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Out Of Surgery


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Just wanted to let everybody know that my hip surgery seems to have gone well...sore as all get out now, but I am sure it will get better. This about ruins the rest of my riding season, but there's always next year. Hope everybody has a safe riding season...stay healthy and keep it between the ditches.

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Steve hope your recovery goes well, please keep us posted on your recovery, my wife needs to hear how it goes, she is likely to have hip and knee replacement in the very near future.................


She is suffering miserably with both and her back right now.........


Just wanted to let everybody know that my hip surgery seems to have gone well...sore as all get out now, but I am sure it will get better. This about ruins the rest of my riding season, but there's always next year. Hope everybody has a safe riding season...stay healthy and keep it between the ditches.
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Guest ReinyRooster

Steve....I've always been of the belief that Tequila is a good pain reliever!!

Hope you heal up quickly.

Edited by ReinyRooster
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tell her i wish her well on the hip replacement. its been 4 days now and much better then i thought it would be my wife went out today and picked me up a used powerlift chair and it is great !!!!!!

hard to type standing up with one hand so its good night for me. everyone have a great weekend.

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Good on you bud

:happy34: I know my dad needs to get his done, but he's trying to set himself up fiancially for the downtime it would take to make it happen. Rest up and you'll be on the bike before you know it again, thanks for letting us know :)

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