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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. Yah,,, that rally kind of petered out. We thought we made the right moves but then it turned out not as right as we thought, then covid came along and more issues, so at least for now, it ain't happening.
  2. Have had similar things happen to me. Story is: there is an angel riding on each of the four corners of your vehicle but when you do stupid (speeding?) then they get off. Happy New Year!
  3. Kind of gonna be a regular Sunday, just the 2 of us or maybe 3. Muffins for breakie, then find an online person who can tell us the real story of Christmas without all the fixings, but what the Christ means to this world, or could mean, them eggs benedict for lunch, a snooze probably, then keep each other company until supper, with some egg nog and Christmas cake to help out, bacon and cheese buns for supper. Something like that. Today it's clear the driveways time.
  4. We 'all' seem to look for joy and peace at this time of year, it's on signs, in cards, on TV and the radio. Interesting enough it still seems hard to find. We go to the stores and buy what might be figured to get the perfect item only to find out it is the wrong brand, or not big enough or too large to fit, could even be the wrong color. We load up with food just to find out that we throw a lot out and that was a waste of money. We plan to fly somewhere but discover that the planes are all grounded. So where is that joy and peace that everyone talks about. Hey!! it's Christmas, a season to celebrate. Celebrate WHAT? Try celebrating the first part of Christmas, the part that says Christ. We do, we haven't given any presents at Christmas for 52 years or more, but spend time to find out what real peace and joy is/are. We eat well and visit when/where possible, but do spend time to visit with the One who the celebration should be all about, for then we have peace in our hearts and joy in our lives for we have a grand future. May you all find the peace and joy that is yours for the asking and once you know it, share it with others. Best part is: it's free and once you have it nobody can take it away.
  5. As best as I could see, the accident was preventable, but the fall-out not so much. Seems somebody crossed a solid line and hit head-on,and the MC was in the fall-out. JMHO.
  6. Thanks Don, for helping out Richard and Kris. It's times like this that show the love of the Creator.
  7. Wouldn't work for me: pool to clean, deck to wash, no place to park my new lawn mower or my snowblower,,,, nah,, I'll stay here thanks!
  8. You could come to Ontario, refugee status pays well.
  9. You'd best prepare the new owners of my dilemma, I wouldn't put the info in the offer though, just tell them as you hand over the keys.
  10. We will miss that place, your place, but life goes on and age creeps up. Soon enough we must all look at doing what is best. We lived for 24 years in our last place and then when it was time to move we chose were we are now, thinking that we might be getting a bit older as we lived here. Age is starting to show and I think we made the right choice, hopefully you will as well.
  11. Most use a MC jack from HF maybe, but you will need to adapt to the bike. Could use hockey pucks or 4" pieces of 2x4. Once you have it up, throw a strap across it.
  12. Sure do hope things go well for you. It would be a real nice present for this time of year.
  13. I guess that is good news for now at least, keep us posted and we will keep asking for intervention.
  14. YEP! that all makes sense. If the starter don't turn the engine over, best to stop and find out why.
  15. Just remember that once you are in His hands, He will never let go.
  16. They could be a little 'stiff' in the when you wake them up, just be careful they don't retaliate and blame you for the awakening.
  17. Prayers for you two. The God who made us has the power to keep us and repair us.
  18. Thanksgiving is also a good time to consider our life after this one and to discover how we would get there if there is one. For most of us this life has been very awesome, yes we may have had some issues along the way, but generally speaking, in North America, and many other regions on this earth, life has been quite good. If this then is your best life, where might your next life be? Time to give Thanks.
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