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Weighing in for St. Judes


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Hey Folks,

Well here we are at another New Year, I know many have made resolutions ( I hate that word) and will try to change a negative in their life. Darren (93 Venture) came up with what I think is an awsome idea to raise some money for St. Judes.

His idea is for a weight loss for money to donate to St. Judes. I have thought over the holidays what might be the best way and this is what I and some others have brainstormed. We will get some volunteers to be a group that will attempt to loose the weight. They will come up with a weight that they think they can loose before Freebirds Maintenance Day on June 6th. Folks would then pledge so much per pound on the combined total weight that the members want to loose.

There is a twist to this also as we want folks to be realistic in their attempt on loosing weight. If someone says they want to loose 40 lbs and they only loose 30 they have to pay lets say $1 per pound that they didn't loose. Keeps people somewhat honest and motivate to lose the weight they said they would. As mentioned if your going to participate in this, BE REALISTIC! dont say that you want to loose 60 lbs in 6 months. This will be a total of all the goals set by the individuals.

There will be a second thread started once we have the volunteers where members can donate however much per pound. So what do you folks think....are you up for the challenge??

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OK I am all in for this. I need to lose 20 LB by MD. My cholesterol level went up some and need to lower it. Who else is going to join us? Good cause and most of us can lose a few pounds. I am going to post my ticker. I am starting from this mornings weight. Plan on weighing myself once a week on Mondays and trying to do a update on the ticker than.




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Cool!!! Actually I been thinking its time to loose weight. I could easily use to lose about 40 as a moderate number. How do you want to do this? Is it members of VR that pledge or everyone. Im sure we will all need a witness also. Set up the rules and I really think that this is something I want to do.

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So, Darrin was telling me about this the other day. I'm up for this too, I'll sign up to lose 30 lbs. I like the idea of paying for the pounds you don't lose, $1.00/lb. isn't too much. I'll go one further and say that I'll kick in $1.00/lb. for anything I lose more than my goal too. This is a good cause and healthy to boot.

So are you volunteering Brad? :rasberry:

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My chubby butt needs to lose alot of weight so count me in if you want to. I don't know my exact weight but I think I can do 40 lbs by Don's.


I'll weigh in before we start and let you know if I make the list.


I'm still fuzzy on how we're going to do this, but I'll figure it out.

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So are you volunteering Brad? :rasberry:


Yes I am Kevin, my goal is 35 lbs by MD I'm right at 285 now, so 250 is my goal for this.



This is just the pre screen to see who wants to loose the weight. There is no minimum but like I mentioned be realistic, many of us are past that 40 year mark and some are WAY past it

:whistling: I am a fairly trusting soul, in the fact that I believe that the majority wont cheat on this. Send me your weight in a PM and we'll do the weigh in at MD.


There will be another thread where the members can donate to the total weight that all of the volunteers decide to loose. Right now we'll just get folks involved that want to do the actual loss. I'll write down all of the weights that folks want to loose and we'll total all them out. We'll keep this thread rolling for a week or 10 day and then cut it off. Then we will start getting members to donate for it. As always thank you for all that have already jumped aboard...stay tuned


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I have put a few pounds on since my last diet, so I need to drop those plus a few more.........put me down for 20 lbs.



Yes I am Kevin, my goal is 35 lbs by MD I'm right at 285 now, so 250 is my goal for this.



This is just the pre screen to see who wants to loose the weight. There is no minimum but like I mentioned be realistic, many of us are past that 40 year mark and some are WAY past it

:whistling: I am a fairly trusting soul, in the fact that I believe that the majority wont cheat on this. Send me your weight in a PM and we'll do the weigh in at MD.


There will be another thread where the members can donate to the total weight that all of the volunteers decide to loose. Right now we'll just get folks involved that want to do the actual loss. I'll write down all of the weights that folks want to loose and we'll total all them out. We'll keep this thread rolling for a week or 10 day and then cut it off. Then we will start getting members to donate for it. As always thank you for all that have already jumped aboard...stay tuned


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I'd like to join in but I feel bad I don't want to lose more then 5-10 lbs. Can I be in it anyway? I'm not afraid to post my weight now and as I lose it (the weight that is).

Let me know if I can join.







Of course you can join in! Think of it like this, if you pledge to loose 5 lbs and 20 others pledge to loose that, thats 100 lbs that we can collect monies on. If someone donated .50 per lbs thats $50.

Just so folks have a better understanding, folks will donate towards a TOTAL weight of all the members that want to participate. Lets say that all our weight we want to loose comes in at 1000 lbs. (keeps it simple for the math) folks will bid accordingly towards the total. Lets say a member pledges .05 per pound thats $50 should everyone meet their goal. If they bid .01 per pound would be $10....you get the idea. It may seem a bit hard to grasp right now, lets just keep this thread for those that want to volunteer. Once we have them, I'll start another thread that will be for the donation part after we have a total weight that will be donated against. If anyone has any questions PM me and we'll get it all squared away.....lets make '09 our best one :thumbsup2:

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I'd like to join in but I feel bad I don't want to lose more then 5-10 lbs. Can I be in it anyway? I'm not afraid to post my weight now and as I lose it (the weight that is).

Let me know if I can join.



oh sure mini, make us all feel bad...:crying:....only 5 lbs and not afraid to post your weight for the world to see.......:rasberry:


I know i need to loose some lbs........but aint no way, no how I will disclose such highly confidential information.....:whistling::no-no-no::rotfl:

isnt there a way to do this without telling????:D and just taking my word on it????:innocent:


I really need to do about 40 but since my will power isnt too good and my stress levels are so high lately Id try for 20.



and dale just told me if i go for 20 he will go for 20 too...but he cant do it without me doing it.hahaha and who says you men dont need us women???:rasberry:

Edited by Cinderella
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