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I'm back onboard

RSV Angel

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What a year it has been. I let my membership lapse last year,just as things started happening to me. In Feb. my mothernlaw passed away. Then in June on a trip across the Cherohalla Skyway my bike "Angel" shorted out and basicly burnt up all the wiring,the radio,the cb,blowed all lights,as well as blowing out the digital dash.I got her running again then in August I rode up to Tellico Plains again with KJV4 to meet up with the Vogle ride in bunch. We met up and had a little fellowship but then had to head for home . I got home late that friday evening feeling great after the ride. But then it happened. I went to bed tired but happy and was awakened around 4:00am hurting in my chest. Long story short--it was a heart attack. @ stents later and here I am still dieting eating lots of grilled food --very little sweets-- have lost around 25 lbs. and feel a lot better. Then on the 16th of March my fathernlaw passed away and e are now dealing with all the estate stuff. Whew like I said it has been a rough year---but God is still good and I'm able to get back in the saddle.

See ya'll around


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Glad to hear you're doing better. As for the other stuff it all happens for a reason and as you know the Lord don't give more then you can handle. Of course we sometimes think otherwise.

Prayers for you & family in dealing with the Father-in-Law's passing.


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Hey Craig,

Glad your back with us and hope to see you sooner or later..... Peg & I can relate to what your saying we been in that boat for over an year now. Still working things out, some days are good while others not so good.. But we still keeping our heads up and thanking the Lord every single day:innocent:..

Glad to see you back....:happy34:

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H i Angel, I am glad you are hanging in there. You know that it can only get better. I had a similar ticker problem myself some time ago in 91 actually. Was told that a bypass was in order, was so scared of the knife, and figured that I would hang on for a long as possible so that the surgon could get some more practice on someone else. Anyway in 98 was told very loudly to stop dicking arround as it was getting worse. Took the advise , Double bypass and 6 months later I was out sailing the Hobi cat again. Now 10 years later have built a house to live in and now with the mid life crisis , and with the thanks of God , (or any one else who cared enough to help me ) six months ago, Came accross a Royal Star 1996 it was in great condition,fell in love with it. (no cheese and kisses any more to run things), so lashed, out mortaged the farm, joined the Ulysses, and rejoined the real world again. The point of all this is, Keep on hanging in there and never give up. I think it is great that you are making the effort , especially with the weight reduction. Cheers for ever . :think::guitarist 2:

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Wondered where you went to Craig, shame to hear of the troubles, but good that your still here. Sometimes the man smacks us upside the head to tell us to SLOW DOWN! I'm glad to hear your on the mend, definitely sorry about the folks. Sounds like a good season of cycle therapy is in order...be safe my friend.

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... great living with your face in the wind.


Sometimes I think the Good Lord just has to let life happen it's own way with Him (or Her) not interferring ... and as a result he just builds us a little more tougher, to look more like those Philistines. LOL.


Be well, safe and always up. And I will hope to meet you somewhere near my riding range in miles!




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