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Dang!! Broke my Clavicle


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Saturday morning I broke my stupid clavicle. Got a little road rash on my knee and the back of my shoulder as well as my left hand. I know how you guys like pictures so here it is:
















Oh, and the bike? Well, the bike is totally fine. Perfect condition. I did this while I was jogging!!!

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Guest KitCarson

Take two teaspoons of Energy Conserving Mobile One each morning, then you can slip your clutch on those turns!!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:Jogging seems hazardous, think I will stick to motorcycles!! Kit

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Basically, my left hamstring has been a little tight lately. Going around the first corner I came down on my left leg and it just wasn't there for support and down I went. Hit my left hand then rolled and hit the back of my shoulder .


Absolutely looks worse than it is. Don't know where all the bruising comes from. Actually, the clavicle doesn't hurt as much as the rotator cuff but I've been nursing that for a few years now. We'll see what the doctor says in a week or so about that. Nothing really hurts THAT much unless I do something stupid.


As for the bike, I would love to be back on right now and I didn't ask the Dr. because I know that I don't want to test the shoulder with the weight of the bike right now. Just know that the shoulder would lose if the bike went over too far so I'm not going to risk it.

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I'm almost healed from a stupid scooter accident and subsequent surgery with a plate and screws and everyone wonders why I want to get back on the bike. Sent your note and picture to them as an attitude adjustment. Thanks for the ammo!


BTW I fell jogging here in Australia two years ago. No excuse. Just tripped on a crack in the sidewalk. Nothing broken even though I must have slid 10 feet. Looks like you bounced instead of slid :-)


Ride again soon.


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It looks like a good reason why mama's gonna have to do everything for you,for at least the next month !!!. Honey can you open me a beer? Honey can you bath me? Honey can you put my shoes on for me?etc...See you've allways got to try to find the good in the bad.!! happy recovery! Get well soon:080402gudl_prv:

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Saturday morning I broke my stupid clavicle. Got a little road rash on my knee and the back of my shoulder as well as my left hand. I know how you guys like pictures so here it is:



and the bike? Well, the bike is totally fine. Perfect condition. I did this while I was jogging!!!


Ouch. Hope you heal up quick. Take care. Always knew excercise could be hazardous to your health!:rotf:

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