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Everything posted by ChiefGunner

  1. I would not have minded a 1700cc V4, but it would have drastically changed the low speed handling and made the bike too heavy for sure. Also, there’s the PRICE POINT of the bike. Already people have complained about the price of this technological behemoth. If they would have gone with the V4 every body wanted, you can tack another $3k-$4k on the price tag.
  2. Its actually I actually Star Venture TRANS Continental.
  3. He & I developed a kinship due to our love for the SVTC, but when I went to his page he had removed his ph# as well as turned off his PM capability. As a 3rd Gen owner I don’t think I’m alone in stating the following. Yes people are entitled to and encouraged to share their opinion, BUT after that opinion is shared 30 times over multiple threads does it just become derisive? It feels like us 3rd Gen owners are constantly having to defend our love for this bike and that in fact doesn’t feel very “welcoming”. I get it. Some are disappointed it’s not what they wanted. IMHO they’ve made their point now leave it alone or else you ARE picking & poking and NO it’s NOT jesting. Just my take on it.
  4. In case you haven’t noticed Freebird, it appears that YamahaParExcellance has also left. He went on a four day ride and hasn’t returned to the forum since.
  5. Spent this morning washing & detailing the SVTC. Went for a ride for a few hours and even though NO RAIN was forecast, wouldn’t you know it. I got caught in 4 separate downpours on the way Home! GRRRR!! I so despise when that happens! Now I gotta wipe her all down again.
  6. Sounds like a deal there Craig! Same goes for you if you ever get down to the Charlotte, NC area!
  7. I pretty much agree with Amercian on the current sound, although I did contact both Cobra & Vance&Hines and asked if they had any plans to develop or produce something for the new Venture. Both responded “not at this time”. I have been curious how that 1854cc would sound if I removed the baffles from the current stick pipes. All this on my end is just curiosity. Yamaha sound division actually “tuned” the sound of this exhaust and frankly it’s very nice. You can hear it softly with a nice deep note and it comes alive when you’re hard on the throttle, but after 9.5hrs straight in the saddle from Pennsylvania to North Carolina it was not bothersome. My buddy in Pennsylvania who rides an 2012 Ultra Classic whom I went up to see has a different problem on his side. He has some aftermarket pipes on his that have a great sound for the first 20 minutes. He had to confess that after us riding all day through the Pocono Mountains his ears were ringing. Just like so many other factors, desiring more or less sound is as individual as preferring blonde or brunette!
  8. I put all my mp3’s On a 32G stick & plugged it into USB1 on the right front. Got over 7 days continuous music available and its ALL searchable by artist, title, album or genre! Can’t beat that with a stick!
  9. Great review! Since someone in the forum suggested we “defer” to Pucs evaluation of the SVTC based on his “1.5million riding miles”, it seems that Long Haul Paul IS the FINAL authority given that HIS mileage on various bikes makes Puc look like amateur. It’s just my take since to some people the amount of time in the saddle is the end all qualifier. Thanks Long Haul Paul for addressing that!
  10. Agree 100%!I made a similar comment on my survey as well. I also “let em have it” regarding all the software issues on a new vehicle. A very poor QA job from the development team IMHO. They should have been aware and corrected EVERY nuance of ANY issue prior to releasing what is otherwise a top tier bike. At least the SVTC is not having the issues the new Goldwing is! Have you seen some of the videos & reports? I’d be really ticked off to spend that kind of money KNOWING the FIRST THING I have to do is pony up another $1800 just to make the suspension right! No thank you.
  11. They took HD pics of the area, but I can’t as yet specifically determine anything. Probably because it has a black rubber protective boot over it which makes it indiscernable. That’s totally stinks! Im probably gonna have to break down and remove the tank myself and physically examine the connection. My hunch is that it’s probably gonna be a standard RCA connection. A USB would not handle the vibration as well. Not to mention I think almost all vehicle camera connections are also RCA video.
  12. There is NO backup camera currently installed in the SVTC. The infotainment has the “capability” and Yamaha engineers are still developing the camera for marketing. That why they would NOT give me info on WHERE the camera plug in was located or what type of connection it uses. From what I can see in the service manual, the connection is located underneath the front of the gas tank at what’s called the “head unit”. That didn’t make sense because you’d figure it would be located toward the rear where the camera will be mounted. Unfortunately it’s not.
  13. Yes, you can plug any external audio for playback into the aux jack, but the infotainment cannot display or search it. You’ll have to control playback from the device itself.
  14. I think I figured out what MY problem is. As a field engineer with my own business, I’m CONSTANTLY having to fix stuff day in and day out at work. Then, if it’s not work, it’s someone from church who needs something fixed and doesn’t have a lot of money. THEN, there’s the stuff around the house that needs fixing! I guess I just want to have an area of my life where I don’t have to fix something just to have leisure time.
  15. I think I figured out what MY problem is. As a field engineer with my own business, I’m CONSTANTLY having to fix stuff day in and day at work. Then, if it’s not work, it’s someone from church who needs something fixed and doesn’t have a lot of money. THEN, there’s the stuff around the house that needs fixing CWS! I guess I just want to have an area of my life where I don’t have to fix something just to have leisure time.
  16. Youre not “crazy”. For the most part I understand. I enjoy doing my own maintenance & keeper her in tip top shape or customizing her, but there’s a big difference in wanting to do it OR HAVING to do it IF you wanna ride IMHO.
  17. OUTSTANDING!! Thank you for that info. Please let me/us know the better of the two products once you’ve conducted your comparison test.
  18. Congrats Ronnie! I can tell you from experience, it only gets BETTER!
  19. Yes, a “benchmark” in how NOT to properly get the performances out of the SVTC. Maybe someone should ride a 1st Gen while shifting all low rpms (completely out of its power band) and claim that video as an example of performance. NO, you’d be saying “their shifting it all wrong, you need to rev it higher” and you’d be correct. I understand old folks get stuck in their ways and old habits die hard. Have the grace to admit you were riding it wrong AND NOT in Sport Mode.
  20. Its really getting old. Everything you said was factual, and yet despite repeated having pointed out those facts with video evidence THEY supplied, they still want to use words like “supposedly”. Kinda hard to take that stance when video evidence PROVES everything we keep saying.
  21. I’ve heard that it’s easy to locate a HD in a group of riders. He’s right in front of the WEAVING bikes that are dodging the parts falling off!!
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