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Tree sap


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Before I got my VR, it had sat for a very long time and had gunk all over it. Last night I decided to put the windshield back on but first had to clean it. I took it in the house and put it in the bathtub (the wife was proud of me:whistling:) and thought it would be a easy job. After some gentle cleaning with mild soap, I still had a film on it. I am pretty sure it is tree sap. Is there an easy way of cleaning it that won't damage it. I've tried dish washing liquid. I know windex isn't recomended but I tried it on a small area but it didn't help either. I am able to scrape off with my finger nail so I know it should come off. Any ideas? The seat also is covered with what is probably sap, although, it actually looks like tar.

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Try this at your own risk.


Mineral spirits... do it in a in-conspicuous spot and not on the windshield to start.


Put in on a cloth and work in a small spot to see if it will desolve the sap.


I removed the eyebrows from a spare fairing and gently used lacquer thinner on a cloth it didn't hurt the paint but I am sure it won't be good an a windshield.

It may work on the seat but try it at your own risk.


I never found regular detergent that helpful on this kind of stuff.

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I use rubbing alcohol to remove sap, ink, oil, etc from many things. Have not tried it with windshield plastic so spot check first.

Make sure you get the good stuff. Look for a good % of alcohol on the bottle. Pass on the 70% stuff.

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