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Yammer Dan

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Feel I must say something. A few of my friends know. Don't know how to say it without causing hard feelings here and don't want to do that but I don't want my money going to these organized charities.

Wrote a lot more several times and deleated it. Ask me in person if you want to know and yes I've done my research. I've given a lot in the past. Like to have it back. Guess that's about all I'll put on here.

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Feel I must say something. A few of my friends know. Don't know how to say it without causing hard feelings here and don't want to do that but I don't want my money going to these organized charities.

Wrote a lot more several times and deleated it. Ask me in person if you want to know and yes I've done my research. I've given a lot in the past. Like to have it back. Guess that's about all I'll put on here.


I tend to agree with you Dan, and have never supported any member's pet charity. However, if it's a member in trouble financially I'm right there... That way I know it going to a good cause 100%....

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Dan I can appreciate your point on this. When I was in the USAF I was the contact for my shop for a "combined federal campaign". It was a once a year deal to sign up for all sorts of charities instead of getting hammered every onth by one or another. Well along with the paper work came a booklet. In the book it told of the charity, and how much went to operaing cost and a few other fine points. It was amazing to me the admin cost of some of the "not for profit" organizations. I wont mention any but boy some of them were in excess of 50% for operating cost for CEO mangers etc. now I dont expect them people to work for nothing but if over 50% of your cost is to just keep the weels turning you cant be helping folks as much as you say you are.

My wife and I both volunter for what we feel is a good cause and have seen the results. We have had to trim down how much we donate do to lack of jobs, rising costs and the like, you all know what I'm talking about. So we pick our places to contribute what we can. What ever your comfortable about donating time, money help whatever to thats good. Just pick one if thats your bag but help each other out.

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I agree when giving your hard earned money you must be diligent in researching the organizations. I love to give but only when I know my money is going to who I want to help. This of course excludes the IRS which I wish I could opt out of. No luck so far:doh:

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Agree with DAN,


My wife and I give "food" to the local food pantries around here.


Use to give to United Way (+12 years) until i found out when an organizations percentange was meet (based on all orgs in the pot) the excess funds were distributed wherever United Way in their infinite wisdom wanted...


If they had 10 orgs and collected $150,000 , $50,000 of which was specifially directed, to go to motorcycleholic fund... the most the motorcycleholic fund would see is $15,000.


Then... after administrative costs, they would be dang lucky to get $4000.00.


Believe it or not...:buttkick:

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Dan...you have no idea how many people are so sceptical about most of these so called charitable organizations. I call them corporations that are using loopholes to mint money...and i for one moment don't believe any of them will ever find cures for what they claim they need the money for. It has become mega business collecting millions if not billions from us working class who think the money they donate is going to do some good.

If one wants to help the needy, just look around you ....there are lots of people that could use your help...instead of feeding the fat cats that run these organizations.


My blood pressure just shot up....hey...there's an idea....may be i should start a charitable organization to fight blood pressure....or is that one taken too?:confused07:


Ummm how about a charity to fight ingrowing toe nails??:banana::Laugh:


:2cents: :beer:

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Donating to any charity is completely voluntary. Although if you buy something from someone and they give their profit to charity, not your problem. Don't really see what the problem. God loves a cheerful giver...


2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give ; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

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You would be surprised how many people feel the same way you do..... I agree with you, these charities are big business and big profit..... Not far from me there are 3 Goodwill donation centers and they are building another one (BRAND NEW) instead of occupying one of the many vacant building we have in the area...Seams like a waste of $$$$$$$$$$

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Donating to any charity is completely voluntary. Although if you buy something from someone and they give their profit to charity, not your problem. Don't really see what the problem. God loves a cheerful giver...


2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give ; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.


I understand what you are saying and agree with it. BUT!! Giving to these organizations is just supporting them to a lifestyle we can not afford. And very few pennies on the dollar go to what you thought it was.

On a completely different track from what got me started on this then you have those like my meth-head neighbor that I heard in a conversation. He was asked what he was getting his kids for Christmas. Answer was "Hell I ain't getting those brats nothing. Salvation Army will take care of them!!" These type of individuals are just waiting for the money we give. Does it help the kids that don't deserve parents like that? Yes. But isn't there another way??

What got me started here was completely different from that but just one of many shortcomings in their systems. My Warden loves to go look at the 2nd hand stores (Goodwill, Salvation Army) and I used to look at furniture I could redo and pass along to someone or use. Just check the prices they are getting for items donated to them now. Several other things I'll leave alone for now. All this still has nothing to do with why I started looking.

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When I was in charge of donations at our local Legion I would be swamped with requests from the big charities who would send what money the organizers didn't take back east to their headquarters where the organizers there would take their cut. I made sure that all donations went to local causes because the money was raised locally and we kept nothing.

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I don't really give a Rats behind what they do with it after I give it if they didn't lie so much and have such a Screwed up attitude. Although I think most would like to see it go where they claim it does. Nothing they do wrong is their fault. And if they ever talk to me the way they have talked to my little brother I'm going to jail and the S.O.B. is going to the hospital.

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An inquiry was done here in Canada a number of years ago, on large charities, as to where the donations went. I was found that with the largest charities 90% of the funds went into operating cost of the charities. 10% went to the causes they supported. They also found that all funds went into the general fund. So if they said they where raising 1o million for a certain disaster and they raised 20 million, the chance of that money going to that particular disaster was very remote. It was sent to what ever the head offices pet project was. And that's why I do not give to a charity that cannot show that it went 100% to whom it was raised for! :backinmyday:



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Ok, time to flip the coin. We all agree that a percentage of donations is used to run the organization. And someone gets rich. What about the percentage that actually goes to whom it is intended for? What about the kids that's receives treatment, blood, or other help for a roof over their head? Some people didn't chose to need help. Unlike others. I am thankful to be able to give. I own a motorcycle because I have extra and God allows me to have it. It's not a necessity for any of us. I'm not perfect and I will answer for my shortfalls and do what is right. They will answer for theirs. We are blessed. Nuff said. P

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I do give to charities and its usually a substantial amount, however I prefer to keep it within my community and benefit those who need it.... Usually local charities are volunteers and most of what is given flows to where its needed...not CEO's pockets:usa:

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The CEO of Red Cross makes over 650 Million a year!!



Dan....its 650000.00, not 650 millions. Still...that's a lot of dough for someone to be in charge of a charity. And they want retirees like me to make sure they get their paycheques?

Whatever happened to the phrase, CHARITY STARTS AT HOME? May be they should sell their big homes and take a hefty cut in pay, eh?:confused24: yeah...good luck with that!

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I am Lions Club member. Our club raises money and gives to the Lions International. But most of our money we raise stays local. We are a small community, and the community often looks to us for needs. Community/school kids come first. For example last year we gave alot of money for the elementary schools playground equipment. So when I donate now, I donate to the Lions Club because I know it stays local and the kids get the benefit of it all.

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