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Ban on Cellphones Jan 1, 2010


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Its too bad that they have to make laws for something that should be common sense. When moving you should be looking in the direction your going. As a young lad I ran (on foot) into a tree once and that taught me to look where I was going. :rotf:

Trees and limbs leave bark imprints on ones forehead..:rotf:

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Cellphone use is the No. 1 cause of distracted driving, which causes one out of every four car accidents in B.C. Distracted driving causes about 117 deaths every year.




It's about time! :thumbsup2:


Don't get your hopes high. The law is only as good as the enforcement. We have had that law in place here for over 2 years now....No change whatsoever...and the slaughter of bikers on our roads only drops when Winter is here.


Boomer.....who thinks good Old Fashioned American Justice using only a tree and a rope is sorely needed.

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Cellphone use is the No. 1 cause of distracted driving, which causes one out of every four car accidents in B.C. Distracted driving causes about 117 deaths every year.




It's about time! :thumbsup2:


Hey Rick

The same type of law starts here Jan1 also, but I am not terrbly hopefull that anything will change. Right now the Bluetooth retailers have raised the price on anything that makes a cell handsfree.....


Actually this week the Police are handing out warning tickets if they see any infractions in advance of the implementation of the new law, it wont cost anyone but it is a means of helping make people aware...we hope....



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RE: BoomerCPO, Yammer Dan, & friesman1 posts.


I totally agree that if enforcement isn't happening, the law is useless...but is it? Well, let's suppose a driver gets in an accident. That driver happens to be texting. It's not law yet ... who's at fault (legally)? ... now, bring in the law... it makes it easier to place blame and lay a charge I would think.


Just like seat belts.... what are the chances of getting caught without one? But, when ya do...and eventually ya will if ya don't wear em.... you will get a fine and that makes a person think twice about it and if all we can do is make people THINK...then the law is worth it.


It's all about education and isn't that what we really want? How many times do you have to tell someone about something?... but when you stop telling and start punishing, maybe they start listening.


As per Brian's province... there will be a grace period for the month of January and I have no doubt that the police around here will be running many "blitz's" to "get the word out". They will be watching for that at every speed trap.



EDIT: ooops... I meant "BooNer" ... :D

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Valid points you make there Silvr....but the bottom line is Bikers will still be dying on the road due to the Cagers stupidity in not paying attention while driving their 3000 lb. hunka steel.:bang head:


Boomer.....who will slap silly the Inventor of Cell Phones if he ever meets him.

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I live in Mn. and it seems like not only cell phones are worrisome but tailgating. How many of you, without starting a man/woman thing, notice that if your being tailgated, odds are it's a woman? We have a lot of deer here and on many occasion I've had to make a hard desicion, hit the deer and risk front and rear damage or, hit the brakes and risk just the rear collsion or, make for the shoulder and trust she doesn't follow me. If it's a blonde on a cellphone I know I have NO CHANCE!!!!:240: (not really but you get my drift)



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I am having a hard time understanding this thread, excuse me while I dial my cell phone, tune the Sat Radio, check with my buds on the CB, take a drink, chat with the next car on FRS, play with the aux lights during the daytime, have a bite of my burger, text to my wife, and oh yea, steer the car and stab the brakes, some days I drive the manual trans car which requires the other foot and hand to do triple or quad duty!:stirthepot::starz::sign It wasnt me:


A friend of mine has a big Dodge pickup with a set of those train horns hooked under the body. He sees someone with a cell phone to their ear, he runs up right beside them and honks! They put the phone down real quick (note, I think this is dangerous, waking up a sleeping distracted driver can be bad for your health!). I just get away from them as quick as I can, either pass, or drop way back.


Saw a van some time ago with this painted on the back in big crude brush strokes: "Hang up and DRIVE!":stickpoke:

Edited by dynodon
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Guest tx2sturgis

There are several cities in the USA that ban cell phone use while driving, but the reality is that its the conversation thats the distraction, and not the device. In fact, users of handsfree phones spend MORE time on them, and spend more time distracted, than users who have to hold the phone to their ears.


Be careful what you wish for.


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Just like seat belts.... what are the chances of getting caught without one? But, when ya do...and eventually ya will if ya don't wear em.... you will get a fine and that makes a person think twice about it and if all we can do is make people THINK...then the law is worth it.



I disagree.

I rarely wear a seat belt. Doesn't matter why.

I think the best safety device a car could have is a 12" long spike sticking out of the steering wheel pointed at the drivers chest.....you can bet people would pay attention to their driving if they knew certain death came with a crash.


The problem isn't distracted drivers so much as it is secure drivers. Cars have become so safe in the event of a crash for the driver, that there is little incentive to avoid the crash in the first place.

"I've got airbags and seat belts, I've got good insurance. If I wreck it, I'll just go get another one and be on my way." I hear that sentiment often enough to believe it's common.


I have yet to get a seat belt ticket, but if I do I'll pay the $65 extortion fee and keep doing what I do.



The above referenced law specifically excludes LEO's. WTH!!! Cops are some of the worst, constantly on their phones while they drive. Or is the logic....some people can drive and talk on their phones with no problems. If that's the case, why only cops, firefighters, and ambulance jockies.

I know quite a few of these folks and a number of them are terrible drivers.


Why not make further exceptions for other professional drivers? Trucker drivers, cabbies, race car pilots, etc, etc.


New laws are usually NOT the answer.



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I have more problems with old people that cant drive the speed limit than those on a cell phone. There are alot more problems than cell phones I know around here if they have a high end car they think they own the road and will try to run you off the road even if you are on a bike so I make sure I have plenty of room even in my car. Good luck out there and just keep a eye out and be on the defence all the time.

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Valid points you make there Silvr....but the bottom line is Bikers will still be dying on the road due to the Cagers stupidity in not paying attention while driving their 3000 lb. hunka steel.:bang head:


Boomer.....who will slap silly the Inventor of Cell Phones if he ever meets him.





YAMMER.... Who will hold him while you slap!!! Did I mention I don't play fair???:snow2:

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That law has already been implamented here in Ontario. Funny how all it seemed to do was encourage people from talking on the phone to texting. They think they fool everybody too because they hold it down low so they can't be seen. Of course this reguires looking down instead of straight ahead, and its even worse when they have one of those phones with the qwerty key pad because they have both hands off the wheel. Don't get me wrong I am all for the ban of cell phone use while driving but how do you deter those who text, before they kill.

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I live in Mn. and it seems like not only cell phones are worrisome but tailgating. How many of you, without starting a man/woman thing, notice that if your being tailgated, odds are it's a woman? We have a lot of deer here and on many occasion I've had to make a hard desicion, hit the deer and risk front and rear damage or, hit the brakes and risk just the rear collsion or, make for the shoulder and trust she doesn't follow me. If it's a blonde on a cellphone I know I have NO CHANCE!!!!:240: (not really but you get my drift)




I have to absolutely agree with you on this one Renne, the vast majority of tailgaters I encounter are either 30+ women in a van or even worse, 16 to 25 in a small import. I really think these women have no clue how volnerable they are in these small cars. I think a lot of women feel about the road as they do in a divorce, they deserve their space and most of yours.

There were some pictures going around a year or so ago of some guy in a small car driving into a truck headon. The story was about texting and driving and the pictures were very graphic. They may have been removed from access.


Edited by Venturous Randy
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There are several cities in the USA that ban cell phone use while driving, but the reality is that its the conversation thats the distraction, and not the device. In fact, users of handsfree phones spend MORE time on them, and spend more time distracted, than users who have to hold the phone to their ears.


Be careful what you wish for.



You might just get it. Sigh. Oh so true.


One study I read indicated that we can only keep track of a very limited number of things at any given time, and driving alone uses that up all by itself. Anything additional takes away from the attention needed for a function of driving.


Another study indicated that while cell phone use and being drunk lead to somewhat different results, both were about as bad and both were very different from attentive behavior. A 20 year old has about the skill level (reflexes, situational awareness, etc.) of an 85 year old while talking on a cell phone. It only gets worse from there. Hands-free only extended the distraction time due to greater use.



I think the best safety device a car could have is a 12" long spike sticking out of the steering wheel pointed at the drivers chest.....you can bet people would pay attention to their driving if they knew certain death came with a crash.


The problem isn't distracted drivers so much as it is secure drivers. Cars have become so safe in the event of a crash for the driver, that there is little incentive to avoid the crash in the first place.

"I've got airbags and seat belts, I've got good insurance. If I wreck it, I'll just go get another one and be on my way." I hear that sentiment often enough to believe it's common.



Absolutely! Back in the day when the entire inside of a car was made out of metal, and you weren't strapped in, people were more careful. They had to be or they got hurt and they knew it.


I say ban seat belts and air bags, require the 12" spike, and let 'em use their cell phone, yak at their buddies, play with their radio, whatever. Put the consequences back where they belong. It won't take long for the problem to correct itself.

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That you can get a jammer installed where a cell phone won't work with in 5 feet of your vehicle. Aimed at kids to be installed by parents to prevent kids from using the phonee while driving. Good Idea to me. Even better would be if the insurance company would give a discount for having said jammer. Totaly better if you could up the power and get a 500 foot circle around your bike.

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That you can get a jammer installed where a cell phone won't work with in 5 feet of your vehicle. Aimed at kids to be installed by parents to prevent kids from using the phonee while driving. Good Idea to me. Even better would be if the insurance company would give a discount for having said jammer. Totaly better if you could up the power and get a 500 foot circle around your bike.


Here ya go:


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All would probably be a felony or result in a felony if a death or serious injury occurred as a result. To put someone in jail for a year for texting on the cell phone while driving when it doesn't involve anything or anyone else.... that's a bit harsh.


Harsh? Over the last 2-3 years, I have seen more people killed by someone texting than drunk driving. It involves every person on the road with them.

From where I sit, a year in jail is just an eye opener.


Or maybe they should just see pictures of a certain medic crawling over the bodies of two young children so that he/she could save their mother, who was under a cement truck.... With the phone still in her hand.:bang head:


I'm not a big fan of texting while driving...

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I live in Mn. and it seems like not only cell phones are worrisome but tailgating. How many of you, without starting a man/woman thing, notice that if your being tailgated, odds are it's a woman? We have a lot of deer here and on many occasion I've had to make a hard desicion, hit the deer and risk front and rear damage or, hit the brakes and risk just the rear collsion or, make for the shoulder and trust she doesn't follow me. If it's a blonde on a cellphone I know I have NO CHANCE!!!!:240: (not really but you get my drift)




Well actually I have noticed it's usually women getting tailgated. No offense to anybody. Just an observation. But then you also have to ask why people are being tailgated. It's usually due to holding up traffic. For some reason, a lot of people just can't get it through their heads that the left lane is for passing only. Quite often I see people getting tailgated when they decide to do 1 or 2 mph faster than the traffic in the right lane. Then these same people stay in the left lane because they intent to pass the next vehicle that's a hundred yards up the road yet. If there is someone gaining on me when I'm in the left lane, I pull into the right lane as soon as there is enough room for me to merge back into that lane. If your in the right lane, nobody should be tailgating you. If you are getting tailgated, try doing the speed limit or GET OFF THE DAMN PHONE! If your in the left lane and getting tailgated, GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE ASAP!


This also happens on 2 lane roads as well. Then it's usually some bonehead who is on a cell or just doesn't feel like doing the speed limit. Then there the pricks who tailgate no matter the situation. Those are the people who have to watch out for people like me. There have been a few occasions where I've locked up my brakes because flashing my brake lights wasn't working. :no-no-no:

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