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anyone got any extra valium???


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I just was informed i have testify at the motion hearing friday........ugggh



maybe in a way this is good as it will give me a little pre-experience when the trial comes, but i have always had the ability to get myself all worked up and turned into a basket case..:8:





Nuff said...........:whistling:

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I just was informed i have testify at the motion hearing friday........ugggh



maybe in a way this is good as it will give me a little pre-experience when the trial comes, but i have always had the ability to get myself all worked up and turned into a basket case..:8:





Nuff said...........:whistling:


Just be calm girl, every thing will be fine. Just don't let his attorney rile you.

Good Luck


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I think you are gonna be fine, stay calm and dont let the lawyer get to ya. You have got the truth on your side and you and everyone else knows it. Good luck and hopefully you can put all this behind you soon. Craig

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We're all here for you guys. Just remember like everyone else said don't let his attorney get to you with anything he says. You'll do just fine. Just remember to breathe. Hugs to you all.:bighug::bighug::bighug:



:sign yeah that: Wish there was more we could do.

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Tell the truth ...dont epand on anything...answer only what is asked ...no more...if you dont know, say so....these little things can come bite you in the butt at trial...........relax..relax....and most importantly relax...sometimeS we have to answer questions that we dont want too...its ok.. anything you dont want , but have to say, will be fixed by the DA on re direct...piece of cake...you can do this...have I ever lied to you before? really its scarry at first, but its no big thing...Yes.....No....I dont know..... and I DONT RECALL....THESE ANSWERS ARE ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS...DONT EXPAND UNLESS THE DA ASKS YOU TO...DONT OPEN ANY DOORS... C'MON CINDY YOUR TOUGHER THAN YOU THINK...YOU GO GIRL...(I HEARD THAT SAYING SOME WHERE)...AND YOU CAN DO IT....( GOT THAT FROM A MOVIE).BESIDES WE ALL GOT YOUR BACK............:thumbsup:DONT MAKE ALL 7,000 OF US COME DOWN THERE( MY MOTHER USED TO THREATEN ME WITH THAT....WELL NOT WITH THE 7,000..):thumbsup::thumbsup::fnd_(16):

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Yes.....No....I dont know..... and I DONT RECALL....:thumbsup::thumbsup::fnd_(16):


:sign yeah that:


All valid answers!!!

Also, if the defense tries to rattle you by asking another question, before you can answer the first one, take a deep breath and say "Excuse me!!! I can't answer while you are talking!!!" "Please, one question at a time!!!"

That will rattle HIM (or her). Also, please do not be tempted to take any notes with you to the witness stand.


Prayers are with you!!!

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Tell the truth ...dont epand on anything...answer only what is asked ...no more...if you dont know, say so....these little things can come bite you in the butt at trial...........relax..relax....and most importantly relax...sometimeS we have to answer questions that we dont want too...its ok.. anything you dont want , but have to say, will be fixed by the DA on re direct...piece of cake...you can do this...have I ever lied to you before? really its scarry at first, but its no big thing...Yes.....No....I dont know..... and I DONT RECALL....THESE ANSWERS ARE ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS...DONT EXPAND UNLESS THE DA ASKS YOU TO...DONT OPEN ANY DOORS... C'MON CINDY YOUR TOUGHER THAN YOU THINK...YOU GO GIRL...(I HEARD THAT SAYING SOME WHERE)...AND YOU CAN DO IT....( GOT THAT FROM A MOVIE).BESIDES WE ALL GOT YOUR BACK............:thumbsup:DONT MAKE ALL 7,000 OF US COME DOWN THERE( MY MOTHER USED TO THREATEN ME WITH THAT....WELL NOT WITH THE 7,000..):thumbsup::thumbsup::fnd_(16):


:sign yeah that:


All valid answers!!!

Also, if the defense tries to rattle you by asking another question, before you can answer the first one, take a deep breath and say "Excuse me!!! I can't answer while you are talking!!!" "Please, one question at a time!!!"

That will rattle HIM (or her). Also, please do not be tempted to take any notes with you to the witness stand.


Prayers are with you!!!




Like they have both mentioned, dont loose your cool, this is one more nail in this guys coffin and you can do it. You keep remembering that your in control and like mentioned if he interrupts you just let him know it. You'll be just fine and will do what you need to do, were all behind you kiddo....you have the phone # use if you have to :happy34:

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Like they have both mentioned, dont loose your cool, this is one more nail in this guys coffin and you can do it. You keep remembering that your in control and like mentioned if he interrupts you just let him know it. You'll be just fine and will do what you need to do, were all behind you kiddo....you have the phone # use if you have to :happy34:



as has been said all true . you can also try counting to ten in your head before each answer. slows things down a little so you can breath. the other side likes to get you to give snap answers so they can mess you up. so count to ten before each answer

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Hey Cindy,

I will be thinking of you. You will do a fine job. I have sent you several Valium in the Express Mail. Since I am a RN, I will now be more than likely arrested for sending prescription medication through the mail to you illegally.

Do you have the name of a good attorney? I do not mind being arrested for a good cause. Of course, I more than likely will never be able to work again, but I am sure once I get out of prison, I can get some sort of a job.

You take care now, and do not worry about me. (Are you laughing?):innocent-emoticon:


I will pray that all goes well.

Yama Mama

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I've given testimony a couple of times. Each time I was nervous as well...so what you are experiancing is not unusual and probably a good thing really. Like mentioned go slow. All you have is the truth so you wont have to worry about making up stories that get so many crooks caught up.


One defense lawyer in a murder trial I had to testify in was on my for about 20 minutes on whether or not someone could have heard some things being said from a cell. It got so monotonese (sp) that I invited to lock him in the cell so that he could tell us whether or not he could hear enough converstation to make up a story! Even the judge had to laugh at that one.


Hot shot lawyers are like everyone else....they still gotta put their pants on one leg at a time.


You will do fine.

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here i get myself all psyched and ready for this tomorrow and the close to the end games begin........


got a call about 5 that its being cancelled for tomorrow and rescheduled for July 10 th or something...reason: his lawyer just got the message about the motions they filed yesterday.....ha...ha and ha...bull dookey ...and hasnt had time to prepare.



on a good note they got the final dna results back and they are a little more tighter now..... he (or one of his family members) has to be the donar........which puts more credence to Haylies accusations......


I didnt realize they had to get courts permission for her to testify since she is under age..thats one of the motions..apparently a child is not considered a liable witness...un believable under the circumstances...


like i said the games...they continue til the end..


i must be gettting used to it as i didnt even get flustered about it all today.besides ive got nothing but time and thats all hes gonna have when we're done !!!:buttkick:

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