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who brings there dog?


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I got a little Bichon whe wieghs about 18 pounds, up till a couple weeks ago she kept my disabled father who lived with me company durring the day. Then he had a freak accident and drowned in our pool when i was at work. any way id like to take her with me on the bike, ive seen other dog just sitting on the back seat but id like to find a safe secure way to bring her with me.any one here do this?

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I have a four pound Chihuahua that loves to ride. At first she would ride in my shirt... I’d leave one button undone and she’d stick her head out the opening.


Now that I know she likes to ride I purchased a tank bag that straps to the tank. She knows she’s going for a ride when she sees me with the bag and gets all excited. Once I put her in the bag she stays put even if I leave the bike and go in for a coffee! In fact she’ll seriously guard the bike while I’m gone, I’ve watched her from a distance and it’s hilarious! As cute as she is people will not go near the bike if I’m not there.

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Oh sure,

I have looked into doggie helmets , but for now

we just use leathers , :D


For there head you would use the doggie hat.



Then you must have the doggie vest



Then of course the Venture Rider Chaps!



and thats that ;)


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My brother used to have a Bichon who was fearless.

I'd say see if she likes it and ease her into it. Take her out and set her on the bike and see how she fares. Then, if she seems to be okay with that, set her on and start the bike but don't move it. When she's accustom to that, maybe a short ride and then, who knows, she may want to go with you everywhere.

The front pack and the tank bag sound like great ideas and would be good for added security.

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Our dog rides in his own trailer. He would rather ride in Mommy's lap, but she has to take the pictures. At least we can take him with us on trips and that makes mommy happy. We all know that if mama ain't happy, no ones happy.



Now that's a dog. Of course I may be a 'LITTLE' biased:178:

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We have 2 Jack Russel terrorists, and we used to take them for short rides. We used the type of "coller" that goes under the chest area, I used a standard leash, doubled up to shortwen it, and around my neck, put a pad on the tank for front paws. Mostly she wanted to put her front paws on my thigh, so whe coming to a stop, she'd "fall" about 2 inches. Our male just rode in Debbies arms with the same setup in case he jumped/fell etc. One thing you should get for your dog is a set of "doggles" goggles. Dogs benefit from UV protection same as us as well as wind protection. Amazingly they adapted to them well, probably cause they were getting to go with us.

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We have two Maltese and both ride with us at times. We have a box I built out of grating that fits on the bag rack on the trunk. Made a hole in the top just big enough for their head to stick out. Usually they will keep their head out up till about 40 mph and then will stick it back out at about 35mph. Only take one at a time and believe me when I tell you that when one gets to go the other one pouts. The male will not wear the doggles but the female will.

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