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Things we should of never done growing up

Doug royal86

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One thing was digging a fox hole in the front yard so the neighbors would not attack. We got friendly fire when mom got home.

Jumping the train to see how fare we could get before it got going to fast.

Riding the wagon down the stairway in the house. We put on a football helmet so we was safe. Again mom was not happy

Sledding off the garage in the winter. we had no hills to go down.

Using moms umbrella to jump off the garage. did not work like the cartoons

Digging for treasure in an old building down the road. I'm broke so no did not find one.

Man I had fun growing up.

My 2 brothers and I never had a slow day.

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Climbing that big ole tree and losing my grip ....


Trying Chewing tobacco ... barf!


Playing hockey with grown-ups ... I still have back problems from that.


Stealing my dad's car whenever I got a chance .... eventually I got caught ... I've never been the same since!


Having a "play sword fight" with empty pop bottles ... the scar is still visible and the nerve never did regain feeling!


Pretending I was a race car driver with my first car on my first snow covered roads ...


Begging my dad for a taste of his whiskey after he'd had several shots ... can't stand the stuff to this day (he made sure of that).


Trying to go over a jump on my friends wide handlebar, balloon tire bicycle .... my ribs have a memory LOL


At age 8 - Pretending I was camping and lighting my campfire on the kitchen counter ... 2 weeks later the building burned down ... but I was at school that day so it couldn't have been my fault.

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Boy do I remember all of those. I think they were standard don't do/must do items in the litlle boys hand book.


- Climbing to the top of pine trees as far as possible. then whipping back and forth until you could let go and catapult to the next tree. Slid down the trunk once and when Dad put the old iodine soaked sponge to the raw inside of your legs you better not dare flinch or cry, or he would give something to cry about. KIds today can barely handle a small scratch.


- using the protruding bricks on the school wall to get the ball off the roof, even if there was no ball up there. teacher would tell parents Dad was secretly proud Mom mad telling Dad to punish you for it.


- stealing fruit from the neighbors tree. Not our fault, everyone knows stolen fruit taste better then store bought.


- school yard fights. none of this cowardly cyber bulling. Teaches gave detentions. Parents did not sue, Dad just told you in front of Mom you should not be fighting then took you out back out of sight of Mom and gave fighting tips and pointers. You went back to school the next day beat the guy that beat you the day before and you became friends after that.

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Building a dirt slide down the bank so I could ride my sled down the bank and over the logs and into the rocks.

Climbing the trees and jumping from one to the other.

Stealing smokes and whiskey.

Building a raft and taking it far out in the water and having it come apart in the waves then paddling home on one log. The neighbours would raise the alarm but mom handled it pretty well ( she was used to me by then). Her reply was that she was not worried about me drowning since I was born to hang.

Building nail guns, ball bearing guns and pipe bombs.

Getting the strap ( an old razor strop) on each hand every Friday afternoon. Sometimes I earned it, sometimes it was because I might earn it.

Getting kicked out of class and barred from returning.


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Skitching a ride behind the cop car on a snow covered night.

Building a ramp to launch our bikes into the deepest hole in the creek behind our house.

Peeing on the neighbor's sauna stove.

Trying to see who could slide closest to the open hole above the spring in our pond.

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Guest divey

Putting a .22 shell on a rock and then smashing it with another rock just to hear the whizzzzzzzz when it went off 😳

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combining all the lists so far posted is there anything that anyone of our generation did not do. i'm bettin that todays kids only did a fraction of that and most of it on virtual reality instead of real life. Like I told a gu at work one day when he wondered why at my age I could climb the way I do even at the age of 64 and my answer was cuss I grew up climbing real objects not virtual ones. I sit at work listening to the young guys going on about winning fights only to find out they were virtual fights on laptops and I pads. Boy whats the next generation going to be like. I am convinced that star treks society of collective cyborgs are only a generation or two around the corner.


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Going head first down a slide on a piece of wax paper...


First time I broke my collar bone, age 5!


That reminded me of a time when I was 35 (still not grown up apparently) ....


I'd taken my 14 yr old nephew to the water slides. They had this super long, straight down slide. After several runs down in the "normal" positions, my nephew suggests we go head first and when we hit the bottom, do a "tuck and roll" into the pool. Yaaaaa!!! and off I go ... I heard a few *CRACKs* when I did the tuck .... my neck bones have never recovered and the chiropractors have gotten rich off me since then!



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Oh where do I begin?


Digging a cave out of a dirt bank for our fort. It had about a ten foot tunnel that lead into a open room that was about 10' x 10' x 10'. It took us about a week to dig it. The night after we finally got it finished it rained real hard. The first day we showed up to play in it it had caved in leaving a sink hole deep enough to bury a VW in. It probably would have been a sad day if it had caved in while we were digging it.


Then there was the time our smoking club burnt about 20 acres of woods down playing with fire.


And the front yard burnt igniting model cars with gas.


Four years of BB gun wars against the kids in the next neighborhood.


Riding bicycles across a raging creek ravine on a 2x4.


Skipping school to hitch hike to Lodge Lake to swim and swing on the rope swing. One kid broke his neck and died when he forgot to let go of the rope and swung back and hit the tree.


Hitch hiking to Daytona for Spring break with nothing more than a pair of cut offs,tennis shoes, a tee shirt and $5 in our pocket......... Actually that turned out to be a great thing.


Jumping a freight train from Decatur, Georgia and riding it to Virginia then hoping another one back.



Then there was that night Stephanie M died in my lap when I rolled up on the overturned VW her drunk boyfriend had been driving.


Being minutes away from being in the car on the joyride when Bart M died on Sheridan Road.


May 7, 1970 having a150 mph combined impact head on collision between my Honda 750 and a 1969 Pontiac Bonneville.


I'm sure I could go on but the memories are still too vivid, both good and bad.

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I don't know if this site has enough bandwidth to do this...............


Sledding down 50 foot high near vertical cliffs.

Riding bicycles down those same cliffs.

Just for fun pelting the squad cars with snowballs or rotten fruit/vegies what ever was in season as they drove by, they would chase you all night. Old people were no challenge.

At the local hobby shop, jumping into a car with a total stranger to go to his house two cities away.

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Just for fun pelting the squad cars with snowballs or rotten fruit/vegies what ever was in season as they drove by, they would chase you all night. Old people were no challenge.


Me and my 2 cousins (we were age 6 & 5) throwing rocks from a cliff at the passing vehicles on the highway below. We all got a lickin from my uncle and then the cops showed up couple days later. Don't know what transpired there but we got a lickin again!

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When I was like around 10 or so Evil Knevil was popular. So we would build ramps and jump them off and over all kinds of stuff. I remember Carl jumping the ramp, landing on the front wheel and going a long way on the front wheel, over the handlebars. Long enough Mike and I looked at each other and though WOW this could hurt. It did but not me. LOL Model cars with Estes rockets taped, glued stuffed into them. Then set them off.

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and then there was the time I stuck my tongue on a frozen metal pole (which I'm sure everyone else has done ) LOL


Actually I don't even have to for that thrill, Stick icecream in a bowl then put it in the freezer or just let the spoon set in the icecream and then try to eat the icecream off the spoon without your tongue sticking. Seen the metal pole in a movie they ended up calling the fire department. Can't remember the name of the movie but that was one of the funnier parts!!


Oh yea .....I forgot.....peeing on the electric fence... Not advised.


We covered this I started that thread lol, dead snakes on fence, touching it with anything we could find to see if we would get shocked or not!!!


When I was like around 10 or so Evil Knevil was popular. So we would build ramps and jump them off and over all kinds of stuff. I remember Carl jumping the ramp, landing on the front wheel and going a long way on the front wheel, over the handlebars. Long enough Mike and I looked at each other and though WOW this could hurt. It did but not me. LOL Model cars with Estes rockets taped, glued stuffed into them. Then set them off.


My stepdad used to cut wood and I got the bright idea to build a ramp out of one a couple pieces of wood and a few pieces of skinny wood planks maybe an inch if that. Got my speed up thought if I just pop a wheelie as I was about ready to hit it I would jump higher. this did not happen My wheel came down spliting the little pieces and jamming into the side of the piece of wood which stopped the bike cold and me flying over the handle bars and landing on my back..... said ok try some different wood made the jump feet slipped off the pedals and racked myself...


Let my little brother ride my gocart thinking he seen me drive it he had a power wheel had plenty of practice right? False He drove up a tree litterally. Was unloading the 1 ton truck of wood and got in it to move it and acidently ran over a piece of wood that my brothers foot was under, he started crying well sorta he just kept saying ow ow ow. So I freaked out and did you know a 68 dodge 1 ton can pop a wheelie:Avatars_Gee_George:. My brother was no longer saying ouch and was like do it again, :smile5: I was to shaky after all that to even get the truck to move, or even finish unloading the truck. Milked a cow with flip flops on, now if it pops 3 times in a row while walking I know snow is coming... haven't heard or felt it do that in ages last time was 6 yrs ago. Dad went to work and took his motorcycle out for a run *was only 14 at the time* ran it into the side of the house I don't think he ever found out about it. Lets see when I was 11 everytime they would leave I would drive the bulldozer around, or show off to the neighbor girl and play with his truck and did this one too many times didn't put it back in gear correctly and it rolled out of the driveway catching the chainlink fence on the bumper.:bawling: I would have never known it was driving away if hadn't heard someone honking at it as it rolled out of the driveway, threw the motorcycle down and ran after it to put it back in the drive way!!! Had to try and explain that one didn't work out in my favor. Then another time On a bike riding home from neighbors house was showing off once again and my backpack got caught in the front spokes of my bicycle, experienced the my first road rash on the side of my face....:Avatars_Gee_George: think that pretty much covers it, O one other thing grabbed my dads revolver and tried killing a snake in the pond only to have him hear gun shots and his eyes got so big I could see them yards away.... and that was the day I found out he could run very very fast.:Avatars_Gee_George:

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:beer:,, great thread question with even GREATER RESPONSES :crackup::group cheers:!! Definitely a huge contribution to my own self confidence = letting me know I am normal.... Only thing is,,, I kind of initially misunderstood what was being asked when I read "THINGS WE SHOULD OF NEVER DONE GROWING UP" = thinking I was being asked about things I did before I was 25 years old..
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When I was like around 10 or so Evil Knevil was popular. So we would build ramps and jump them off and over all kinds of stuff. I remember Carl jumping the ramp, landing on the front wheel and going a long way on the front wheel, over the handlebars. Long enough Mike and I looked at each other and though WOW this could hurt. It did but not me. LOL Model cars with Estes rockets taped, glued stuffed into them. Then set them off.

We had one of the kids in the neighborhood jump a ramp. He landed on his face breaking his glasses nose lips. He had blood everywhere, we all thought he was dead so we ran home and hid. Man we were good friends

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[emoji481],, great thread question with even GREATER RESPONSES :crackup::group cheers:!! Definitely a huge contribution to my own self confidence = letting me know I am normal.... Only thing is,,, I kind of initially misunderstood what was being asked when I read "THINGS WE SHOULD OF NEVER DONE GROWING UP" = thinking I was being asked about things I did before I was 25 years old..

Don't know about you but I never grew up!!


Living life one curve after the other. Vroom scooting, thru the countryside.

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