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A time of love and loss


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I didnt know where else to turn but i have a need to exspress myself and thought you my exstended family would lend me an ear.

for those of you who dont know me My name is Ron and have been a memeber here for almost a year and have had alot of fun here and have made some friends forever and hope tomake more. im also the guy who will chime in with something silly to say on no matter what the subject but today i have cried like i have never cried before yesterday (wedsday dec.23) i lost a friend and a co-worker to heart failure early in the day he had just retired last month and hadnt even collected his first check yet Jim was a geat man and friend he spent the majority of his life caring for his mother and she passed in early sptember. we all grieved with Jim for the loss of his mother but he was strong and carried on. Jim finially had found the right lady for him and seemed happy and excited and then was takn from us on that day. that made the office a quiet place to work and if you think your day couldnt get any worse it did i work for CSX railroad in cincinnati,ohio and another friend Paul who is the car inspector and had a history of heart trouble came to work with us as always and as he was running the brakes on or last train of the day we waited to hear those finial words from him " you have a high ball on the air" which means your" brakes are set and there ok" then we were to start our christmas party. i watched him drive passed the office and never heard from him i called and called on the radio with no ansewer.

i jumped in my truck to g laugh at him for forgetting to turn his radio on to find him layed across the seatof his truck. i called 911 started CPR and lost a second friend on the same day. i think to myself if i could have gotton there faster or shocked him sooner i would have my friend with me now....

i know in my heart of hearts this is not my fault the good lord has plans for us all and he knows when its our turn to join him but cant help but to feel like im being punished for something i did why would 2 of my friends be taken from me on the same day????? i know better than to question this but cant help myself. im sorry for being so sad on here the day before christmas but i think my friends here will understand. thanks for your ear and i hope at least you and yours will have a good christmas.. Ron


p.s. Please remembe to tell everyone you love them today and everyday you dont know when the last chance to say it will be.

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Wow bro Im so sorry, thats a heavy load for anyone to go thru. I know words cant do much at a time like this but know that we are here for you. You do need to talk and find comfort in friends and family. This is too much to go thru alone. if there is anything i can do please let me know. Im sorry for your loss and my heart go out to you.

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Our thought and prayers are certainly going out to you at this difficult time. Please know that when one of our members here hurt, we hurt with you. Also, please do not continue to second guess yourself about if you had gotten there sooner and etc. Things happen that we do not understand and cannot explain but the fact is that the Lord chose to take them at that time for a reason and they are looking down on you now and they know your heart. It is obvious that you were a good friend to them and they know that very well.


Take care my friend. May the Lord bless and comfort you during this difficult time.

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I didnt know where else to turn but i have a need to exspress myself and thought you my exstended family would lend me an ear.

for those of you who dont know me My name is Ron and have been a memeber here for almost a year and have had alot of fun here and have made some friends forever and hope tomake more. im also the guy who will chime in with something silly to say on no matter what the subject but today i have cried like i have never cried before yesterday (wedsday dec.23) i lost a friend and a co-worker to heart failure early in the day he had just retired last month and hadnt even collected his first check yet Jim was a geat man and friend he spent the majority of his life caring for his mother and she passed in early sptember. we all grieved with Jim for the loss of his mother but he was strong and carried on. Jim finially had found the right lady for him and seemed happy and excited and then was takn from us on that day. that made the office a quiet place to work and if you think your day couldnt get any worse it did i work for CSX railroad in cincinnati,ohio and another friend Paul who is the car inspector and had a history of heart trouble came to work with us as always and as he was running the brakes on or last train of the day we waited to hear those finial words from him " you have a high ball on the air" which means your" brakes are set and there ok" then we were to start our christmas party. i watched him drive passed the office and never heard from him i called and called on the radio with no ansewer.

i jumped in my truck to g laugh at him for forgetting to turn his radio on to find him layed across the seatof his truck. i called 911 started CPR and lost a second friend on the same day. i think to myself if i could have gotton there faster or shocked him sooner i would have my friend with me now....

i know in my heart of hearts this is not my fault the good lord has plans for us all and he knows when its our turn to join him but cant help but to feel like im being punished for something i did why would 2 of my friends be taken from me on the same day????? i know better than to question this but cant help myself. im sorry for being so sad on here the day before christmas but i think my friends here will understand. thanks for your ear and i hope at least you and yours will have a good christmas.. Ron


p.s. Please remembe to tell everyone you love them today and everyday you dont know when the last chance to say it will be.


Ron, I am truly sorry to hear of the losses of your friends today...just know that,"WE" are always here to lend an ear.... your friend Big Tom.....

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I'm lost to find words to comfort you but I do know that we are not "punished".


The Creator that made us has a plan that HE is in charge of.


At my work we also "lost" a great person Wednesday. The father of our owner.


I have never worked for a person I feel such loyalty to. I have asked him many times how he became the person he is and he gives all the crddit to his father for teaching him how to be fair and honest with those he employes and those that pay for his services. Always says his Dad taught him by the "rules of God", not by the rules of man.


When trying to express my thoughts in his time of sorrow at the loss of his father, he referred me to the book of Hebrews in God's word:


We are to run fast to the throne of Grace, it is at that throne that man finds peace.


Remember your friends, the good and bad. They had been placed your life to make a difference for you. Value what they gave you and pay it forward.


Rest at the foot of the throne.


Steve Neal


As a side note:

I know some here may not have the same feelings as I and Thank you for allowing me the freedom to express them. Your respect for my thoughts will always allow me to do the same for you.

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hey Ron,


many prayers and well wishes are sent for you and your friends. The grieving process is hard and we all have to go through it once in a while. Now may not be the time for you as I dont know where you are in your process, but here is a good way to look at this situation. First of all this is not your fault, our maker decided and no matter what you did even if you had been standing there to do what you could , god would have taken your friends , so stop blaming yoourself. And second but most important is that god decided to give your friends an early christmas gift. HE took them in his arms and told them how much he loves them and showed them there eternal home within his grace.



And hopefully there is a set of twins I'll put nin a prayer to to get them to see your friends and lewt them know how much you care and wish you could have done more.



Peace and hope be with you.


merry christmas




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I feel for your loss! As was mentioned, God has a master plan and we all answer to it. God is not punsihing you, we all have our appointed time. What we do with the time we have here on earth is of utmost importance. We need to make the best of it while we can. This will also include knowing there is a God and he loves us, and we can know for sure if there is a heaven and hell, and whether we will end up in one or the other.


I am gklad we can be here to be an ear for you. Know that you have many friends here who will always be glad to be your friend. So enjoy every minute of your life, value relationships, and always have hope!!

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hey Ron,


many prayers and well wishes are sent for you and your friends. The grieving process is hard and we all have to go through it once in a while. Now may not be the time for you as I dont know where you are in your process, but here is a good way to look at this situation. First of all this is not your fault, our maker decided and no matter what you did even if you had been standing there to do what you could , god would have taken your friends , so stop blaming yoourself. And second but most important is that god decided to give your friends an early christmas gift. HE took them in his arms and told them how much he loves them and showed them there eternal home within his grace.



And hopefully there is a set of twins I'll put nin a prayer to to get them to see your friends and lewt them know how much you care and wish you could have done more.



Peace and hope be with you.


merry christmas




Again i can not thank you folks enough for your words of encouragememnt and all the prayers and i have heard that for every life lost a new one begins... i feel there is some truth to that but twins after knowing these guys who worked with me not sure if mentioned that if they return as twins...... we will need to pray for there mother.

thank you all again for everything as always you all have brought a smile to my face just knowing your here is the best help i can have.

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Ron, I feel your pain. Two years ago one of my long time friends and co-worker said to me , "man, this is going to be a bad one" and dropped to the floor.


I know now that he was gone before he hit the floor and my cpr was for naught, even the emt's could not do anything.


As said before, when it's time - it 's time and there's nothing we can do.

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Ron I am really sorry for your loss, really isnt anything I can say to make you feel any better, I wish there was. Losing 2 good friends in one day is overwhelming, all you can do is try to remember the good times and smile when you think of them. Good luck Buddy. Craig

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Ron, I am truly sorry to hear of your loss, andf can sympasize with you. From experience, I will tell you to try to remember the good times and celebrate his life. We are always here for you if you need to talk. Your friend and brother, Kenw

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We sent prayers your way. Know one thing, you done everything you could and being there trying would of ment everything to them. Do not be affraid to talk to us or your family and friends. As said before God know when it is our time and there is not anything we can do but live our life the best we can.

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There are no words to speak that can make the hurt go away, just know that they are looking down on you and smiling, for they are in a better place now. Our prayers are sent to you that God will help you to understand and to help you with the loss of your freinds. I beleave in my heart that you will meet again and share that smile. God bless and be strong, as has been said, you have over 8,000 family members here, that feel your pain with you, and we are all here to lend a shoulder if you need it.



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Finding the words to comfort and console is a daunting task, but we all try in our own way. The shock of loosing 2 of your good friends will wear on you, and for that I am truly sorry. I have always believed that we are here to learn a lesson or assist others in learning their lessons. Once our lessons are completed, the maker brings us home.

There is a lot on your mind, life is speeding up for you and we all know that. Know that we are here for you, on today, on the day that Christ was born, we send our love and comfort to your heart my friend. May only the good times you shared with these 2 men flood your memories, and you remember how they LIVED and not when they went home...all the best to you my friend.

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dear ron

thanks for sharing this bad news. i can not add any more than what most of the other vr family members have already said. they were your friends, you will not forget them. what ever times ya'll shared will always be with you. but we have been promised that we will meet again someday. peace and love to you and their famileys.

best reguards

don c.

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again wit tears in my eyes i thank each of you the tears are not for my friends who have passed but are tears of joy knowing that i have friends like you even though i have only met a few of you face to face i can feel with every word i read that they all come from the heart your hearts and that does make a hard time a little easier to handle knowing that there are friends like everyone here to help me through a troubled time. i only hope that one day i will have the words or courage to speak them to you when the time comes for me to be here when you need help. Ron

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Ron, I know we've never met, or come across each other on this site. But losing friends and family is a terrible blow to anyone. I can remember getting the phone call late at night of my father in laws passing from a car accident, and having to break the news to my wife. I dont wish that kind of sorrow on anyone. I cant imagine losing 2 friends in one day. But I can say this, as an adult it is conditioned in us to be in control of our surroundings. When something happens that we can't control, we question ourselves as to why, and how we failed to make things right. It took me awhile after my father-in-laws passing to realize that the only thing i could do to help my wife was to comfort her as much as I could and let god take care of the rest. After all it his plan that we are living. When I think of how insignificant my place is on earth, and how significant my place is with god, things seem to heal much faster. The pain is still there but not as deep. So the next time you are outside and see a beautiful sunrise, or a quiet picture postcard sunset. Remember that is gods work, and you and your friends are all part of it, they might not be standing shoulder to shoulder with you, but they are seeing it with you.....Trust me



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This can be a rough time of the year. I'm sure these losses haven't helped. I lost my Mom in November after ten years as primary care giver. It was time, perhaps a bit past, but that really doesn't help much at first. All I can tell you is: One foot in front of the other, and remember the good times.


Best of luck with it all, and take care.

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Ron I truly feel your pain. I often wonder what is God's plan for us when he takes good friends and loved ones from us with little or no warning. I can only conclude that HE needs those kindred souls for something more important than being with us.:crying:



Boomer.....With sympathy and good thoughts coming your way.

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