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#^! Razor


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I cut myself and bleed like a stuck hog almost ever time I shave.I been using a Gillette Mach 3 system for years with no problem. It must be old age and poor eyesight. Have they made any improvements with those electric shavers? Or should I go looking like BEER 30? :think::think:

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In my opinion, shaving cartridges have been suffering in quality for the last few years. Plus the price has been steadily climbing. With that in mind, I went back to the old double edge razor and brush system that I started with 40+ years ago and am very happy with the results. No nicks and much, much cheaper blades, even though I use the more expensive, comparatively, Feather brand blades. Check out badgerandblade.com

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I have lots of trouble with shaving. I only use the Gillette Fusion now, and I still can't shave every day. Mine is so bad that they let me keep a short beard in the Navy, with a "no shave chit". Some old Chiefs didn't like it, because the Navy didn't allow them to grow beards anymore.



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Personally, I can't imagine what it would be like to have whiskers so bad to have to have a major shave every day or even more than once a day. When I did have hair, it was fine and sparse on my face and a quick run with an electric razor every day was all I needed. Now, since I got the alopecia about 10+ years ago, I can go almost a week without shaving :rasberry: (heh sorry guys).


I do use the Gilette Mach 3 tho and do agree that the blade cartridge quality is dropping while the price is climbing.

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Went back to the Mach-3 for price but the Fusion is a better set up and I guess I'll be spending more. Can't go more then a week with them though. Never thought the electrics gave a good shave even after your skin got "used to it". Can't see bouncing back and forth, wouldn't be able to get a good shave ever.


You could do the laser treatment if you don't have too much grey, or like a guy I knew waaaayyyyyyyy back when who did that other stuff where they burn the follicle, he said he needed one more treatment (three total). No more shave, ever!

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Guest seuadr
Can't help ya Gerald,I only shave about once a week (too much indian blood) and I just use one of those cheap disposable razors.

you know, i've gone back to those cheap disposable razors too, and they shave just as good, if not better, than the expensive ones and i sure save a hell of alot of money doing it.


glad i saw this thread, though, last year or so i was beginning to think it was just me that was thinking that razors must be made out of platinum or something the way they are pricing them..

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I started using the 5 bladed fusion about 3 years ago. Had a beard most of my adult life.

What I do is shave without shaving cream as soon as I step out of the shower. Been doing it that way over 15 years. Took some getting used to but doesn't bother me any more.

Those fusion razors will last me about 3 months if I dry them after use before I put it away.

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I have used a cordless for YEARS and love them.


It costs me less overall than blades and foam, but with a higher initial cost.






I have lots of trouble with shaving. I only use the Gillette Fusion now, and I still can't shave every day. Mine is so bad that they let me keep a short beard in the Navy, with a "no shave chit". Some old Chiefs didn't like it, because the Navy didn't allow them to grow beards anymore.






What rate were you???? In the photo it looks like you are/were an FC, but the low image quality and you were moving make sit difficult to tell.


I ask this as I was a salty old Chief Firecontrolman...

Edited by KiteSquid
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I used the Track II for years, and probably still would if they were available. Then I tried a couple of other brands with refills that worked pretty good, but lately I've been buying those throw away razors that I can pick up from Sam's Club for a fairly good price. Turbo, or Mach somethings. I can usually get about 3 months out of one razor so a 13 pack will last me a long time unless the girl's find my hiding place... :) , and I haven't nicked myself in 40 years. Not since I gave up those damned double edged razors from the 60's.......

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I've used the Mach III, and started shaving my head recently. Close comfort is important to me. I used to use Dial Anti-bacterial soap when I just shaved the beard, because it disinfects any nicks as it goes. But that was ouchy on the head.


What I do now is switch daily between the Gillette Mach III gel (they changed names last time, and I don't recall what it is called now?) and the Fusion gel. I take a warm shower to soften the scalp and face, then apply gel and give it a chance to work... a minute or two before shaving. Then I shave, and it is comfortable and close. I finish by turning off the hot water and letting the shower go cold to close the pores. It works very good for me.


Wife likes both the Fusion and Mach III gels, but seems prefer the scent of the Fusion. Smelling good for my baby pays dividends. ;-)


I buy my blades at Sam's Club in a 10-pack or something, to save some money.



Edited by Dave77459
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I still use the TRAC ll blades that I've been using for over 20 years. And I use the cheapest blade that Wally World sells for them. And I'll use the same blade for a month or more. Like someone else said, the Cherokee genes let me get away with shaving about twice a week. And I hardly ever nick myself. I did buy some Wilkinson brand blades REALLY cheaply one time. It felt like they were pulling the hair out instead of cutting it. I noticed some Arabic writing on them so maybe they were supposed to feel that way!

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Guest human4m

I got tired of paying so much for Mach3 & Fusion blades too, and a few years ago I bought a dirt-cheap electric razor from Harbor Freight for like $6.


That was over 5 years ago, actually... That little P.O.S. STILL cuts great and leaves my face smooth! I always cleaned it regularly, and I've sharpened the blades a few times over the course of the years... Overall, I'm impressed.


My wife hates it when I shave though, she says I look like a baby. She's a whopping 2.5 years older- errr, I mean "more experienced" and I never hear the end of it when I shave. She prefers the "I don't care" look I get when my shaving goes on hiatus for a few weeks.

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Guest human4m
Women have differnt tastes when it comes to the look of a wienie. :big-grin-emoticon:

The last time the Southern Regions saw that sharp up a blade up close was a hernia operation in 2001. I have a separate device for trimming the hedges. Something much safer than a Mach 3. Razor burn and cuts are two things that don't belong in that area.

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I am not a morning person and can not stand the vibrating noisy electric shaver, although those with the rotary heads are much better. I have been using the fusion 3 but it is getting worse. I find gel works better than foam.


Years ago they had a commercial on TV advertising how many shaves you could get out of a blade. A friend knew someone who worked for the company. He asked how they could make money if the blades keep getting better. His friend said that they used special blades for the advertising and the ones they sell would not get nearly as many shaves. He also said that the first and last blades in a pack of five were the sharpest and the middle one was the dullest because they figured people only remembered the first and last.

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