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HELP!! Missing Child (my step son was abducted)!!!


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Without getting into the boring family court matters to deeply (I hope)


We are waiting for the official "Amber Alert", my wife is trying to get a Judges signature as I type this.


My wife Ex-Husband was told by Child Protective Services yesterday about 12 noon to stay away from the children. By 12:30 he had found my step son (Tanner) playing at a friends house and told him to get in the truck. His father has (had) joint custody of Tanner, therefore the police refused to do anything without a written order from the Judge. Bio-Dad was a member of the Dept's Search and Rescue team and is known by all of the police in his town.

Fast forward to this AM... 8am, the CPS worker has been with the Prosecuting Attorney all day working on two felony charges ( before the abduction ) for taking the phone away from one of the children while he was trying to call the police and the second for stopping the children from going to the neighbors to call the police, by psychically pushing them back in the house and throwing them on the couch.


My wife had to be in the Judges Chambers at 1:30 (it's now 1:35) and I am pacing with phone in hand...


We believe they are headed to Nashville TN and left out this AM about 7-7:30. Could be headed to Missouri

Fathers Name is Greg they are driving a white dualy extended cab pickup, unknown make as of now.


Tanner is 11 years old last name of ******* as well, by now they should be in KY or southern OH if he is driving slow.

The truck is an old beater and could break down, so everyone in OH keep an eye on the shoulder of the Highway.


When we get the Amber Alert I will post it and it will contain more info on both T***** and G****.

This is ******'s most recent school picture.


Picture removed at lawyers request




If you see him, DO NOT APPROACH!! G***** is a mentally deranged man and capable of anything. MAY BE ARMED!!

If you spot him call the police, as well as my cell phone

ART 810-877-3006

Edited by ArticusMedicus
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Gods Speed is right!!

It is 2:35 now.... He has already been arrested and Tan-Man is on his way home!!!:clap2::thumbsup:

Greg is now facing three felony charges!!!:crackup:

In under one hour they got the signature and found him at a hotel.... Dumb A** called someone from there ( While they were in the courtroom:crackup:)

It's all over but the trial now!!

In under one hour!! How does that happen without a Hollywood Script?:puzzled:

I would say I see a made for TV dram but it would be the worlds shortest movie.

Thank you all for you concerns and prayer!

And I am now sorry to have gotten anyone worked up.:bowdown:

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So glad he's been found and so quick.

Something to keep in mind. When my Daughter was kidnapped from my front yard by her Mother and her boyfriend on a Friday evening I called the local Police and they would do nothing. (I have full custody and had my papers to prove it and paper from protective serves to keep her away from her mother) Pontiac police (where she was taken) was ready to arrest them but could not until Genesee township police signed a complaint. (they would not) On Monday morning I was at friend of the court when they opened and they got things going. The first thing they told me was that I should of called the State Police first because the State Police will go after them now and sort it out after they find the child. It was 3 days of hell. Good luck in court, Genesee County dropped all charges against my ex.

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Glad they got him so fast. You guys stay strong the kid is gonna be a bit of a mess when he gets home after this.

Hugs to all.....:bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:




Thanks Margaret, I hate to say it, but all four of my step-children ( I usually just call them my children because... well, they are my kids :happy34:and I love em just the same) they have been through hell because of their Bio-dad. So he has had 11 years getting used to this kind of chit. But me thinks this is the last straw. the courts have not helped in an way till today. Actually they have protected him for near ten years now.

The court system is a bit miffed because it has come out that they have been stepping on the children's rights for so long.


Thanks again everyone.:thumbsup:

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Hey Art!


Glad it worked out so well and so quickly. Bet your boy will be thrilled to see you. I got an X wife with "issues" and she has tried to pull a stunt like that a couple of times. She found out the judge didn't give much of a rats a$$ about her "issues". LOL! She learned! The hard way.


All for the best Art. Hug the boy all you can man and tell him there are a bunch of us cheering for him. :clap2:



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Glad to hear the good news.:clap2: Just found this post and had all the emotions from sad to mad to happy and excited. Almost like reading a thriller book. We're rootin' for you guys. Keep us informed about the court case. Hope all goes well:mugshot:, let us know if you need anything. Also give that boy a huge hug and kiss from vr.org members!!!:bighug:


Big Mike

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