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Everything posted by stickhandle2

  1. Would be a definite buy if there were some stickers on it
  2. Glad your ok Dave, you put those skills to good use, what a ride you must have had. Another example of having all the gear on and the reason why we should. Mike
  3. Glad your ok Dave, if you need an extra set of hands or anything just call. Mike
  4. Well done, we are lucky to have the special folks we have on this site.....double thumbs up to Carl
  5. Congrats on your new ride, they are a real nice bike.
  6. Hi Brenner, I rode a full dressed Goldwing for a few years back in the 80's, a suzuki GS750 before that, then a full dressed honda 750 K into the early 90's. The two kids came along and riding didnt seem to be important at the time so the honda was sold. Fast forward a few years and it was time to get back into motorcycles, low and behold I like you grabbed a 750 Virago, liked the bike but it was too small and I really wanted to get back into touring bikes, a friend had an early 90's 1st Gen kinda liked the look, then he got his 2nd Gen........I found myself an 86 Venture Standard that needed lots of attention and TLC. Like yourself I took the time to get it running and stopping ok, started to ride it, yes at first it seemed a bit heavy, but as time went on I loved getting on it and going anywhere and everywhere on it, I also heard the 1st Gens were supposed to be fast, heard rumours it could pull the front wheel off the ground from a standing start....(never did try that), I didn't go looking for spots to go fast but as others have said on the highway that old girl just loved to go and it was smooth. I guess all I'm saying is give it time, for a new rider, they can be a handful, hopefully you will grow to enjoy it......my prescription is to ride it and ride it some more, I know when I got my 2nd Gen a couple years back it took me a while to love riding it after I had been on the 1st Gen for a while. If you want some company on a ride, just ask, we are just down the QEW in Hamilton. Take care and I hope you work things out.
  7. Hi Jimmy, Sorry but they have been sent to Prairiehammer. Mike
  8. Way to go Puc.......you always have a very entertaining way of sharing new tricks. Awesome......Mork and Mindy was a great show....well done. Mike
  9. Congrats......thanks for sharing the good news.....that is so cool.
  10. Very nice Bike......congrats and enjoy it. Mike
  11. I was going through some of my bike stuff looking for a bolt that I could use on my Virago, while I was looking I came across the set of 4 Carb Diaphragms that I bought when I had my 86 Venture, they are still in the plastic that they came from Sirius in and are the SD-1 type. I don't believe they fit my 02 RSV, so is anyone looking for a set. For those of us in Southern Ontario or WNY that may be able to use these, I will be at MarCarls Meet n Eat on Saturday May 23 if you wanted to get them from me there. Mike
  12. Carbs cleaned, new plugs, bike is running great, just waiting for the kid to get home from her trip and take the Virago out for a ride......love it when a plan comes together. Mike
  13. I just laughed my butt off as I re-read the title of this post.....what I MEANT to say was "Need somewhere to sleep" What happens at Maintenance Day, stays at Maintenance Day
  14. never like to hear that......get better soon......thoughts and good wishes sent
  15. Heck maybe this is slowly becoming a virago forum too (yes I know there are a couple out there and I belong to one of them). Brought the Virago out of storage a couple weeks ago, upon starting there was a misfire in the front carb at around 1500 to 2000 rpm, if you put your hand on the top you could feel it almost like a tap in the cap when it would miss. The misfire did subside a bit and our daughter rode it for a week with the odd hiccup but for the most part it ran ok for her. We figured a few tanks of gas and some seafoam with each tank that should settle it down. Our daughter is away for a couple of weeks so dad figured it was a good time to take the old seat off and get it recovered (yes applause please, good dad here haha) and do a good clean up of the bike. I started it the other day and it was misfiring again intermittently around the 1500 to 2000rpm mark again. Hmm what the heck is going on here......... Last year the carbs were off for a good cleaning when I changed the carb boots, I am wondering if the one carb could be dirty again or could it be a bad diaphragm as that is the area that you feel the misfire. Just trying to get some ideas before I tear it down again. Mike
  16. I am with ya on that SilvrT.....not a fan of the new Valkyrie either. Which is surprising as I am usually very open minded to all things on two wheels and a motor (except for e-bikes)
  17. getting out for sure on Saturday, have to run up to see my brother in Mount Forest, should be a nice ride. Mike
  18. Wayne, not good news about the scoot, glad it sounds like your brother in law is ok except for a few aches. I am sure with the folks on here everything will come together for you. If you need an extra set of hands putting it all back just call. Mike
  19. Geez.....am I ever glad to hear that I am not the only one with the eyebrow, nose or ear hair problem. extra points for some of ya for the fine descriptions you included in your posts
  20. We have the one from the Yamaha accessories, it is made by Corbin, my wife likes it better then the stock as it is approx 2 to 3 inches taller giving her more support while riding, as for the ends that come out and look like a mini arm rest there isn't an issue with them. For me it makes the ride more enjoyable for her so it was money well spent.
  21. Dave they look great...definitely have to consider that. Don thanks for getting it done. Very nice
  22. When ever I am coming to a stop I flash my brakes a couple times, for one if the driver or rider behind me is not paying attention the flashing lights generally will get their attention, even if I am going through an area where the speed limit drops a considerable amount I will flash the brakes as I slow down to the speed limit (in this situation I am not applying the brakes full on it is just a couple of touches to activate the lights and remind the driver behind me to pay attention the bike in front of you is doing something. At a stop, right foot on the back brake at all times and balance the bike with my left foot, so my brake lights are on. Also while coming to a stop also looking for a possible escape route in case the rider/driver behind me is coming a wee bit fast and can't stop in time. Even as I am sitting at the lights waiting for the green, I am looking constantly to see what is going on. Ok it may seem a bit anal, and I know we all do the biker pose at a stop every once in a while, you know hands draped on the bars both feet on the ground, rider leaning back a bit, for me on a bike something can happen in a split second at a light or stop, people checking their phone, making that quick text, or just not paying attention and without warning their car moves and taps you in the back. If we are paying attention hopefully we have a better chance of coming out of it in better shape then if we were just siting there looking as cool as we all know we are. Defensive riding first and foremost. My rant is done. Mike
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