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A few words please

Yammer Dan

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They are on the way home. Didn't even get to see beach. She is to report directly to the hospital here. Got her so full of drugs she can't stay awake. I guess this isn't life threatening unless it is let go but she is very sick. If they end up at Gall Bladder and I'm betting on it I'm going to have some words for them. Sometimes the patient knows what they are talking about.

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Prayers from our family for you and yours Yammer Dan.


I hope and pray she makes it home safe and they get that gallbladder taken care of. My wife has had a few problems with that, and she was so very very sick. They have not still said for sure here either, but we think the gallbladder is the problem. Keep us posted Yammer, and take care of yourself too. The worry can cause a person to do some crazy things. Be careful on your way to the hospital Yammer.



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Went to meet her and take her on to hospital. I got "I'm feeling a little better I'll go in the morning. Refused to go.She is going in the morning if I have to carry her.Her papers from the hospital down there say pancreaitas caused by inflamed Gall Bladder.Nothing to play with. I'm hoping headaches are caused by the stress of this. but she is home where I can watch her.Hospital in the morning. I got a few words for that quack that kept saying "Not gall Bladder Not gall bladder"


Thanks for all the thoughts and Prayers.

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When I was dealing with my own gall bladder disease (4 years worth) my own doctor was running every test under the sun. Because my family history of heart disease in the mid 30's she was thinking more about my heart, not my gall bladder. Not once did it occur to her to ask how many tums I was poppin and think about the other meds I was on at the time. at least 2 of the meds I was on have since been linked to gallstones in women in my age group. I know she was doing her best and unlike many really cared about what was going on. A good ER doc realized what was wrong and called her office to schedule the tests to put me on the path to wellness. Sad part is I almost died. I really hope the Warden's stuff gets cleared up quickly.

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Kat I think we have the same doctor up here. Did he move or did you run him off? More of the same blasted tests today that they have repeated over and over and then they scratch their heads and their ass and say "We Don't KNOW!!" Kept her til symptons had settled down and made her a appointment for doc and turned her loose. She was ready to go and feeling a lot better til about half way home. We had stopped and eaten first because she hadn't had much to eat for the last couple days. She had a big Taco Salad. Yeah I know but thats what she wanted. Made it home and she is not feeling great but a lot better.

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Dan, Bring her here I'll set her up with my surgeon! Taco salad...that points to her gall bladder! My family doc just wasn't well informed and apologized as soon as she was made aware of the diagnosis. Tell that quack that a malformed gall bladder can present EXACTLY as gall stone symptoms. My Father in law and I had the trouble at the same time, mine was gall stones and gangrene, his was a malformed gall bladder that never gave him problems until his mid 50's. My suggestion is find a new doc. This is insane.

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Kat I think we have the same doctor up here. Did he move or did you run him off? More of the same blasted tests today that they have repeated over and over and then they scratch their heads and their ass and say "We Don't KNOW!!" Kept her til symptons had settled down and made her a appointment for doc and turned her loose. She was ready to go and feeling a lot better til about half way home. We had stopped and eaten first because she hadn't had much to eat for the last couple days. She had a big Taco Salad. Yeah I know but thats what she wanted. Made it home and she is not feeling great but a lot better.


You two contiune to be in our prayers, hope she is feeling better soon.

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