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Final Ride.


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It's with a very heavy heart that I let you all know of the passing of a great friend and brother. Many of you who are PGR members may know the name "Deltoid" GA Ride Captain. Mike Bland was one of the finest people I've ever met and one of the few I would consider a true friend. He lived with no compromise. A Marine to the end Mike died of a brain tumor Friday night without a wimper. Through months of deteriorating health he never complained and continued to make people around him laugh and feel good about themselves. I will really miss him.


I bought Mike a Venture Guardian Bell last Christmas in the hopes that there would be a miracle and Mike would ride again. He has an '07 Midnight Venture and was a member here even though I don't think he ever posted. He liked to read a lot of the tech stuff. Mike was cremated Saturday and we will have a memorial service later this week. the Guardian Bell will be attached to his urn and protect him on his final ride.


I wish you all could have known him. He would have fit in perfectly with the great group of people I have met here.


Thanks for the friendship and the miles Mike. I will miss you.

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Sad news. Sounds like somebody that I would liked to have known better. Does anybody have a good picture of Mike? I would like to add it to our "memorials" page. He has some nice picture of his bike in the pic gallery but no picture of himself.
I'll get a couple of my favorites to you as soon as I get them from my home computer. Thanks Don.
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our thoughts and prayers goes out to him and his family in their time of need. almost the same thing happened to me 1 1/2 yrs ago. i found this site and sent it to papa dan harris, my best friend and riding partner. we planned to attend the 05 tail of the dragon rally together but he got sick, and had to cancel out. found out he had a brain tumor and fought it with bravery beyond human sense, never showing pain or sorrow till the end. always finding something to laugh or smile about. he is greatly missed by all that knew him. i know mike will find a great friend and riding buddy there to meet him. may they ride for ever. the family will need your help and support in the future and i know you will be there for them, don and susan.

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Mike was a good friend to all who knew him. He will be missed but not

forgotten Mike would always say "It's all Good"

We love ya Mike

Rick and Peggy

This is a great picture of Mike! Thanks Sling. I didn't know you and Peggy were members here. I hope to see you Thursday or Friday.
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Loehing This is a great picture of Mike! Thanks Sling. I didn't know you and Peggy were members here. I hope to see you Thursday or Friday.


Yes I joined a couple of months back. Peggy rode with "Deltoid" one day on his RSV. That was pretty much the end of her riding on the back of the VTX. So now we are the proud owners of an '08 BlackCherry over Black RSV

I might add we are loving every minute of it.

We will see you Thursday and Friday....

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