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Everything posted by Trondomatic

  1. LOL! Dude - you get bonus points for stickin' up for your woman and kicking ass. Come on up!
  2. Thanks for the great idea. Done and done. cheers, trond
  3. Only -3 C (26F) this morning so no problem riding to work. But yeah, the lack of snow and ice helps. Stay warm out there eastern brothers! trond
  4. Thanks AKRefugee - funny stuff! My waving patterns have become seasonal. During the winter months, I wave at all riders. It doesn't matter what they ride - if they're out there commuting in the rain with me, then they get a big happy (wet) wave. When spring rolls around, it's always so nice to see the first of the fairweather bikers emerge from their storm cellars so they get waves too. Again, I don't care the brand - I'm just glad they're out braving the chill. By the time summer rolls around, I'm all waved out. There are bikes everywhere and I can't keep track of them anymore. If anything, I'll resort to "the nod" (but that's another thread). And +1 to tx2sturgis for not waving at newbies. This spring I spotted a guy on a shiny new cruiser riding towards me so I gave him a friendly wave. He didn't spot me until the last moment so when he finally did, he kind of rotated his torso to wave at me. This led him to lean back and twist the throttle grip. Suddenly he shot forward like a rodeo cowboy on a bull, one hand holding onto the charging beast, the other hand swinging wildly. I could barely watch. Thankfully he got his free hand back on the bars and brought the bike back under control. Scared the crap out of me. Maybe I'll stick to waving at kids and blondes.
  5. Our Festivus pole is real. Real aluminum. Curious? http://www.festivuspoles.com/pages/festivus/Video.htm
  6. Thanks for your heart-felt thinkin' Orrin. I'm an ex-soldier, but I don't believe in war. My best friend was murdered by a dirty cop, but I respect the job police have to do. I'm a gun owner, but I'm afraid of an armed society. I'm an atheist, but I thank God for every beautiful sunset. I value all life, but wouldn't hesitate to kill to protect my family. And even though I know it's stupid, I can't stop watching shows like COPS. Life is complex. That's why I ride. And that's why I appreciate your open heart and your open mind. We may not all agree with each other, but as long as we can respect each other, then we might just make it on this troubled planet. P.O.E. trond "We can bomb the world to pieces, But we can't bomb the world to peace." M. Franti
  7. Yeah, that wheel should buff out nicely Yammer. And thanks Peggy, I'm definitely enjoying it. You know, I thought the photos would tell a story, but now I realize it just looks like a bad acid trip. So let me help with a summary: It's summer time and Trond is happy. He rides his motorcycle. He rides his mountainbike. He crashes his mountainbike. He stays home to heal for two months and goes nuts. The cast comes off. Soon Trond rides again and is happy. So is his wife. the end
  8. I agree this is a great place. Last winter I bought an 84 Venture and joined the site. Since then I received a killer deal on MAC exhaust pipes thanks to Condor, I learned how to add a relay to my horn circuit and most recently, I learned how to remove my rear wheel and grease my driveshaft splines. All this I got from using the search function, checking out the tech section and asking questions. Besides the great on-line advice, I've also connected with a local member for parts (thanks StuD) and through him, went to a meet-n-greet in a town a couple of hours away. There I met a great bunch of BC VRiders and after a good gab, enjoyed a sweet group ride back to my home town. So I've saved money, become a safer rider and got to meet and cruise with a bunch of nice people. What more could I ask for from a website? cheers trond
  9. And what season is that? Wrist-in-one-piece season. I'll let my photos explain how I've spent the last three months after an unfortunate two-wheeled accident at Whistler Mountain Bike Park. Suffice to say, I'm doing much better now that I'm on the Venture again. Brothers and Sisters, Rejoice! For today, we ride! Trond
  10. Sweet! I want one for my Batcave too! (I'm assuming you've been thinking about this since watching to old Batman series on TV - I know I have!) Cheers! Trond
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