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Whats you favorite brand of tire?


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I have the same tire on the front of my 03 RSV, wheni bought the bike this spring it was squirrely and wouldn't hols a corner very well at all. I found out that the tire pressures were way low and bringing up the front to 40lbs and theMetzeler 880 on back to 48 helped a lot. bt it wasn't perfect yet. I checked and the back tire had cupping and I replaced it with a Michelin Commander2 and it fixed all my issues. I love this tire so far, I have about 700 miles on it and so far so good.

I have noticed that the Brickstone is very hard to handle at low speeds and makes for parking lot maneivers something I have to think about and plan, but its good at highway speeds now at the right pressure.


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i've had the stock brickstones...trash. I have been through 2 set's of avon venoms and love them. They are very sticky and good in the rain/wet roads but don't las as long as the Dunlop E-3's. As said the E-3's last longer but they absolutely scare me in the rain/wet roads. I've been through 2 set's of those as well. I am going back to the Avons because I ride in any weather. I'm willing to replace more often for that peice of mind on wet roads. That's my :2cents:.

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I ran Metz 880 on my Honda Spirit 1100 for 70,000 miles ( bike weighs about 600 pounds)

Got my 2007 RSV with 5000 miles on it and put another 5000 on and changed the tires to Metz 880 in the rear and the new Metz 888 in the front. Happy so far. Going to put about 4000 on with this Sturgis run.


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i've had the stock brickstones...trash. I have been through 2 set's of avon venoms and love them. They are very sticky and good in the rain/wet roads but don't las as long as the Dunlop E-3's. As said the E-3's last longer but they absolutely scare me in the rain/wet roads. I've been through 2 set's of those as well. I am going back to the Avons because I ride in any weather. I'm willing to replace more often for that peice of mind on wet roads. That's my :2cents:.

+1 almost 100,000 miles on Avons ..... I had 1 rear E3 and too scary on wet roads for me.

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I just got 20K miles out of my Michelin Commander II rear.

Still had 4/32" left (could have gone about 2k more). 12/32" is new, 2/32" is fail.

Replaced it cause I was on a trip, pulling a trailer.


It wore even, no noticeable flat patch (at 40-42 PSI). Perhaps some cupping you could barely feel in sweeping turns near end of life, but okay.


I like Avons too but get more like 13-15K miles on rear.


So, now I have Michelin Commander II rear and Dunlop E3 on front of both RSV and RSTD. Wish Michelin made the stock front. I have tried the small front and don't care for it.


Tread on Michelin II, Avon Venom and Dunlop E3 are similar. I don't mind mixing brand with 2 wheels of similar tread and make.


Have seen the Metz 880 fail on big bikes (RSV & Valkery). Was okay for my Road Star.


I did recently have a younger TN rider (maybe harder rider) say he didn't like the Commander II. Said it broke loose for him. I have not had that happen. Else everyone seems happy.


Mike G

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I know they are not a popular brand, but I put a set of Shinko Tourmasters on my first gen and they are holding up well. They are running at max pressure stated on the sidewall, and handle great dry or wet. They are not fazed by tar snakes or seams and are running quiet so far.


I only have about 5,000 miles on them, but the wear is not beginning to show yet. I would be happy with 12-15,000 life for the price of them. They ran me $140 for both, delivered to my door.


I'll let the community know how they are towards the end of their life. I will be satisfied as long as there are no surprises.


Ride on!:cool10:

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For all but the first set of tires on my 02 RSMV, I have run Dunlop D404's. Yes they don't get the greatest mileage but I change my own and cost per mile is low. They have always handled well in all weather conditions. Did I mention that I have 184,000 miles on this machine?



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For RSV I just put back on Avon VENOM X. This time the proper front tire size as P.O. Had the slimmer size.


Michelin commander II. My parts guy states Michelin is in the works for adding more tire sizes and lets hope the add the front size to a RSV. Once they do that, that will be my FIRST choice.


Avon venom X performed well in all weather and terrain. So does the Michelin commanders which are on my Vulcan.

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I run E-3's. I don't run hard in wet weather so slipping is not much of a concern. I like the mileage I get from them. I did get 20,000 out of the front and could have gotten that out of the rear but a piece of metal put a big gash in it and had to change it.

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Thanks for the opinions guys. Sounds like these stick Bstones are crap.

Anyone had any experience with Pirelli MT66's?


I have a Pirelli on the rear and have had no problems with it at all. Have 3000+ miles so far and it doesn't look worn at all. Has handled well in all weather. Tracks straight. I just ordered the front as well this morning. I figure if I don't like them or they don't last long, they were cheap enough to try.

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Well I agree on the Squirely Bridgestone, I have one of those too and about to take it off and put a Metziler on.


I have Run and Loved Avon, But at about 35% of tread worn off, 85% to go they started to crack around the rim like a dry rot, I bought another set and ate it. They did the same thing. So I started calling and e mailing Avon who just gave me the run around until I had to take them off and buy something else. So, No more Avon for me. I saw the Rep at the Motorcycle show and he also ignored my questions on why they cracked so fast and why no new tires sent out.


I went to the Darkside. THATS a good tire!

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Dunlop D404's.


They wear reasonably quick but are sticky (that's why they wear fast!)

I live in North Georgia and ride on twisty mountains roads often so I prefer grip over longevity. I know some have load concerns but I can tell you I have loaded my 2007 RSV up like a pack mule two up and have had no issues.


The goal is to find a tire that meets your riding style. If you live in Arizona and ride through the desert then Dunlop E3's, Metzler 880's, or Venoms would be great in my opinion.Pirelli Night Dragons are a reasonable all around compromise.


If you live in a wet weather area or are a peg scraper I say get the sticky tire. D404, Shinko or something similar.


High wear = High Grip

Slow wear = less Grip

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