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Son went down


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When I bought my Venture, I sold my 20 yr old son my beautiful '82 Suzuki GS850L that I had driven for years. Tonight, some idiot runs him off the road by driving in the wrong lane. He high sided in the ditch, and rolled it several times. He is ok, other than a few scrapes and bruises. The bike is junk. It was only about a mile from home, and I was able to ride it home after straightening a few things out.


We are all telling him just how lucky he is to be alive, as it often turns out much worse. Gonna be sore the next few days. I'm just glad he's still here.


Bad thing is, he's going thru a rough divorce right now, and isn't taking it well. This was his only form of transportation, and it was kind of his way of getting away from it all...now he doesn't even have that.



Edited by Monty
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Thank Goodness it was not worse.

It seems that people in general are not paying attention to what is going on around them.

Bikes can be replaced or repaired a life can not.


Did the other person even stop ?

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Thank God he is ok. My son has been riding for 3 yrs now and my daughter just got her first bike at age 21. I worry some about them and I am constantly reminding them to be careful and to watch out for the cager's.

Your son will be in our prayer's.

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Guest seuadr

monty, i remember you from www.thegsresources.com


i'm glad to hear your son is ok. when it comes time for parts if needed, check in with those guys, i have seen them be pretty generous with stuff they have laying around in their garages.

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Glad he's ok. It sounds like he's got good support from family regarding the other stuff. A few years from now and he will look back and go....wow...what was I thinking!


Been there...lost my t-shirt.....much better this time around!

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Tell him to keep his chin up. Things may look bleak right now but it doesn't have to stay that way. Many of us have been through divorces and it's a tough time but he will get through it. I'm really glad to hear that he is OK. Could have been much worse and though the bike may be trashed, at least he isn't. That is a HUGE thing.

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Praise God he is OK, Monty!!! Sorry to hear about this and his other issues in life. Sometimes life downright sucks!! Wish I could help out somehow, but at least I can pray for him and encourage him to spend a little one on one time in prayer with Jesus...


Hope everything turns out in the long run!

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Glad to hear he is ok and walked away from a highside, been thru the divorce thing its never any fun, but ya gotta move on. Give him our best, and I hope he can get the bike fixed up, sometimes they look alot worse then they really are. Craig

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Wife took him to the Doctor this morning. He was peeing a little blood, so we talked him into going. We looked at the bike this morning and it can be fixed. I have a parts bike we can get some stuff from. He says he's gonna take out a loan and fix it back up. The boy just refuses to buy a car, because he likes to ride so much. I started him out on a little Yamaha YZ50 when he was 5 years old, and he has ridden ever since.


I should know something soon, after they get home from the Doctor. I know trauma can make you pee blood, and hopefully it's nothing serious. I did a patient assessment on him at the scene last night, and he seemed ok. No swelling or pain/tenderness in the torso. He refused to go to the ER last night, and he is over 18 and stubborn, so we didn't make him go.

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I guess it won't be too bad.









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