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Road Rage

Guest wrench

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Guest wrench

I don't know if anyone else here has been following, or is aware of the road rage shooting case that has played out over the last year in Southern Indiana. I and several of my riding friends have kept up with it pretty closely, and have had some emotional conversations around it. I see from another post that Jethroish posted on it in June '08 and there was some discussion then. The jury convicted her today and she's looking at 6 to 20 yrs. Also, she had at least 2 previously reported incidents where she pulled her gun, one at a ball park and another in traffic near the same area where the shooting occured, which could not be presented at trial but can be at sentencing. While I've never felt "invincible" while riding, I have taken the opportunity, as I'm sure several have, to express my displeasure at the inattentive, and seemingly arrogant-toward-bikes drivers. I feel that Wesley Mosier, the guy that was shot, made one almost-fatal mistake, he got off the bike and confronted her about the incident. But it could just as easily happened as a roll up too. Here is a link to the story if anyone is interested. It just makes me think a little more now.



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I had one happen yesterday, no gun pulled, but she did absolutely try to hit me with her car. She didn't do it, but she knew that I wasn't happy. I have to shake my head and keep my mouth shut, one day she will run into someone that is carrying and then she will probably regret her actions


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people have no respect for one another nowdays ..everyones lives day to day off the little income we do get , there are no jobs secure like it used to be , if you showed up , did your job , you could work there as long as you wished,... now everyone that has these issues takes it out on anyone they can find ..dosent matter if your in a car ,on a bike ,in a truck, or eating dinner with your family if someone is looking to strike out,... we are all targets.....in the wrong place at the wrong time.......the big companys and the goverment have screwed this country into the ground along with the people...... there is no reason for fuel to be the price it is at all !!!!!!!!!!! or insurance .,auto home or healthmany of lose our jobs for no good reason or we are hired thru a temp company,,, to be worked 90 days than let go. or with out warning your insurance has been droped...thats todays big companys. we had a war in this country over tax on tea,, 1/4 cent now theres multiple taxes on everything we use ..we dont have a vote on the matter its pay up or else.....and if anyone stands up or speeks out .watch out this used to be the land of the free not much anymore....in some countys if u have a garden you get taxed on that. the goverment will get it one way or another. looked at your utilities bill latley ...what a spanking......the older people ive been talking to keep saying we are in for bad times.... that this great country is going to fall and fall hard they keep saying this is just the start................we wonder why people go nuts

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Guest wrench

The son was offered, and took, a plea in juvenile court. Not sure what his sentence was. Mom was offered a plea, 1 year, with a decent shot, (no pun), at probation. But I guess she felt that she would take her chances. Her attorney tried a couple of desperation attempts, tried playing the "race" card, and tried to portray all white males, (his words, not mine), as a potential threat.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest wrench

She was sentenced yeasterday afternoon to 10 years, 7 in prison, 3 on work release, and $2000,00 in restitution for med. bills. There is a possibility she can cut it in half with good behavior. Before he sentenced her the judge said he had to set an example that pulling a gun and shooting someone was not an answer to a problem, and wouldn't be tolerated in Indiana. During all the circus around this she was always chatty with the cameras, she didn't have too much to say as they led her back to jail afterwards.

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I had one happen yesterday, no gun pulled, but she did absolutely try to hit me with her car. She didn't do it, but she knew that I wasn't happy. I have to shake my head and keep my mouth shut, one day she will run into someone that is carrying and then she will probably regret her actions


DIMES work extremely WELL:-----lead fishing[triangler-shaped] will smash on the front glass real gooooood-----------WE B KNOWINGS---------:thumbsup2::usa::usa:
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life in general is not calm and peaceful anymore and many folks nowadays don't even know who their next door neighbors are. We are stressed out most of the time and don't even know it. We get irritated very easilly and "road rage" is commonplace. It is increasingly more difficult to "walk away". I frequently have to stop myself from acts of rage at others stupidity and inconsiderations .... there are so many more people out there who just don't give a damn about anyone else but themselves and if you say anything about it, they're ready to stick ya with a knife, shoot you with a gun, or gang up on ya with their buddies. It is not a safe world anymore. If you want to be an agressor in it, be prepared to defend yourself. Otherwise, it may be better to turn your head the other way.

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people have no respect for one another nowdays ..everyones lives day to day off the little income we do get , there are no jobs secure like it used to be , if you showed up , did your job , you could work there as long as you wished,... now everyone that has these issues takes it out on anyone they can find ..dosent matter if your in a car ,on a bike ,in a truck, or eating dinner with your family if someone is looking to strike out,... we are all targets.....in the wrong place at the wrong time.......the big companys and the goverment have screwed this country into the ground along with the people...... there is no reason for fuel to be the price it is at all !!!!!!!!!!! or insurance .,auto home or healthmany of lose our jobs for no good reason or we are hired thru a temp company,,, to be worked 90 days than let go. or with out warning your insurance has been droped...thats todays big companys. we had a war in this country over tax on tea,, 1/4 cent now theres multiple taxes on everything we use ..we dont have a vote on the matter its pay up or else.....and if anyone stands up or speeks out .watch out this used to be the land of the free not much anymore....in some countys if u have a garden you get taxed on that. the goverment will get it one way or another. looked at your utilities bill latley ...what a spanking......the older people ive been talking to keep saying we are in for bad times.... that this great country is going to fall and fall hard they keep saying this is just the start................we wonder why people go nuts
i'm one of those old folks, and i live in the real world. i say you ain't seen nothin yet. i live for tomorrow and never look beyond that anymore. glad i'm as old as i am, and i must say i payed my dues many times over and did the best i could for my country, and my fellow man. the generations behind me haven't got much to look forward to if anything at all. i've watched the deterioration take place from the day i was old enough to understand. we are all at fault. it's all about whats in it for me. very sad. :depressed: key word here is GREED! that is what is going to finish off the human race. i think i will just take off on my 200 mile saturday morning scenic breakfast ride and thank god for all the great rides i was able to have. snarley bill :2133:
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I remember hearing stories from not that long ago, that if you looked the wrong way at some one in the bar, you were asked to step outside and see to your iron. If not an iron then often a fist was coming your way. More folks got shot than we'll ever know. Maybe things are getting better after all,,, but then, maybe history is starting to repeat itself again.

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Really have to watch my mouth on this one. Carry permits are issued so you can protect yourself from bodily harm, its self defense, protecting loved ones. If I felt threatend, I sure wouldn't roll my window down, I would roll it up and shoot though it if nesessary.

Everyone thinks that they are the most important person on the road or wherever. As an example, I waited one day for a person to come out of a gas station for 15 min. , their car was parked at the pumps and I was next in line. After awhile I thought maybe they were in the restroom and needed to be there. I had the boat trailer on behind and that station its hard to back up to move. When the lady did show up, she didn't come from the station, but from the ice cream shop next door. I told her what I thought of her in a nice way and when she told me off I told her off in a royal way. She really didn't know or understand what I was so upset at. She and her ice cream was more important than blocking the pumps.

This woman who shot the man, needs to be put in jail, and an example made of her and a statement made to all that just because someone yells at you, its not a cause to shoot them.

As for confronting people, we all need to be extrememly careful and watch what we say and how we say it, or better yet, just turn our other check and thank god that nothing happened as far as an accident and that we are able to still ride.

Well , you all got more than my 2 cents worth that time.

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Had a friend who was 60 years old and weighed about 120 lbs soaking wet. Every year he rode his gold wing down to Mexico and back. One year he was stopped at a light when a woman in a station wagon pulled up next to him. Being Canadian he smiled and nodded to her. She reached down and pulled out a hand gun and aimed it at him. He vividly remembers the pink curlers in her hair and the gun aimed at him. He hit the gas and went through the red light. He kept going until he got to the Canadian border and never went back to the US.

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the big companys and the goverment have screwed this country into the ground ......


Lest we forget .....these are! the people!! As for the latter entity, you voted them into office and you keep doing it again and again (as a registered alien I am not allowed to vote)

Key words: personal responsibility; independance; self reliance; freedom of choice

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Lest we forget .....these are! the people!! As for the latter entity, you voted them into office and you keep doing it again and again (as a registered alien I am not allowed to vote)


Key words: personal responsibility; independance; self reliance; freedom of choice

buddy you said it all. people just can't look at themselves and take responsibility for their own actions. those jerks in government were just regular folks like the rest of us.(GREED) :sign29:
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The bad part about that situation is the shooter was not of sound mind. There was no doubt she would have ended up shooting someone at some point. Its too bad someone couldn't get her the help she needed before it was too late.


In june I was rearended by some punk while I was sitting at an intersection waiting to turn. Hit at 60 mph, and he got a ticket for following too closely, while I got a busted pelvis in two places, a broken back and a screwed up XS11. After this incident, I have decided that if at all possible, I will ride away. Anything to stay out of trouble, and avoid getting hit, or shot.

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