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Everything posted by Kretz

  1. Should fit your bike..... I have LA Choppers slip ons, on my '09 RSTD & quite like the sound they make. Louder & growly rather than raucous. Not silly money either. Straight through but with a perforated baffle that I wrapped with sound absorbent material. I like them & my wife says they are not too loud even on a long run. https://www.amazon.com/Choppers-Slip-Exhausts-Yamaha-Royal/dp/B006RAACEG Video here You could also consider Vance & Hines Monster ovals
  2. Excellent video! But here in BC I don't think most cars are fitted with those. Either that or the majority of frickin' idiots don't know what it's for! I just cannot understand the mentality of people who don't use turn signals. Absolutely infuriates me, BUT I have never spoken to one single person who admits to it. If signals are used at all here, many are well into the turn when the signal comes on, but mostly they're just not used.
  3. a friend has done this a few times, he takes them about 12-15 miles away, up a forest service road. The farther the better, it'll be even worse if he finds a mate & they reproduce.
  4. As has been said, It's all down to Clutch & Back brake. Keep the revs up, feather the clutch & keep you right foot over the back brake. I can do slow speed full lock turns but I do find right circles easier than left. Go figure. Be confident you are NOT going to drop that bike!
  5. :sign thanks but noSport bike with space for your sandwiches. That's about it! Imagine having your lady on the back of that! Showed the pic to my wife (who rides passenger) "Get Serious!?" was her take on it. I just couldn't see her perched up on that pillion seat. Looks OK (for a sport bike) not my idea of a touring bike. But again it's about the $$$$ who are they aiming it at, definitely not Venture/ RSTD style riders. May do well in the UK/ Europe where sport type bikes rule! Thank goodness for some sanity this side of the ocean!
  6. Kretz


    Ha! Trade Ya!... it has just stopped here (over 6") but I'm leaving any shoveling until tomorrow!
  7. Kretz


    Hey Camos, one of the guys on another "weather thread" wrote recently "It hasn't gone away.... it's just reloading!" How right he was! As I just posted above we must have had 6" or more just today! Getting really tired & bored with it now. I don't think the weather forecasters have a clue what's going on.
  8. Kretz


    So what's it like on sunny SSI today Sailor? Yesterday we had around 3" Used the snowblower around the house & the driveway (150M long) etc. & cleared it, later it turned into a beautiful afternoon, sunny & clear sky. Then....... Got up this morning there was another light covering, BUT it's been at it all day & we now have around 6" maybe even more. This really is getting ridiculous now!
  9. Kretz


    we're the same here, on pavement & lower down in town all gone. It's hanging on in my yard where there's been no sunshine. We are a bit farther east & north & elevated too so that's why we tend to get a bit more. It's generally anything up to 5 degrees cooler than down in Mission, we often notice it when plants are blooming, we can be two to three weeks behind gardens "down the hill". Today has turned into a beautiful day, 7 degrees, blue sky & sunny. we wait with snow shovels poised LOL.
  10. Kretz


    good to know you guys in the fun places are getting it too LOL We woke up this morning to another 1.5" but it's melting! Soon be summer!
  11. Kretz


    Hmmmm! Looks like this weather thread is & has been.....
  12. Here's another thread re lighting conversion that may be of help Alsbar's link to his thread is another good one on the subject http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?126688-RSTD-Lighting-(again)
  13. I see this is a pretty old thread but just for information, I use Rotella T6 5W-40 in my RSTD (I went for the 5W (rather than 10w or 15w, because I do ride in lower temps during winter) Just make sure whatever you use complies with Japanese standard JASO/MA or MA2 Any oil you use should not contain "friction modifiers" or be described as "energy saving" (i.e. don't use reguar automotive type oils)
  14. Kretz


    Sailor, I hate the "automatic" photo cataloging programs that file photos according to some arbitrary algorithm, that I may not want to use. What I did some time ago is:- under the windows directory "Pictures" I made separate "folders" with titles that I understand & I put my photos in there. You can make as many "folders" & sub-folders as you want. As an example I have under the windows "pictures" directory Folders called: 2016 Photos---> Motorcycle Pics---> Trip to Sunshine Coast. ................................................................---> Vancouver Toy Run ................................................................---> Ride to Hope ....................................---> Garden Pics ---> January ............................................................---> Feb ............................................................---> March Basically I file my photos the same as any other file, in directories (folders) & sub (directories) folders. I don't like some programme doing the job for me (in a way that I may not want or understand) Hope that helps
  15. LOL yes they usually are, BUT the has started here as predicted, I guess it's the same in your neck of the woods, (or should I say in your little bit of the Arctic!) so looks like they could be spot on this time. Keep Smilin' it'll soon be riding weather again.
  16. You could be right, we're told the one coming up today/ tomorrow will be a "significant snow event!"
  17. Silver T is dead right there! I'm only talking about Lower Mainland area, South of the Province Vancouver area & following the Fraser River out as far as Chilliwack & Hope. Any farther East &/ or North & their winters are way different than ours. My partner has lived in Sarnia, Ont & Edmonton, Ab & dislikes the Gray gloomy days we often get here. She remembers lots of snow in Ab & On but "huge open blue skies" which she loved. It can get a bit depressing here in winter. Guess you can't have it all huh? I guess it's all good though We're told tomorrow into Thursday it's going to warm up to 7-8 deg BUT before that they are predicting a huge dump of snow, followed by freezing rain , then normal rain as it warms up! Talk about going out with a bang.
  18. You're quite correct but we are not in Ont., Quebec etc, here in southern BC a winter usually consists of gray rainy days & temps around 5-6 degC. Very occasionally some snow but a few inches over the whole season, not 2+ft dumps in one weekend! Hell, I have my bike insured year round FFS. Our local city councils just don't have sufficient equipment or personnel to deal with it & the sub zero temps have meant that it's taking a long time to clear. This amount of snow is almost unheard of in the Lower Mainland of BC... many snowfall records have been broken over the past few days. my BIL lives in Tiverton, Ont., he's spitting feathers as he's an avid X country skier & in that area they've had very little snow this year. So he has little sympathy for us! I think the biggest problem is that it just keeps on coming, I got my driveway & garage area cleared yesterday for the 2nd or 3rd time, this morning there was another 2-3"!
  19. For an area that usually gets 3" or so all winter (if any at all) this has been pretty bad Camos. You may have seen on the news that Chilliwack (one town east) got over 30" between Friday & Monday. we ddin't get quite that much. After I did that clearing yesterday we have another 2" today & it's drifted in places to a foot or more. We considered moving to Ontario a while back but I said to my wife I'm not going somewhere where I have to shovel snow for 3 months of the year! Payback I guess. lol Take care wear walking, not fun at all.
  20. Ha! Here's what I've been doing over the past two days, we had drifts up to 4ft! Actual snow was around 2+ ft deep. More due tonight & tomorrow Can't wait for it to change. Supposed to be on Thursday. My neighbour had her drive cleared & the ignorant contractor dumped it all across the end of my driveway! This is just the apron area in front of my garage. Got the driveway cleared today & got out for lunch! (But not on the bike!) LOL Roads are atrocious.
  21. No he's not.... That is exactly what Shell Rotella T6 (synthetic) is & many bikes are running on it very successfully! It's intended spec is for heavy equipment & diesel service. (& it's a damn site cheaper than most "motorcycle specific" oils. As long as the oil is certified to meet Japanese spec JASO-MA/ MA2 (T6 is) it's fine for bikes. What you do not want are energy saving friction modifiers added to the oil. Personally I use T6 5W-40 Oooops! just seen how old this thread is... sorry.
  22. Ah Yes! But with your vacuum cleaner you forgot all about Watts, Power factor & motor efficiency! An Engineer..... Mwahahahah!
  23. Hey Alsbar, thanks! I remembered your post in my other "lighting" thread after I posted this. So why did you need the additional chrome ring? Does it fit inside the Stock RSTD Chrome ring on the headlamp bucket or does it replace the stock ring? Just a bit confused as to why the additional ring is required. Thanks again for your help on this.
  24. Apologies Snyper, It might have appeared I was being a smart ass with the bold characters, I copied/ pasted that bit & I couldn't change the font then what I added after stayed in the same font.
  25. In a 10w-40 for example the 10w bit (W = winter, not weight, watt or anything else for that matter) simply means that the oil must have a certain maximum viscosity/flow at low temperature. The lower the "W" number the better the oil's cold temperature/cold start performance. The temperatures I mentioned earlier are 0 deg F for "winter", the second number repeats the same test test at 210 deg F the test is based on how long it takes a specified amount of oil to flow through an aperture. The lower the number the easier the oil will flow This gives a pretty good take on the whole thing http://www.lardoil.com/Data/Sites/16/pdf/lard-oil-tipoftheweek-multi-grade-oils.pdf
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