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Foot Surgery :(


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Well it appears my riding season will be starting a little later than I had hoped. My Arthiritis has cailmed another victiom. My right big toe joint is shot, making it extremely painful to walk and with my job I walk alot. So...March 16th I'm having surgery to have the joint replaired or replaced. I can go back to work in a week, but Doc thinks I should stay off the bike for about 4 weeks (but I bet don't) Anyway I am looking forward to walking with less pain, so that's a good thing. Now if I could just convince my other Dr to replace my shoulder I might be able to be relatively pain free for a few years. Sucks when your body checks out.

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Good luck and a quick recovery. I have to have the same thing done to the middle finger joint at the hand on both hands. I have been putting it off for a couple of years, suffering the pain and eating Celebrex and Lortab to ease it. I hope that you are back riding quickly.

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When I saw the thread title, my first thought was---- Well, Jay done went and kicked the wrong guy in the *ss again!


Glad to see it wasn't that and you'll only be down for a bit. Looking forward to seeing you again at MD or where ever down the road!

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... prayers for a FAST healing, as you'll be on the scoot as soon as possible; it's just a disease of the blood and mind, eh?


And try BIOFREEZE for the shoulder; big help to me. PM me here and I'll give you the phone number for ordering cheal from the source. DO NOT order on line, as they jerked me off ca .


See ya up with wind in dat der face!




YUP: I ride in both directions, not down, ready to go up but in no hurry!



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Guest retusn

Good luck and have a speedy recovery. I've had both feet (big toe joints) worked on. The diference is had to have my left big toe joint replaced 11 months after they repaired it the first time. Joint replacement believe it or not was easier than the first fix.

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