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DragonLady laid up..............


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Well Charlene finally had surgery to repair her knee today, she is resting now, hopefully this will help her get on her way to feeling better, dont know if this is going to help with her hip or not, but time will tell if she needs surgery on that. Just going to take it one day at a time, she had a rough time coming out from under the drugs they used to knock her out, she has always had a hard time with that anytime they put her under. Please keep her in your prayers for a fast recovery............

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Glad it's done. Definitely prayers for you both. I hope you can keep her sitting still till she's allowed up and around. I know how hard that's gonna be for you. I remember when she burned herself.

Charlene if you can see this stay put till the Dr. tells you that your allowed to move around.



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Guest Fly-N-Lo


Prayers for Charlene's quick recovery are on the way, my friend. Mom had knee replaced 2 years ago. Only took her 3 months to move around like a teenager with no pain at all. And she's a "big" baby too!!!

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I'm glad that you finally had it done!! You are in my thoughts and prayers for a fast recovery (because I know Lewis won't be able to keep you down long:stirthepot:)

Try to listen to the doctor, because you don't want to screw up what was done, and start all over!

:bighug:a little one for you!

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