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Cow tipping for city kids


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On Friday night i got a knock on my door about 1030 pm and its my neighbour asking me if I knew that my bike was tipped over against another neighbours truck. Of course the answer is NO, so I go have a look and I see my scoot tipped over the right side and the windshield is against the truck, the bike is flat on the ground with both wheels totally off the ground. I cant even get close to it to lift her up as the bike is right tight against the truck. I got get my neighbour and ask him to move his truck and we try not to damage anything any farther.


I think I got lucky and the clearview windshield caught his tire first slowing the bike falling and the bike didnt actually contact any paint on the truck. I lifted the bike when the truck was moved and stood her up and have a look for damage, i have a couple of spots on the crash bars the size of quarters , a bit of rubbing on the fairing and the hiway peg, a broken but still useable brake lever, and a lot of scratches on the windshield from the truck wheel and tire. And yes, the backside of the crashbar did make a mark in the water pump pipe but it seems to be ok also.

On Sat morning I buffed the windshield using Plexus and a soft cloth and kept at it for about 20 minutes, and the scatches almost have vanished,:cool10: i was sure i was going to have to replace that shield because it was bent so far and scratched so badly. I am impressed with how durable that Clearview windshield is and how clear i got it with just a bit of buffing by hand. I am also real impressed with how well the G1's are built as I really dont have much in the way of real damage!!


I would love to catch the guys that thought the city-fied version of cow tipping would be fun, to give the new boots I just bought a work out on their butts!



Edited by friesman
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City kids!


Can't tell the difference between a Yamaha and a Cowasaki. Geesh.


I can't say nuttin. The first time I took my daughter to a friends farm she was greeted by a young calf. She started petting it and said "That's a BIG puppy."


Too bad one of the culprits didn't get caught between the bike and the truck to cushion the fall. Would have been fun to catch one like that.



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:eek: That really sucks :doh: Glad that there was only minimal damage. Must be that yummy Canadian beer causing such hooliganizm .


Did ya check all the underside nuts and bolts for tightness while you had good access?


i checked everything next morning when I had to lay on the ground to look...lol,


I just realized when looking at the pics that I shoulda polished up the pipes and underside while it was down, too!....:confused24:



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Shame, what is next ? Hope you catch these morons. So disrespectful, and the bad part about it, it is not all the kids fault. The parents let them run wild with no discipline nowadays. If I caught or found out who they where, the first thing I would do is to pay a visit to the parents. Sorry for your lose here. Glad it was small damage. Disrespectful bunch anyways......


Aggravated Fuzzy

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t is not all the kids fault. The parents let them run wild with no discipline nowadays.


It doesn't take dicipline or parental control for these idiots to know that it's not right to destroy other people's property.



There is all together too much of "it's not my fault" in the world today!


Like "I saw it on TV so we should sue them for givng me the idea".

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It doesn't take dicipline or parental control for these idiots to know that it's not right to destroy other people's property.



There is all together too much of "it's not my fault" in the world today!


Like "I saw it on TV so we should sue them for givng me the idea".


Yes, correct for all. Yes, and so many give in to that. But not me my friend. Friesman1, did you call the law and make records of this ignorance ? I am hoping you did, and if not you should. At least maybe others will be on the look out for these morons. Also if something further comes up, then you have reported it.



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Just to play devils advocate here.

How far does your bike lean when parked on the side stand.

If it is like mine it is very close to vertical and it does not take much to knock it over.


Also since both stands are up maybe someone just went to sit on it and the weight got away from them. I'm NOT saying that it is OK for anyone to touch your bike.


Just saying that it may not have been a malicious act. It could have fallen on its own.

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Sorry to hear about your bike While your breaking them boots in don,t forget the parents. I am a firm believe that todays lack of dicipline is largely the result of modern parenting. The belief that he who loves his children shall not spare the rod was not without merit.



:sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that:

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I thought the kickstand was down when I got there, but when looking at the first pic it is up......hmmmmm.

My bike leans over a long way and is a pain to lift off the side stand, so I am thinking it was deliberate to tip over, or they were trying to move it out of my parking spot and it was too heavy.

I wasnt going to report it, but you guys are right it should be reported, so I will make a trip to the station tomorrow.



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Just to play devils advocate here.

How far does your bike lean when parked on the side stand.

If it is like mine it is very close to vertical and it does not take much to knock it over.



It does have a good lean to it, I installed the progressive springs in it, a few years ago.

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I thought the kickstand was down when I got there, but when looking at the first pic it is up......hmmmmm.

My bike leans over a long way and is a pain to lift off the side stand, so I am thinking it was deliberate to tip over, or they were trying to move it out of my parking spot and it was too heavy.

I wasnt going to report it, but you guys are right it should be reported, so I will make a trip to the station tomorrow.




You should, blow the fork oil out of the air line again. Depending on how long it ws down, some oil may have travelled from the left tube into the right tube. So it may be best, to have a fork oil change done, as well.

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