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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. There I was just sitting there in my birthday suit, not bothering anyone, just admiring my fluffy form, and then BAMMMM out of the blue I was personally attacked. Well now I am dancing around the room shaking my fluffiness as I gyrate and show off to the full length mirror. If your going to get therapy from Dr Cowpuc that should make all those session you'll need worth while. I love it when I can help out a brother.
  2. Dang I missed it again. I wasn't wearing a toga actually I wasn't wearing anything at all. so there!!!!!!
  3. I just got back from Florida and I haven't been on the forum for a month. I was shocked to hear Freebird was under the weather. Get better that is an order or at least a very strong suggestion. Stay safe and continue to hide out in your house. That is what I am going to do for a while. Best of everything and take care...... seriously take care. Bubber
  4. I have been coming back over time as time permits. Seems I have plenty of time now that I have retired from that lunacy they call work. Sorry for that four letter word, it just slipped. Been going through some changes over the last couple of years. Life just seems to happen. Glad your posting some personal picture of your fashions. I have a 3 wheeled ride now so I don't fall over hurt myself or others. LOL Looking forward to this Summer season. I have lots of plans to get out there ride the country side. Bubber
  5. This was my year to make it to maintenance day. Please, pretty please, with honey on top. I gotta new trike and have to go someplace. My timing really sucks!!!!!!!! Bubber
  6. Yama Mama If I had seen you with your leathers on I would have judged you too. Starting with Whoou Whooo Baby! Or Hi my name is Bubber. I can't decide which to go with first. Maybe "Yippy Ki A Cowboy" Or " Ohhhhhhh Baaabbby But then again I am the shy type. Thanks for the pictures. Bubber
  7. I got my 2 yesterday. Thanks Jim. I will be giving one to somebody here in MN or PIP attendee. Could be the first one to contact me. Just saying. Thanks again Bubber
  8. I never forget Veteran's day. I never been one but I was lucky enough to have born on my Uncle's birthday which was Veteran's Day. God bless all you Veteran's and all future warriors that keep our country free.
  9. Every guy wants a new hat, it would be un-american not to. I'll have to see if I am a supporting member or not. Fingers crossed. Bubber
  10. Well I have been back from the PIP for a few days and had a little time to reflect on the whole thing. We all had a great time, ate laughed, told stories and shot the proverbial you know what. Good food, good friends what else could a guy want? I do want to point out that we finally out numbered those Canadian folks, finally. We had a few who dropped out due to emergencies, family issues and a tragedy beyond their control. We missed not having Red and Velma there, who are part of the core group that holds things together. they were sadly missed but not forgotten. The Canadians that moved to BC in recent years, Laura and Gord, Rick and Marilyn were also unable to attend due to unforeseen issues. TomPhil and wife were out visiting their son in Vancouver, BC. Black Owl and BongoBob were there in spirit and remembered by the attendees of the PIP. Salute my friends! We will all miss you. Ride on till we meet again. Thanks to FreeBird we had a drawing for a Guardian bell which went to SideCar the young man that has MS and that we have adopted as one of our own at PIP. For some reason there was only one ticket in the hat for the Guardian Bell and SideCar was the lucky winner. Leroy his caretaker will properly attach it to SideCar's wheel chair. I can assure you that the drawing was on the up and up, I put the ticket in the hat myself.. Oh wait I think I just spotted the problem. LOL. The second Guardian bell was unanimously voted to be sent to Laura and Gord out in BC. Congratulations to the winners and may they bring you long life and protection for the rest of your days. Thanks again FreeBird for the bells, you made a young man very happy and grateful to be part of our wonderful organization. Well all and all it went off without a hitch, well maybe a couple of hiccups, but that is to be expected. Unfortunately the future of Pork in the Pines is question. As stated by Bill we are getting older and people have moved and interests have changed with time. We talked about moving the PIP to the cities (Mpls and St. Paul) area but no conclusion was reached at this time. We need to think about this and decide if we can get people to come and enjoy each others company and celebrate our Motorcycle interests. For right now future plans are on hold. We still have some money in the kitty to hold at least one more if we go that direction. Thanks to Gary and Ann for allowing us to hold that last 13 events at there home in LaPorte MN. Thanks to all who have attended over the years, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we enjoyed the time we spent together, the stories you told and the laughs we had over the campfire. I will dearly miss that. Hearing Laura and Marilyn laugh around the campfire was absolutely infectious. Thank you all for the wonderful times share and made at the Pork in the Pines. Steve aka Bubber
  11. This sure has been a tough year all the way around. We lost a few of our members this year and they will sadly be missed. Ride on my friends ride on till we met again. There are other losses members have suffered this year but I will leave it to them to discuss or not as they choose to. Lets just say we need to have a weight lifted from our shoulders and celebrate these friends and all the others whom we may have lost. I myself lost a good friend and he was actually my boss at one time. I only contacted him recently to see if his wife was still working at a whale watch company out on the east coast. That is how I found out he was on his death bed. I found out totally by accident and I possibly wouldn't have found out for a long time had I not tried to contact him about the whale watch. His wife say the text and got back to me. He was a good man and a great boss. He never had a bad word for anybody. He had such a great sense of humor and a devilish way about him. I can't count the times he had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to wet myself. I will miss him dearly. I am so glad He was in my life even for just a few short years. RIP my friend and keep those jokes for when I see you again. So now that I have brought everyone down, you are asking yourself WHY?????? Because we never know. Celebrate your friends now, enjoy your wife, kids and family. Celebrate who you are and what you have. Don't be jealous of others. Be happy that they are doing good and are as fortunate as they are. Be happy for what you have and what you have accomplished. I myself have 3 great kids that mean everything to me. Last year when I was on my walkabout in the Dakotas and Montana I was having a brewski with some you young millennial around a camp fire at about midnight and the young man that just happened to be in the service looked at me and said. Sir do you mind if I ask you a questions? I thought about it for a milli second and said "sure". He asks me what I think my biggest accomplishment has been in my 65 years on this planet?....... WOW??????? Now that will make you think pretty long and hard to be honest with yourself. WOW? I thought for a minute and said my three girls! They are and always will be the best thing that has ever happened to me. So yes I do think it is an accomplishment to have 3 for 3 great kids. I am pretty sure they had a little to do with it too. Pretty, smart and just down right good people. I think they all got smarter than their dad some how. But every once in a while I show them the old man still got a brain cell or two firing on all cylinders. So I end with this! The PIP is a celebration of our lives, our family and our friends, we will always be thankful for that. Whatever event you participate in Maintenance Day, Northern New York get together, riding the dragon, what ever, celebrate those around you. Enjoy and have the greatest get together you can. Hope to see you all on the road or some other gathering in the near future. I am putting Maintenance on my calendar for next year come hell or high water I have to come and celebrate with those friends I haven't met yet. beside I gotta see that dog gone Pond Monster for myself. If your looking for me next weekend I'll be cooking, telling lies, telling stories, acting smart (God knows better than that) enjoying an adult beverage or two, sitting around the camp fire (doing most of the above) and making new friends at the Pork in the Pines in beautiful downtown La Porte, Minnesota (really at Gary's house). God Bless and have a great Labor Day weekend!!!!!!!! Bubber
  12. I am making the final preparations for the PIP on Labor Day. Looking forward to meeting and greeting all my old friends and making new ones. I am getting the food and snacks ready. We are eating very good this year my fine feathered friends. With help from everyone we will be having one hell of a good time. Food, friends, stories (some true some not so true) remembering those that have gone before us. Oh yes there may be an adult beverage or two. although that has diminished over the years and we get older. LOL We have at least 4 Canadian returning from BC to honor us with their presence. Rick and Marilyn and Laura and Gord. YIPPY SKIPPY! Can't wait to hear some laughter and lie telling, I mean story telling. See you all their or until we meet again. Respect Steve aka Bubber
  13. I have confirmed with Rick and Marlyn that they are coming, Laura and Gord are coming too (from BC). I'll have to get get my best T-shirt out for this event. I am getting food and provisions together and looking for a good time. Whoo who!!!!!! gotta get this show on the road. Gary has got his assignments for the PIP, fresh corn on the cob, local eggs, and porta-potty. Getting the garage all cleaned out and tables and chairs. GO GARY!!!!!!!!! I have Mr. Pig all lined up and we will be going to the celebration to introduce him to "my little friends". Getting a list of fixens to adorn Mr. Pig with. I hope people are hungry, I know I am. Catch you all soon, bring your "A game" to the celebration. Bubber
  14. I too have been watching this post over time and hoping for the best. So sorry to hear of Bob's passing. My deepest condolences to Becky and family and friends. I had the pleasure of meeting Bob and Becky a few years back when they came out to Minnesota to the Pork in the Pines. Good people and fun to have them join us. We lost another brother and friend, may he rest in peace and join the others that have gone before him. We will miss you Bob. Ride long and hard till the end of time my friend. Bubber
  15. All I can tell for an absolute is the pictures are always better than reality. That being said it looks like a real nice bike. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  16. Just about 4 weeks till Pork in the Pines. Looking forward to seeing old friends, acting smart and telling new lies. I made up some real whoppers. I have begun to gather the supplies and guest of honor for PIP. I hope we have a good turnout because I am sure there will be enough food to feed an army, as usual. I still have only heard from about 14-18 people so that is what I am planning on. Hope you all are having a great summer and staying safe out there. Life is great here in beautiful downtown Minnesota. I sure hope we can finally have as many Americans show up as the Canadians. They always seem to out number us 2 to 1, but that is good because they are so much fun. See you at PIP starting August 30th or if you show up earlier. Camping and riding and good friendship all available for your pleasure.
  17. I have about 14-18 that have contacted me either committed and a few that are tentative. It will go on no matter what and attendees will have a great time, just like in the past. I encourage others that have not contacted me to let me know if they plan on attending. Sure makes planning easier. Plans and food will be based on those that have committed to attend. On a sad note: One of our good Canadian friends has passed. Pete Klassen has recently passed on. Years ago he had a massive stroke and now recently passed. Pete was affectionately know as Tequila Pete. My condolences to his family and our prayers are offered for Pete. Pete was a good man that knew how to party. Pete we will miss you, God bless and rest in peace my friend. Bubber
  18. I got back from the maintenance day on Sunday about 3PM. I had a great time, met some friends from the last time I was there. Orlin took the group on a great ride. what great scenery. Just the most fantastic place to ride and enjoy nature. I didn't take my bike because it wasn't running right but I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Thanks Orlin for hosting this and thanks to the couple that brought the fish for the fish fry. It was terrific! My memory sucks so please forgive me for not remembering the names. I hope to come to the next one .... with my bike. Thanks again. Enjoy the rest of the Summer. Bubber
  19. I couldn't find the address till I punched in E9364 WI-56, Viroqua, WI 54665 Hwy just didn't seem to work. I hope that works for everybody, I don't remember having any problems finding it the first time I went but this time I just thought I would put it in to my GPS and it just didn't seem to like the "Hwy" thing. I'll be there Friday. Hope to see everyone either again or for the first time. Bubber
  20. I am sure that old buzzard was looking down and having a great laugh with everyone at maintenance day. Glad you could honor his memory. He was in both the Canadian Army and the US Army. He was quite a guy, Miss the old bugger. I think I also have one of those patches on my vest. I haven't worn it in a while do to two new knees. No more excuses, I been firing up the Bug Smasher and trying to get it running correctly. Ever since I retired I have less and less time for stuff. Who knew????????? I still want to plug PIP....... so there you go. Headed to Viroqua, WI.for the maintenance day, this weekend to see if there is any trouble I can get in and say hello to new and old friends. Orlin said it was Ok even after the last time I went. LOL PIP on LABOR DAY. Laporte MN. Be there or be square!
  21. Thought I could give PIP some selfish promotion before I went fishing. Sorry I couldn't make it to Maintenance Day at Freebird's, going fishing with my brothers just seemed like the appropriate thing to do. We ain't getting any younger ya know. There is always next year ..... I hope. Have fun at Maintenance Day Raise one or two for Black Owl, I am sure he would appreciate that. He is probably looking down on you all wondering and wishing he could do that one more time. Salute to you my friend, We really do miss you! Bubber
  22. In Minnesota a three wheeled vehicle is designated a motorcycle. Minnesota is not a required helmet law state. Pick your poison boys. Know where you are and what the vehicle is designated as is the best advice.
  23. No voting, only registering. LOL Time to get this show on the road.
  24. Nice talking to you Casey As always, all are welcome to the celebration of MC life. Drive safe you all this summer and see you at the PIP. or was that Ya'll. Bubber still working on that date, or not!
  25. I forgot to post this earlier. Gary's house location is as follows: 39180 Old Oaktree Drive LaPorte, Minnesota 56461 Gary has for many years has been the host of this gathering at his home in rural LaPorte MN. Great riding, great attendees, great friends to meet and new friends to make. Thanks Gary for putting up with this bunch of crazy's. Good food, good conversation, good and bad jokes, a time to laugh, a time to enjoy your fellow riders and what we all bring to the table. From what I have been told those Canadians are coming back, you know, the ones that keep out numbering those that live in the states. Sure will be nice to to see them again, along with all the others. I have an unofficial count of about 14 people and maybe one more if I can get a date. LOL ! Have a great Summer and make your plans to be at the PIP. Bubber Your not so supreme leader or follower, I can't make up my mind which. Which, which is which?
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