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Favorite Quote from a Harley Rider...


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Everybody makes fun of Harley's but in my experience if they could, they'd have one. Guess what, they don't whine, don't have cassettes, are fuel injected and the newer Venture kinda were designed to look like them, just cheaper copies. I, too, couldn't resist.
You keep telling yourself that. Maybe eventually you'll come to believe it. I won't.


BTW, the Venture is a rip off of the Indian design. Not a square corner on her, as compared to HD which is a homely mix of angles with a couple of confused curves thrown in.


You don't even want me picking apart HD's 1901 technology. (Potato potato potato - registered trademark of Harley Davidson. :rotf:)


Love what you ride. Be emotionally secure in your choices. Let the other guy love what he rides. You'll both be a lot happier.


I, three (four, five, six), couldn't resist.

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Why is it that people find a need to insult what others ride? I will never understand why some need to be so rude towards fellow riders. I believe every brand of bike breaks down, I also believe there are ass--le riders that ride every kind of bike. I for one have rode Harleys, Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda and the only one that left me beside the road was a 1975 cb350 4 cyl. But I guess some need to .................never mind I won't say it

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Everybody makes fun of Harley's but in my experience if they could, they'd have one. Guess what, they don't whine, don't have cassettes, are fuel injected and the newer Venture kinda were designed to look like them, just cheaper copies. I, too, couldn't resist.


I tried to defend the Harley's and don't understand why ANYONE puts down another persons ride but also don't you forget that Harley is not liquid cooled and needs rebuilt at about 80-110 thousand miles. the water cooled bikes will run 250 thousand miles. If Harley was water cooled I might own one but I do like my Venture and the fact it is not fuel injected doesn't change a thing for me. People say fuel injected bikes get better mileage but we know that's not true either.

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I tried to defend the Harley's and don't understand why ANYONE puts down another persons ride but also don't you forget that Harley is not liquid cooled and needs rebuilt at about 80-110 thousand miles. the water cooled bikes will run 250 thousand miles. If Harley was water cooled I might own one but I do like my Venture and the fact it is not fuel injected doesn't change a thing for me. People say fuel injected bikes get better mileage but we know that's not true either.


On the fuel economy with carbs vs injection.

I have an 07 RSV. On average riding by myself I get about 45 mpg. I tend to twist the throttle a bit. Now my wife and I just did the Midnight Ride here in Michigan. Riding two up, full bags and trunk I averaged 49-52 mpg. I ride very conservative with her on the back. When she is on her 750 Shadow and we ride, I have gotten 59 mpg. Don't know how much better fuel injection would do. As far as Harley vs Venture......there are far more Harleys on the road around here than Ventures. Being that they sell more bikes, you will see more broken down. I like the Harley. Nice looking bike no doubt. I cannot justify $30,000 for a bike (even if it does not have a cassette deck). My father in-law rides an Ultra Classic. I know that in the last three years he has put about $3000 into repairs. The bike has about 70,000 miles on it. Every time he takes it on vacation he has issues. Every manufacturer be it Jap or American, makes a bad product sooner or later. My biggest complaint is not the Harley itself, it's the the mentality alot of the riders have.

They seem to have the need to ride side by side, which I think is assinine. And alot of them will not wave if your on a metric. Give me a break. I wave to Harleys, crotch rockets and any other bike that I see. It's not important what you ride........what is important is that you ride!!

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I've owned 4 bikes, all metric. Kawasaki Nomad left my wife and I stranded with busted gears 500 miles from home(a lot of stress)...never owned a Harley but if I do I will buy the extended warranty cause we do a lot of miles and peace of mind is a good thing!



Bikers bash Harleys all the time. They claim HDs are not reliable and leave you stranded all the time. Well, I've had all kinds of HDs since I was a young man and the only time I was left standed was when I rode a HD Sprint 350 twin when I was 14 years old and ran out of money and gas about 250 miles from home. Was in a world of hurt when I finally got home. Have never had one of my HDs breakdown, unlike some of the posts I read on this site concerning models discussed here. But, I also own a brand new looking 86 VR that I wouldn't take any amount of money for. Why? Because I love this specific bike as well. Go ahead and take a test ride on the new Ultra and I bet you love it and there will be no need for the extended warranty. But buying the greatest looking original style of bike the Harley Ultra represents will cost you big bucks. Am I partial to HDs; no I'm not. I just take some of the ridiculous comments on this site too seriously.



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I own a 2000 RSV and a 2005 HD Ultra with a sidecar. I love them both, for very different reasons. LOVE the high rpm, high compression, high performance of my RSV, and the low-to-mid range torque of the HD. I've never understood why anyone would be pro or anti any particular bike. The kids and I were riding the HD hack the other day, with a group of Star riders ahead of us. When we passed by the local HD dealership, two of the Star riders gave it the one finger salute. Am I missing something? Why all the hate?

BTW, Masterguns, thank you for your many years of service to provide safety and freedom to America and peace loving people around the world. Don't worry, some of us know that a Master Gunnery Sergeant is not a "Top."

P.S. My signature line below was written before I owned the HD, it was only meant to be a joke. Also, they have both broken down, but only once each. The RSV was the ignitions switch. The shift lever fell off the HD while riding.

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I myself like this quote, >



"I will not judge other bikers on their choice of machine,

their appearance, or their profession.

I will judge them only on their conduct as bikers."


And pretty much live by it too. Don't care what you ride, just ride. That's not to say I won't give a good ribbing here or there, and would expect to get the same back.


Was getting gas once outside Milwaukee, WI had my trailer, (looks like a Snap-on tool box) when a group of 30 to 40 bikes pulled in. All had MC vests (Don't remember the name, "don't care") and 6 or 7 were walking around my trailer and bike looking at them.

Leader? Says you build that? I said yes, he says looks cool but why a tool box pulled with a rice burner? (Somebody slams me I'm going to slam them back.) So I told him most of my friends have HD's and someone has to have reliable transportation to go fix them. (He laughed and under stood he ribbed me, and I got him back.) He then told me and the wife to come over to the bar and they would buy us drinks.



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Well first of all it's a fact that Harley's were junk back in the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's, so i find it very hard to believe that you have had absolutely no problems out of those older HD's, especially in the AMF days. If you didn't have any trouble then you were extremely fortunate. I do however think that they are better than they used to be but they still aren't as good as the Jap bikes, and they never will be because HD is too worried about selling an image instead of a good motorcycle.


Second, it is a proven fact that foreign cars and motorcycles are far superior in every way to American cars and motorcycles in every way.



Last but not least, they are not picking your bike up for free and i cannot believe you even think that for one minute. They charge you three times as much for the service, that's where they get their tow money back out of you.


Hey Who Dey,


Dude,believe it, I have never been let down by any Harley I've owned and that is more than I can remember. I've also owned several VRs as well as many others. I have new had any of them leave me stranded with the exception of a few flats. But a flat doesn't kill your travels if you are prepared. AND, even for an oil change, my local HD shop will pick it up, do the work, and redeliver it back to my place and the charge is exactly the same if I rode it down the their facility for the work (49.99).


When I stop by the HD dealer while here in Fort Worth on my VR I am treated respectfully and there are never any offensive comments even by other HD riders. I am sure it is because the know me. But even though I am regular at the local Yamaha dealer; if I happen to run down there on my Harley, they treat me like crap. Then they have the audacity to ask me if I'm in the market for a new Venture. This tells me a lot about how they think. When I do decide to pick up a new Venture after some real upgrades are made to it, I surely won't buy from Family Power Sports in Weatherford, Texas

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"Top"...this is a venture board...its ok...you can go to the harley board and make fun of our whiny bikes that have cassette decks...heck, im sure you could pick the venutre apart if you want to...but the reality of it is....you must be riding the "exception" to the harley "rule"...congratulations!!!


OohRah and Semper Gumby!


I know this is a Venture board; I own one. And you know what, the HD boards that I do have membership on, I rarely, and I mean rarely, read any Jap bike bashing. Check that out.


Hey, I like the "Top" thing too. I salute you and your service as well. Keep the shiny side up. Semper Gumby is what life is about.

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I own a 2000 RSV and a 2005 HD Ultra with a sidecar. I love them both, for very different reasons. LOVE the high rpm, high compression, high performance of my RSV, and the low-to-mid range torque of the HD. I've never understood why anyone would be pro or anti any particular bike. The kids and I were riding the HD hack the other day, with a group of Star riders ahead of us. When we passed by the local HD dealership, two of the Star riders gave it the one finger salute. Am I missing something? Why all the hate?

BTW, Masterguns, thank you for your many years of service to provide safety and freedom to America and peace loving people around the world. Don't worry, some of us know that a Master Gunnery Sergeant is not a "Top."

P.S. My signature line below was written before I owned the HD, it was only meant to be a joke. Also, they have both broken down, but only once each. The RSV was the ignitions switch. The shift lever fell off the HD while riding.


I agree totally. BTW, I just hired a former 2111 they other day. Good kid. Ahh, I mean Jarhead.

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I am quite surprised the owner of this site allows this waste of bandwidth thread to exist...Considered a troll post on most forums... Certainly not what I spend $12.00 for.... Sad




This pops up from time to time. It usually works itself out and is then gone again for a while. Folks on both sides of the issue, in my opinion, get a bit too defensive about it. I can let it go and hope that it fizzles out or delete it now and then people will be mad over "censorship".

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:stickinouttounge:We all have owned many different rides.The way I look at it ,no matter what you are strandling the wind is the same. Having said that,I personally can afford any dang bike I want,and after test driving most, A Harley isn't even on my list. I am no wanna be I am a I don't want.. I think this spring I will just go buy me another Venture..

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This pops up from time to time. It usually works itself out and is then gone again for a while. Folks on both sides of the issue, in my opinion, get a bit too defensive about it. I can let it go and hope that it fizzles out or delete it now and then people will be mad over "censorship".





Most of us just have fun with it. We don't really care what you ride just that you ride. If I win Power Ball I'll probally own another Hardley. But you can bet there will be a few 1st Gens in the garage!!

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MasterGuns, I was in a hurry when i posted "Top"...I missed that..my bad! Youve gone past Master Sergeant and for that I apologize...Thank you to whomever posted that. I spent 7 years with 1st MarDiv and have to say im a little embarrassed in myself for missing that one! :/ I'll blame it on being in the Navy! :) That being said..


This thread is hilarious...ill give everyone the history behind the comment and take it for what it is worth.


A "HA" was stopped a couple nights ago...older gentleman, 60ish, very nice. He was riding an 2011 Electra Glyde Classic with paper plates...we got to talking bikes (of course) and he asked why i rode metric...i told him because i like to ride more than i like to wrench...he laughed and made the comment i posted...It wasnt meant to bash any particular maker of motorcycle...it was just a funny comment from a guy who has been riding Harley's most of his life.


I didn't mean for everyone to start lobbing mortar rounds over the hill at each other..bottom line...two wheels and a motor...thats all that really matters!

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The kids and I were riding the HD hack the other day, with a group of Star riders ahead of us. When we passed by the local HD dealership, two of the Star riders gave it the one finger salute. Am I missing something? Why all the hate?

JUst my humble opinion but Historically HD riders have always looked down on those who did not ride an HD and although today there are maney HD riders who are no longer like this, there is still a smal faction of HD riders who are. Quite often the sentiment you put out is the sentiment you get back. In truth it is sad since we are all people who enjoy riding and therefore should respect understand and share in each others preference of motorcycle without always having to critisize.
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This is absolute BS. I've owned Harleys since the the early 60s and never had one towed or trailered due to it breaking down. I've also owned a hellofa lot of foreign made and I can't say the same for those. As a matter of fact, if my HD ever needs to go to the shop, they will pick it up for FREE and deliver it back to my home for free. Show me a Yamaha dealer that will do that.

would you like a picture of the dealer himself?




If i wanted a harley....i would have one. i have 7 yamaha's and 1 suzuki in the garage now, and have owned 36 other bikes over the years.. yes i could fit 1 more bike in the garage..... you can bet your last dollar that it won't be a harley... thanx.

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I hear people here talk about having better than 100k on there bikes and never had to open them up well there might be a few Harley with that kind of record but I doubt many. Now I'm not bashing harleys, If your willing to pay two prices for one motorcycle I'd own one (road king I like the look) but a poor man got to work for a living and the toys have to last!!!

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I can tell you one thing if Peg could stand the shaking at stop lights which she cannot stand!! I would be riding a Ultra Classic right now !!!!!!!!!!!!

I could care less what you ride just as long your getting to ride is the main thing and having fun doing it too.


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