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Motorcycle vacation


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Wife and I both riding, with me towing trailer, did 2400 miles over 2 weeks from Ma. to Wi. then home by way of canada, 5 days in Wi., couple at the falls, all backroads had a blast. Worried about wife doing the time and miles but she loved it. One tip I used, stopped at post office in Wi. packed dirty clothes in box and sent it home. Gave us room to buy stuff in our travels.

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Take a look at advrider.com. It is a website dedicated to motorcycle travels. They have reports and assistance from all corners of the globe.


Also, you may want to check out some of the motorcycle touring companies - Ron Ayers, Edelweiss, and others.


My father took a 2 week tour thru Croatia last spring and had a blast.


One downside - you generally will be forced to ride a BMW or Wing. However, roughing it for a couple of weeks with great scenery will still be a great time.



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"One downside - you generally will be forced to ride a BMW or Wing. However, roughing it for a couple of weeks with great scenery will still be a great time."


He's already ridi'n a harley LOL. just mess'n with ya Keith

By the way when you going to post some pics of the HOG


Sounds like fun you going to have them ship your bike for you, had some friends that were thinking about the same kinda trip and having there's shipped this spring but work run out and now they are staying close to home unless something changes

Edited by got2mnytoys
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shooter(ian morgan) did a european tour in 04 and had a great crowd show up. they had a great time, i was trying to go but vacation time wasn't open, so i went to sturgus, sd instead. ian has traveled all over the world riding and he is well versed on renting bike and where to stay. he is a member on here, i think and maybe able to give you a few pointer on it. they had bmws to ride but some took their bike over.

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All of Lonna's and my vacations are cycle ones. In '06 we did a 10000 mile 28 day run and went to the west coast. Started in Michigan to Vogel state park in Georgia for that rally. Then up to SD to see Mt. Rushmore, over to Susanville Ca. for a VW rally. Stayed a week with my dad in northern Ca. and headed to the coast up into Oregon. Shot back across the country and up into Mn. for the PIP rally and then over and down the Mighty Mac back home.

I have always wanted to go to Austrailia and rent a bike and do it there...monies is the problem with that. The USA has so many places to go that I could do all my vacations here and never get to see everything. Good luck in whatever you decide :thumbsup2:

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Guest BluesLover

We do a 2 week trip on the bike every year for our big vacation, but have never taken it to Europe (yet).


If you want to watch a real ride for a "vacation", you have to see Boorman and McGregor doing either "Long Way Round" - Scotland to New York City - or "Long Way Down" - Scotland to Cape Town. Now THOSE are motorcycle vacations!!!



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I take at least 3 per year. A 5-7 dayer in both spring and fall and a 2-3 weeker in the summer. I have a map of North America with must-do's marked in yellow high-lighter and have-done's marked in red.


I have the same thing with California roads and they're almost all red now, so I have to expand the radius.


Last summer was Canadian Rockies.


This summer is Black Hills.


For a biggy, I want to fly to New Zealand, rent a bike and ride around both islands.


I'm also planning an Alaska trip.

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We do a 2 week trip on the bike every year for our big vacation, but have never taken it to Europe (yet).


If you want to watch a real ride for a "vacation", you have to see Boorman and McGregor doing either "Long Way Round" - Scotland to New York City - or "Long Way Down" - Scotland to Cape Town. Now THOSE are motorcycle vacations!!!





I dunno Lou, theres a lot of places in Long Way Round that looked more like a nasty endurance test than a vacation. But I woulda loved to have been there for that adventure! Both of those videos are fantastic to watch.



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Have done a number of two wheeled vacations both with the wife on back and solo with and with out buddies. Always a joy and I highly recommend the experience though I have never tried one out of the country. I WANT to though. Couple of recommendations, check with as many cycling buddies as you can for input, it won't all be good or usable for you however it will open your eyes to many new ideas and may educate you a bit. My best advise is to keep your plans loose so you can accommodate modifications which WILL occur. Although reservations are nice they tend to lock you into an itinerary that may or may not work for you. Take less than you think you need, you will need the space and I always adhere to the rule of shipping things back home to conserve on bike space. And finally, always remember it's not the destination but the journey so take it slow and definitely take the time to smellthe roses when ever you can.


All the best, Norm

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Guest BluesLover
I dunno Lou, theres a lot of places in Long Way Round that looked more like a nasty endurance test than a vacation. But I woulda loved to have been there for that adventure! Both of those videos are fantastic to watch.



Brian - some of those stretches through Mongolia or in the Sudan when they were in that soft sand ... wow!!! Imagine our 900 pound behemoths trying to negotiate that, eh?!



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Brian - some of those stretches through Mongolia or in the Sudan when they were in that soft sand ... wow!!! Imagine our 900 pound behemoths trying to negotiate that, eh?!




I have "The long way round" dvd Lou, it was quite a trip and your right I don't think our bikes would have made it. I also wouldn't have liked the cuisine in Mongolia, goat or sheep testicles doesn't do it for me.

It was actually from London to NY, 15 weeks and 20,000 miles...I don't think most people could get that much time off....well worth buying to watch on those cold winter nights and dream about. :thumbsup2:



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Guest BluesLover
I have "The long way round" dvd Lou, it was quite a trip and your right I don't think our bikes would have made it. I also wouldn't have liked the cuisine in Mongolia, goat or sheep testicles doesn't do it for me.

It was actually from London to NY, 15 weeks and 20,000 miles...I don't think most people could get that much time off....well worth buying to watch on those cold winter nights and dream about. :thumbsup2:



Ian - I've got both of the DVDs (and with our current weather am getting a lot of opportunity to watch them!!!). The second one (Long Way Down) is 15,000 miles in 85 days.


Not only would we not get the time, but we would not get the sponsorship nor would the border crossings be as easily managed, either. Regardless, they both have some great footage and some neat cultural glimpses.



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checkout this forum, there's lots of these guys that do out-of country rides/vacations. great folks to chat with and ask for advice. they also have meets and eats all over the country if you like to just get out and do some ridings. i've been a members for several years and have attended several of their meets.

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