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No more American made Honda motorcycles


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Somebody posted this on the forum at http://www.mtariders.com Very interesting. Honda will cease production of motorcycles in the USA.




Interesting. Wonder what that's going to do to the price of the Wing. One of the reasons they are built in the US is to circumvent the added import/duty excise tax on anything over 650 or 750cc's... can't remember which one it is???

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What it amounts to is its just to expensive to do business in the united states. When you combine the cost of labor with poor work ethics and high demands the constant frivolous lawsuits and extremely high taxes it just doesn't make sense for many company's to manufacture in the U.S.

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Guest KitCarson

Actually Redneck pretty much hit the nail on the head.....but it does go a whole lot further than that. Japan technology has pushed ahead so far it is almost hard to believe. They have built a new Honda Plant in Japan that runs completely on Solar Power. They have built machines and robots that do a large portion of the work....all powered by solar. If one knew all the facts....I would suspect our country and politicians....simply would not cooperate with such a high tech plant and instead of giving tax breaks....just kept raising taxes.......I do not know all the facts....but I am aware of some really super high tech new plants they have built. We need to somehow take care of our own......the loss of jobs continues...yes the current employees are being taken care of that is the Japanese way.......they take care of their own.....something our country has lost sight of......but I think it is the technology that is the main reason for the move.


Thought I would add this......my local area. We have a large Michlen tire plant locally and we almost got a new BMW plant. One of the deals for the BMW plant to locate here was to give them a cut on the electrical power requirements and to waive taxes for 10 years. Our local money hungry politicians would not go for it......so the BMW plant went elsewhere.........Cooper tool is slowly moving out........Michlen used to expand every year........they are also gearing down and moving a lot of stuff to other areas.........ever wonder just how much taxes your local county imposes on people? I do not have a clue about the tire plant......but I put the plumbing in a new movie theatre in Lexington.......this is like a 10 camera movie house.......not real fancy....the movie house tried to sue the county two years ago as the county had levied an $800,000.00 tax on this small business.......so just imagine what they do to large plants.

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I would venture (no pun) that mid & longer term currency exchange rates have as much or maybe more to do with it. They are nothing if not firm believers in long term planning. Their corporate instinct doesn't see our economy progressing much long term, evidently. They're also nothing if not pragmatic. If it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, sounds like a duck and it's duck season........they WILL shoot it!


Just my humble opinion.

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Seems that the market for New Bikes, and Good used ones is Glutted: Same as the Houseing market.


Maby they just see the Handwriting on the Wall, as Harley Does Not.

Could be they are just cutting back on production, in anticipation of slow marketing ahead.


As In: We got 2 to 3 years production, stored in the Warehouse someplace. Same as Ford and Chevy ( least we not forget Harley )

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What it amounts to is its just to expensive to do business in the united states. When you combine the cost of labor with poor work ethics and high demands the constant frivolous lawsuits and extremely high taxes it just doesn't make sense for many company's to manufacture in the U.S


Your right on the money Redneck...I have been hearing "grumblings" over the past couple weeks that many of the detail and minor assembly parts we presently make may be transfered overseas over the comming year..

This will eliminate about 2/3rds of what we presently manufacture and build here on site.

I have been sitting in meetings where some of the talk is about even transferring some of the LARGE major assembly fixtures too...

Kind of scary.....


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Seems like everything is made somewhere else anymore. If everyone wants the USA to start making everything here again all we have to do is declare war on the USA then bomb the heck out it. Take over its government rebuild all of its factories. Set up a puppet government that subsidizes all its manufacturing and listens to them{ I.E. whats good for manufacturing is good for the country}. Afer all it worked for JAPAN!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:What the h-ll am I laughing at its too true.

NAFTA just puts us all closer together for better ? or worse. I grow grapes for a living and have to be very careful about what I spray or do to grow them for consumption. But what erks me in my line of business is the grape juice that is imported into our country that doesn't have to be watched for what was sprayed on them. It is getting to be a big problem to compete.

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It's crazy how some companies "abandon ship" as it were, and move their production out of the US, while others jump on board. Toyota now makes trucks here, Hyundai has brought some of their production here, and I'm sure there are others.


I know that my parents have a Nissan van, and the frame is stamped by Ford Motor Co.


I'm sure it all depends on where they can get the best package deal, and who all gets their pockets lined by those choices. :)

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the writings on the wall. this country is in deep non reverable financial trouble. it's not the fault of the government ,it's the fault of the american people wanting everything yesterday. buried to the limit on charge cards and mortgages. we are the government. it's down hill like a penny a day doubled.the only change this country needs is the attitude of the american people,and that just ain't gonna happen. the big party time is coming to an end. still glad i'm as old as i am. remember the other super power. well they went broke. :depressed:

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Guest Highway

I think GeorgeS was close to the point on Honda. I know that the overproduction in the Goldwing Has Killed the market of the bikes. In our area, a used honda will not sell due to the glut of cheap priced new units on the showroom floor. Our Honda shop here looks like your walking into a Wall-Mart. Thank goodness Yamaha limits the production of their bikes. Guess:( what? Were not headed for a recession.. sure.

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the writings on the wall. this country is in deep non reverable financial trouble. it's not the fault of the government ,it's the fault of the american people wanting everything yesterday. buried to the limit on charge cards and mortgages. we are the government. it's down hill like a penny a day doubled.the only change this country needs is the attitude of the american people,and that just ain't gonna happen. the big party time is coming to an end. still glad i'm as old as i am. remember the other super power. well they went broke. :depressed:


Just a note: concerning the other supper power.

Yes, they did go broke, and were broke when the Iron Curtain Fell, Back When.


Howerver, They Ain't Broke Now!! They are in the Black !! How did they do it ?? Simple, they hit Oil Below 30,000 feet. ( I know thats hard to believe) .


Its been happenig, very quietly, the drive bye media has NOT been covering it. They are pumping oil, in massive quanties frome places where there ain't supposed to be any!!


Just a note: One 30,000 ft well has hit in Wyoming. Intersting that media is not covering that.


Do Research: Google: the following.


" Deep Oil " " Oil rigs, 30,000 ft capacity " " BP Drilling rig, Atlantis " " Gull Island, capped wells "


Its a complicated subject, I spent 3 weeks researching On Line, before I got the full picture.

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Honda saw the presidential nominees, watched the numbers, & got out before Tax & Spend returns.


Get ready for $10.+/gal gasoline prices, it will be quite soon.


Of course they left. They're not idiots.

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Honda saw the presidential nominees, watched the numbers, & got out before Tax & Spend returns.


Get ready for $10.+/gal gasoline prices, it will be quite soon.


Of course they left. They're not idiots.


Feel your pain on that one, However; Ya gotta admit that anything we get is better that that clown that we have running things now.


Case-n-point: He was asked today 2/29/08 what he thought about oil selling for over 100.00 a barrel and do you know what that clown said? "O' really, isn't that something, I did not know that". O'my gawd!

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