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So much that i need to say, and NO words


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i don't know how to thank every one of you guys and ladies for all of your support, love, and well wishes!

yesterday would have been our 34th anniversary!

i am making it one day at a time, lots of choked up throat periods, lots of tears, but i also have lots of fond memories!

you guys have "carried me through this", even though i have not acknowledged it!

my our God in heaven bless each and everyone of you!

just jt

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I was just talking with a fellow Texan about you today. I know that all the well wishing can be overwhelming and prolong the healing process. All you need to remember is that there are dozens of us here that the phones are always on and always ready to talk with you when you need to, even if it's about nothing. You dont need to say words my friend, we know what your going through....Thank You for coming on and letting us know that your still kicking....Lots of love brother.

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Hey jt, good to read a Post from you. Iwas wondering lately about how how you're doing. Hang in there, better Times will come. Yes, it takes Time to come along and we all know what's running you inside, but like the others said. We are here for ya.


Keep you Head up and chime in once or twice. It isn't wrong to catch a Laugh or two once in a while, it will will make you feel better.

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Guest tessa c2

Sorry JT, i must have missed a very important thread here......, but got the big picture, sorry to hear about the misfortunes, will be thinking about you, and will always be here for you, just take it one day at a time my friend, t/c pete

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JT....Thanks for letting us know how you are doing..been thinking about you..the healing process will take some time.. you know you have friends here..you can always come here to be with friends.. we miss you brother.. will be looking foward to your future post..God Bless My Friend....

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