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Text Messaging


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I live with it everyday. With a severe hearing loss telephones are almost useless. So when my phone vibrates, I start looking for my glasses instead of my hearing aides. LOL!


Now I also have a 16 year old daughter. She types text messages with her thumbs faster that she touch types on the keyboard . And she makes fun of me for my hunt and peck method. I get 30 or 40 texts from her a day but I know something is really, really wrong when I get a regular voice phone call from her. I know what that means. She's at the mall and there is this really aborable blouse for sale and a SHE'S OUT OF MONEY!


I don't answer those. heh heh heh :whistling:


This is the same young lady I took shopping for a new helmet last year. We spent hours at different bike shops (not all bad for Daddy) looking for the best helmet for her. After trying on maybe 50 different buckets, modeling in front of the mirrors, changing her mind on a color, trying different style and sizes she FINALLY found one she REALLY liked. I checked it for fit and I was reaching for my billfold when she asked the saleman if it came in with Bluetooth.


Now I'm trying to find a gunsmith that can get my teeth marks out of the barrel of my .357.

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Sorry, but I hate it. So much time wasted when a phone call could do in 30 seconds what it takes 5 minutes to do texting. I also think it has condoned rudeness. Doesn't matter where you are, i.e., dinner table, playing a game, etc., these kids have their face & thumbs glued to the phone. There. I said it.


P.S. For those of you with impaired hearing, it makes a lot of sense. Sorry if I offended anyone.

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What? What he say? LOL! No offense taken Bob. It's a PITA sometimes but you adapt to it. You want a challenge? Try doing sign language over your shoulder at 75 mph in heavy traffic on the bike and then read the response from the person on the back in the rear view mirror. Thanks for cruise control!


They say loud pipes save lives but mine just let me know my bike is running.

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Sorry, but I hate it. So much time wasted when a phone call could do in 30 seconds what it takes 5 minutes to do texting.


I completely disagree. I'd much rather take 30 seconds to send a text than 5 minutes to call someone and go through the 'hi, how are you routine' when all I want is one piece of information. My phone does have a full keyboard though.

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My step son is a text messenger junkie ! He has free long distance on his cell phone as well as texting as part of the package. He don't use the calling part of it at all. Last bill I saw he had 2950 out going and 2800 incoming texts. Glad he has a package because our provider charges .15 for incoming and outgoing.....that could be expensive ....for him !


Letters are to darn small on my phone !!



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