1 year in advance and not normally to any specific place or dates.

I see what is available through the world (mostly in the USA/Canada) then book.

The Exchange procedure takes awhile to get used to.

Once you get used to it then you will spend hours looking at resorts.

My resort is in Cabo Mexico (1 bedroom), It is like a Palace.

Most USA/Canada resort don’t measure up to it. Mostly glorified condos.

There are some that are nice.

If you consider yourself to be wealthy and like to travel the world and can do so any time, then I think a timeshare could be ok.

Otherwise for the average middle class or lower, I think you’d be better off just booking hotels.

Where you want and when you want.

Some good things that my timeshare has done for me and my wife is to put vacation as a very high priority.

Prior to my timeshare ownership, vacation were very low on my priority and I would try to go on inexpensive vacations.

I also always look for 2/3/4 bedrooms to exchange into, and the number of bedrooms does not cost anymore to exchange.

I like to trade into the Marriott Timeshare and Interval International has an exclusive on Marriott timeshares.

Marriott Timeshares are available to other Marriott’s owner 1st then opens to those in Interval International.

I take advantage of every time share program’s free gifting.

I’m not proud; I figure I’ve paid for it. Free this Free that, If it is free I’ll be there. Eat the cookies take the gift and split.

The secret is not to ask a single question. Just pretend they are selling Drugs. “Just say No”. Don’t even ask for the time of day.

If they do not make a sale on you, then they will bring the next sales person and see if you will buy instead 1 week in a year maybe 1 week every other year or 1 week every 3 years. They will press and press.

Now there are some presentations that are very professional like theMarriott’s. They show you the program, ask if you are interested, then give you the gift then let you go. Sometime they will even let you think over night but not very often.

Well that’s about all I have.

What I know now I would not do timesharing again. But what I would do is put vacationing as a high priority. Reward yourself and family, start putting together a yearly vacation budget and enjoy.

If you have any more questions, you can PM me.

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I too have own a timeshare for about 14 years, and my personal testimony is to not get involved in one either.


I was fortunate to find a buyer...even though my time share was paid for, every year I had to pay more and more each year for maintenance fees.. when I bought mine back in 1986, the maint-fees were only $1.50 a year.. when I sold it in 2009, the maint fees were a staggering $885.00 a year..now apply that times the numer of units in the building, then multiply that times the number of 52 weeks a year for each unit is sold to another person who owns a unit for a week, and SOMEONE is making a bundle......and it was not ME.........


Once you sign those papers, you are STUCK making payments for life.

It is much cheaper to rent one for a week then to get stuck out on a limb for many years to come..


My advice: DONT BUY ONE..:thumbsup2:

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I have one now, wouldn't do it again,:doh: hate the fees,:buttkick: but when I do use it I enjoy it very much:thumbsup:. You do not have to go to the sales pitch, just tell them I will call you don't call me. Don't answer the phone. You are under no obligation to attend any sales presentation when you visit your time share:no-no-no:. All they want you to do is sell you more..:mo money:...they entice you with free things that don't amount to a hill of beans....:eek:.........Just go on your vacation and enjoy yourself.:big-grin-emoticon:

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My dad use to jack thes sales people around by going to these free vavcation/time share pitches and shaking his head yes but in the end NEVER SIGINING ANYTHING.... The ski resorts in N. PA can't remeber name, We'd even get free dishes and things out of it... (puke yellow in color) eventually they figured it out quit calling...


In his later years he'd keep the salesman on the phone for as long as he could... you see he had MS, didn't/couldn't do too much, and it was all Big Game to him to see just how long he could keep them on the phone. Think he even kept track of it...


When they finally caught on... they didn't call back!:confused24:



like he always said... If it sounds " to Good to be true", it probably is...:mo money:

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I don't have a time share but we know a couple that does have one - they have no children and are very pleased with going to the same condo's year after year. They take advantage of EVERY free meal, travel bag or anything they can get free to justify their gas money getting there to listen to the sales pitch. I believe they attend one at every (or nearly) vacation just to get a free gas card or free meal. It very obviously works for them - but it's not my cup of tea -

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when you were "invited" to go for the weekend they told you you would have to attend a sales meeting. I ALWAYS ask in advance how long that sales meeting is.


When the clock strikes....I say thank you and get up and leave.

Some places ask you to sign a paper showing you were there. But you don't have to let them bully you or to keep you longer than you were told.


The longest one I had to attend was 90 min.


I am also strongly against buying one!


Use the money for a hotel. Afterall...when on holiday, basically all you need is a bed! All the other stuff is just "nice to have"

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I've only sat threw one of these 'grinder' presentations down in Puerta Vallarta MX. We had a free afternoon and didn't have anything better to do. We had no intention of buying a time share, but it was intertaining, and the rewards were pretty good. Free 'all-u-can-eat' poolside gormet breakfast, and half off any tour the resort offered. So when they finally gave up on us I signed up for the most expensive tour they had. $55 bucks for an all day catamarin dive/cruise, complementry horses duvers, drinks, and swim/lunch at Chi's Chi's a cliff hanging resturant. So I felt we came out the winners. Would I do it again? You bet if the rewards are good enough.... :) Would I ever buy a time share? He!! no.....

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Jerry, if this is something you are interested in, go and check them out, but do not buy. You can find timeshares for sale by private owners for a fraction of the price. There are lots of us out there that would like to sell.

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different strokes for different folks but i know to many people that have had trouble out of these times shares and the RCA is a complete rip off. you'll hear well your time share is in the red zone and this one is in the blue zone but if you'll pay Little etc etc etc it goes. just my two cents Worth but as Jannie said RUN FOREST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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its far far cheaper, to Book the Most Expensive hotel room in the area that you

want to vacation at!!!


Don't even think about it !!!!!!!


Save your money, and buy a new Harley !!!! much better deal, even if it is a Harley !!!

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I've only sat threw one of these 'grinder' presentations down in Puerta Vallarta MX. We had a free afternoon and didn't have anything better to do. We had no intention of buying a time share, but it was intertaining, and the rewards were pretty good. Free 'all-u-can-eat' poolside gormet breakfast, and half off any tour the resort offered. So when they finally gave up on us I signed up for the most expensive tour they had. $55 bucks for an all day catamarin dive/cruise, complementry horses duvers, drinks, and swim/lunch at Chi's Chi's a cliff hanging resturant. So I felt we came out the winners. Would I do it again? You bet if the rewards are good enough.... :) Would I ever buy a time share? He!! no.....



You bet I'd do it also, only I've learned to barter and I get a lot more freebies.

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MiCarl guess I was a sucker. I paid $99 for a three day two night stay. They gave me a $25 gift card for bass pro and suppose to get two more at the meeting.


We did the same thing....they told us to look online to see the luxury accomodations.

We were impressed...but it Turns out those rooms were for the members!


We ended up in what was basically a regular hotel room. The resort was nice and we got freebies for going...but it seemed a bit like "bait and switch"

Still well worth the $69 we paid for the weekend.

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