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Glad to hear it, we were all starting to get worried.:thumbsup2: On a positive note, Virginia State Police reported NO motorcycle accidents today (found this out when checking on Steve).



BTW, thanks to Jeff for all the follow up. Yet another wonderful thing about this family.

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First let me apologize for not checking in after I missed the group. I appreciate everyone's efforts and concern. That's why I love this group!


I was wandering around Virginia and Norther North Carolina. Might say I was lost ... I prefer to say I got disconnected from my destination!

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Geez, Steve! Old age setting in? Maybe we need to find you a care taker. You know someone that can guide the way for you so you don't get lost, wipe the drool from your chin, etc.......:moon: I hope you had a nice ride anyways.

It was a great ride! Lonely but I appreciated all the places I went ... just wish I would of found the place I wanted!!


Now you know why I always tailgunned the rides out there ...

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Yep, now I know why.


What others need to know when they ride with you:


1) Never let you lead, you'll get everyone lost.

2) Don't worry about ever needing to find you a bathroom...you'll make your own. (A few people have pictures to prove it.)

3) Make sure you don't leave a gas stop without your credit card

4) Make sure there is coffee or stops planned for coffee


But most of all people need to know that riding with you is one heck of a good time.

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Yep, now I know why.



3) Make sure you don't leave a gas stop without your credit card

Jeeze M, I'd forgotten about that!! As to #2 ... Like the CCR song says ... there's a bathroom on the right! (or left, depends on which way yous goin!!).

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You wouldn't believe the plans that were being organized to find you Steve. They were gonna start near you and up in VA and try to make it to each other hoping to find you along the way.

Just glad you're ok. On the up side Jeff got to talk to your daughter too.:rotf::rotf: I know you're in trouble. Maybe a new phone and a GPS would help.



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You wouldn't believe the plans that were being organized to find you Steve. They were gonna start near you and up in VA and try to make it to each other hoping to find you along the way.

Just glad you're ok. On the up side Jeff got to talk to your daughter too.:rotf::rotf: I know you're in trouble. Maybe a new phone and a GPS would help.



Oh boy, that don't even describe what I am in. I am such a putz! But I soooo appreciate you guys, know that.

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An eastern reporter once asked Daniel Boone if after all of his adventures, had he ever been lost? And his reply was: "I can honestly say that I have never been lost, but there was that one time I was a mite bewildered for about 5 days"!:confused24:


Glad you made it home OK!:clap2:

Earl and Jean

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A Venturerider is never lost, we sometimes take the long way back home without ever getting to our destination.........done that a few times myself............:big-grin-emoticon:
I wish I could say this was the first time!!!


JUST DON'T DO IT AGAIN.....:sign20:

I won't!! I promise!!


An eastern reporter once asked Daniel Boone if after all of his adventures, had he ever been lost? And his reply was: "I can honestly say that I have never been lost, but there was that one time I was a mite bewildered for about 5 days"!:confused24:


Glad you made it home OK!:clap2:

Earl and Jean

Jeeze, I am always bewildered!!

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Yep, now I know why.



3) Make sure you don't leave a gas stop without your credit card


Jeeze M, I'd forgotten about that!! As to #2 ... Like the CCR song says ... there's a bathroom on the right! (or left, depends on which way yous goin!!).



You sure you don't have Lyric Dyslexia? I always thought it was Bad Moon on the Rise!!:rotfl:

It was a great ride! Lonely but I appreciated all the places I went ... just wish I would of found the place I wanted!!


Some of my best rides were alone with no destination planned. Just get up in the morning, point the bike in a direction and go until I get hungry or need gas. Then work my way back home. I love finding new and out of the way places.

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You sure you don't have Lyric Dyslexia? I always thought it was Bad Moon on the Rise!!


I don't know Wayne, I don't think so ...OK, I think this is the way the song goes …

I see the bad moon arising. (kind of erie)

I see trouble on the way. (got to be something to worry about right?)

I see earthquakes and lightnin. (down right scary isn't it?)

I see bad times today. (foreboding forsure)



Dont go around tonight, (warning)

Well, its bound to take your life, (terrifying and you loose baldder control)

(Remedy, CCR always has an answer for anything ...) … THERE’S A BATHROOM ON THE RIGHT!!!


Some of my best rides were alone with no destination planned. Just get up in the morning, point the bike in a direction and go until I get hungry or need gas. Then work my way back home. I love finding new and out of the way places.


Me as well, usually just get coffee, gas and keep going for a tank or two!

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Here , I'll help out HDHTR on the any future "LOST" problems . So I will be sending to him an early Christmas gift . All all new 3-D GPS to mount either on the scoot or in his cage . It's the most advanced GPS on the market , as it has simple instructions and no wiring , nor batteries to keep recharged . Also allows you to plot other course destination in a spin .



I'll see if I can dig up a few homing pigeons for communications .




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Here , I'll help out HDHTR on the any future "LOST" problems . So I will be sending to him an early Christmas gift . All all new 3-D GPS to mount either on the scoot or in his cage . It's the most advanced GPS on the market , as it has simple instructions and no wiring , nor batteries to keep recharged . Also allows you to plot other course destination in a spin .



I'll see if I can dig up a few homing pigeons for communications .




Jeeze Gene ... that looks like something even I could understand! I think I have learned my lesson ...
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