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Saw "Stupid Machine" (CPAP) mentioned


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in another thread. I have had mine now for about 3 weeks and have not had the "miracle results" some of my co-workers said they had with their's. Just wondering who has them and what experiences you have. Wife says at least I'm not snoring now!

I started out with the mask just over my nose, but I must sleep with my mouth open, so I had to switch to a "full face". Still cannot say I feel more refreshed when I wake up. :confused24:

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Same here! Took me darn near a year to really get used to it, and now have a VPAP instead of a CPAP (Variable). Been at least 10 years now, and I don't feel half dead when I wake up like I used to. I used to feel half dead because according to my sleep study and my PO2 level I WAS half dead...

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I was put on one a few years ago after being sent to a sleep clinic, one night the thing malfunctioned and just kept forcing air in and not allowing me to exhale. (like it was trying to blow up a balloon) By the time I woke up and ripped the mask off I couldn't breathe and thought I was going to choke to death. I went to a ear, nose and throat specialist, he determined I needed nose surgery to open up the airways because of my nose being broken three times. After the surgery, no more snoring and no problems sleeping. Some of these sleep clinics are just out for the big money they charge insurance companies for the machine and the supplies.


I'm NOT saying none of you don't need them but in my case the nose surgery was what I needed, not the machine. :2cents:

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I sleep SO much better... a full nights rest... such a delight.


Oh wait, I don't use one... my wife uses one. It took her a couple months and uses the nose/mouth unit and actually I can SEE that she is resting better, not struggling for air and snoring, so she is more rested also.


If the style of mask is a problem, get them to find something else, several varieties are available, and remember to change it after a while. I'm still waiting for them to come up with something for the water to keep her from waking up with "desert mouth'.

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CPAP never did me any good, and I kept pulling it off. I tried every mask option with no luck.


I finally bought a mouthpiece that moves my lower jaw forward and that keeps the airway open. I don't claim any miraculous results, but I do sleep better and I don't snore.

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I had one and they called me to tell me they were changing companies and they would come and change machine out. I was going by there that week so I just dropped it off. Got the replacment 5 months later. I had almost gotten used to the thing 1st time. This time not so good. It will build up pressure during the night and blow off my face or slip and make so much racket it wakes up the Warden who wakes me up to fix the blasted thing. I stay more tired than I was without it.And I still snore with it sometimes.

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I'm NOT saying none of you don't need them but in my case the nose surgery was what I needed, not the machine. :2cents:


According to my wife, my sleep pattern is not good. I snore quite loud and often stop breathing. She feels I need some kind of "device" such as is discussed here. Frankly, I disagree. I feel I need an operation but.... here's why I don't get one...


According to the doctor(s), there's nothing wrong with my nasal passages.


About 35 years ago I got tired of never being able to breath through my nose. I'd been like that most of my life so, I went to the doc... they did all kinds of tests and x-rays... nothing wrong they said. In my mind, if I couldn't breathe thru my nose, there MUST be something wrong. Then I discovered Otrivin and WOW ... finally I could breathe. A few years later, I went to the doc again .... same stuff all over, and same response... there's nothing wrong. I did this 4 times over the last 35 years... I finally gave up and have been using Otrivin ever since.


I use it appx 6 or 7 times in a day. Problem is, it only works for a couple hours so, sometime after I go to sleep, the Otrivin has worn off and I can't breathe thru my nose. By the time I wake up, I need a "fix" and within 15 minutes, I am fine.


Some say the stuff is addictive but yanno what? ... I really don't give a crap coz it works for me... at least during the day.


One of the other problems is I live in a very moist climate and probably have a bit of an allergy to all the damp and vegitation which contributes to my sinuses plugging up. I noticed when we were in Cody I hardly used the Otrivin and slept a lot better and wasn't so stuffed up when I woke up in the morning. Guess I should move ... wish I could!

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I tried a CPAP machine for a while. It did keep me from snoring, which really pleased my wife, but it provided no other tangible benefit.


These days, my wife uses a CPAP and ear plugs. I sleep just fine without a CPAP.

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I've been using my CPAP for around 10 years now. When I did my sleep study, I would stop breathing approx.25 to 30 times an hour. MY heart also stopped momentarily twice during my study..I WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT IT. I never had any problem using it from day one...In fact the few time I couldn't use it, I didn't sleep a wink all night....Just replaced my machine 5 months ago for a new smaller version ...It works great...Taters sleeps during the night now instead of waking me when I snore or WHEN I WOULD STOP BREATHING.. Poor gal didn't sleep the first 15 years we were married..If you need it ...get it...and use it....yes, some people have a hard time adjusting to it....BUT IT BEATS BEING DEAD. :draming:

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Snoring can kill you!! It is a serious health issue.

Quickstep [Alan] had sleep apnea and like Taters, I spent most of the time waking him so he could start breathing again! Used a CPAP for about seven years, then went to a mandibular splint. It's a mouth guard that hooks together and pulls the lower jaw forward to keep the airway open.

One of the main reasons he was able to come off the CPAP was that he lost weight. The Dr told him to try and lose it from the neck area, as this helps with snoring.

He had to use it in the truck, as he was doing long haul.... bit it kept him alive. Dr could have cancelled his license!!

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Have tried to use one over and over again with every kind of mask and all with no luck. I am not overweight and exercise everyday. I also have restless leg syndrome and the CPAP has no effect on it. So no real benefit noted with the use of it. Blood pressure is excellent also. Don't know why they even put me on it. Did not help with tiredness at all!!!!:confused07:

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Have tried to use one over and over again with every kind of mask and all with no luck. I am not overweight and exercise everyday. I also have restless leg syndrome and the CPAP has no effect on it. So no real benefit noted with the use of it. Blood pressure is excellent also. Don't know why they even put me on it. Did not help with tiredness at all!!!!:confused07:


Don't understand that approach myself. I would look into more blood tests to see if you have any vitamin deficiency etc. Freebird and Condor are just two members who have recently discovered this problem. It will certainly drain you, and leave you tired. Good luck

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I'm the oddball here. I have apnea. Since I was about 19 or so I have been known to stop breathing in my sleep sometimes for mins at a time. More so if I have a cold or the flu. I snore too. Even my doctor is aware of it. She sent me for a sleep study and because I was in a strange place w/o Mike (I suffer from night terrors as well) I didn't get a wink of sleep. The sleep study couldn't confirm or deny the apnea so I wasn't rescheduled for a new study, just told I didn't have apnea by the sleep center. Doc felt bad but couldn't prescribe the CPAP on my insurance without confirmation from the study. I'm sure at some point we can revisit the sleep study, but for now I take sleep meds to knock me out and keep me asleep and pray.

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I have a nasal steroid spray I spray in the am and about twenty minutes before bed. The first mask I had was nasel pillows, and I hated it. I now have a mask that fits over my nose, I got mine from the VA, and they had about 8 stiles of masks. It also helps to put the cpap higher up and closer to the bed. It probably took two or three weeks before I noticed a big change. I also use a netti pot when I get stuffed up, just after I cut the grass . . .

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I have used a CPAP for 10 years now.I don't snore and I don't stop breathing anymore. It took several adjustments for the supply company to get the delivery pressure right but it works good now.In fact I can't sleep without it unless I sleep sitting up. Dry mouth comes from your mouth dropping open.You can get a strap to hold your mouth closed or I used to put a pillow on my chest and wedge it under my chin.I still do that if I find I am getting dry mouth again.It is bulkey to travel with and means if I want to camp I have find a campground that will provide me with electricity.

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Have been using mine for going on 5 years now. IMHO it is one of the best things the VA ever did for me. Find I can't sleep without it now.


Give it more time and you will be amazed at the change.




+1 VA pays for everything and I feel much better now and can't sleep at all without it. I have the full mask and the ones they used to give me would break all the time. The new ones I just wear them out. Also upgraded me to a machine that adjusts the pressure automaticly during the night.

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Have had the machine for several years now. Wish I had got it earlier. They did a sleep apnea test on me and I stopped breathing over 400 times a night, almost half of them for two minutes or more. When I was working I would go in and down two extra large coffees with four shots of espresso and two hot chocolates. When I got into the third coffee/espresso it was relatively safe to approach. The first week I used the machine I had vivid technicolor dreams all night long. I could never remember dreaming before. Had to take it in and get the pressure/moisture adjusted a couple of times. I would not be without it now, they tell me I am almost normal now.

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