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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2021 in all areas

  1. Good Afternoon Brothers and Sisters. Been a Serious Minute or 2.. I hope all of you have been doing well. Issues tied to the aneurysm had me sidelined for a long hot minute but things seem to be on the upswing these last few months with a great recovery and a decent outlook. Had to park the bike due to not being able to safely hold it up coming to a stop. Couldn't do much of anything , No work done on the cabin etc. Full Stop across the board. Its nice to be mobile again and Great to return here to bug yawl to death!! Gonna Browse the boards and try to catch up on the goings on over the next few days/weeks. Opened a small engine repair shop in an old fire House in the Center of Danforth about 12 miles from the house. Gives me something to do and I get paid to break stuff etc. So much for yarning. Yawl Have a really Great day and I be seeing ya!!! Ride Safe!! and God Bless ya!!
    1 point
  2. Was the bike in gear with the kickstand down or did you simply shut the bike off by putting the kickstand down while in gear and leave the key in the bike in the on position ( this one cost me few beers when I had to go back into the bar to get some able bodied chaps to push start me ) Check battery voltage and then watch how much voltage drops when you try to start the bike. If it does not drop at all you have a wiring or switch issue maybe even a bad starter with an open internal circuit, . If it drops of severely you likely have a battery issue or possibly a starter with seized bearings or internal short. If the relay does not make a click sound you may possibly have a bad starter relay starter relay or fault in the primary starter circuit. try jumping across the two big posts on the the starter relay. Here is a brief guideline I devised and give my apprentices to do quick check of the starting system before tearing things apart. Starter and electrical issue diagnosing.pdf
    1 point
  3. It was a pleasure to me you and Lonna too. Glad we didn't break the camera with that pic.
    1 point
  4. I might surprised to know how many times the switch is not checked
    1 point
  5. Thanks. It was a great trip! For my return route, I stayed off of interstates & rode 2-lane hiways for all but the last part to my house. What a big beautiful country we live in! So many awesome small towns and wonderful people you meet there. One of the highlights was the motorcycle museum in St. Francis, KS, a small town in the northwest corner of KS. The quality and quantity of bikes in this collection blew my mind! If you've never been and are within a reasonable ride to get there, its worth the effort! https://stfrancismotorcyclemuseum.org/
    1 point
  6. Had a great meet and eat with Bob and Mike. Looking forward to doing it again 👍
    1 point
  7. Check with member Eusa1, he might have one for sale. Also, a more expensive route, but there are a couple on Ebay - but you have to buy the whole trunk assembly. If you go the Ebay route, maybe we can find a member who can help either get the wing 3D scanned & 3D printed copies made, or perhaps a mold pulled off the part to cast new wings from. IMHO, the wing really complements the looks and the extra LED lighting is a great safety feature. In any case, if you manage to track down a wing and I can be of any assistance in the modifications, don't hesitate to reach out to me.
    1 point
  8. Some of us think that the fuel lines tend to break down on the inside due to ageing and ethanol, you might think about changing those out.
    1 point
  9. For the best advice on trailering your bike visit the Harley forum. If they don't know ain't nobody knows.
    1 point
  10. Check your steering head tightness.
    1 point
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