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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Best 12 bucks you'll ever spend
  2. Hey Joe what about fixing us a new map to all the moves.
  3. Change of plans I got Trina a new to us home away from home and Asheville KOA will not let me park it on T24 we had to move to D8, so y'all will still have to put up with us.
  4. Lets do it, we will meet you next month in Asheville
  5. Sad to hear this! Condolences to his family!
  6. Woody

    Ride Report

    I'm gonna ride today, to bad some of y'all are not closer because it's gonna be a great day for a ride I have already decided it's gonna be great. I woke up to a leaking toilet this morning now it's only gonna get better from here.
  7. Congratulations Sleepy2
  8. When I was working in the cotton mill I discovered left handed drill bits, so you drill the hole for your easy out with the left handed bit and about 50 percent of the time the screw comes out while your drilling.
  9. Woody

    Ride Report

    nope that would something else for me to keep up, I do hope you will enjoy it
  10. Woody

    Ride Report

    and the salesman said Got him
  11. Woody

    Ride Report

    Took a ride yesterday put a few more miles on the bike, nice country roads but as usual when I just follow the front tire I found a road I wish I hadn't, don't know why the county paves a road and then don't keep it up James was riding a two wheel and couldn't miss all the holes it would have been better to leave it gravel then the locals could keep it up. But besides that it was a great ride and yes we stopped to eat. Good day and a Good ride overall. Trina's Dad is having back surgery again so I figured I would get her out on the bike for a while it worked she said it got him off her mind for a while.
  12. not by me I let Trina handle my lite work
  13. Nope he showed me where someone was asking 7500 for the same bike so he said to ask 6000.
  14. I know how it is I was with a company for 24 years and had move on but in my case it was the best move I ever made job wise anyway, none compare to the job I have now retirement is great! Good luck in your new job
  15. Well no pictures of the trike because while riding it over here he changed his mind
  16. If it was a trike she would give you a hug
  17. had the volume on the radio up
  18. I'm not even gonna tell him that, don't want to hear his reply, 🤬
  19. we took a ride the other day and the bike seams to shift out better with less noise
  20. You just saying that because it's true
  21. okay Father in law is saying he wants to sell again so here we go 6K for the 2009 Venture and 12K for the 2008 venture trike, I'll have to take some pictures of the trike
  22. True that, I kept using the battery in mine last year knowing I needed to replace it so last week I put the new battery in getting ready for riding season, so I have changed the oil and filter, checked all tires, new battery and checked lights. I need to check the brake and clutch fluid condition incase it needs flushing.
  23. Good luck that's what we have and as far as us talking to each other they work good, sometimes on windy rides I have to get Trina to mute her mic because of the wind noise but all she does is say hey cardo mute microphone and it does. Or she pulls down her face shield and that works.
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