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Everything posted by XV1100SE

  1. Nice to see you are getting back into the Venture !
  2. Was great meeting you and your family 7 years ago when I made a trip West on my Venture. Sorry I couldn't make it to maintenance day last year but hope to meet up with you again. Stay safe !
  3. I don't consider the limits on discussion topics to be censorship. This is a motorcycle forum and the rules are clearly stated about taboo subjects. I've been involved in some of the taboo threads and the moderators will let discussions happen, provided it doesn't get argumentative. They do monitor, and add to discussions....and give warnings where necessary. But there is still a line in the sand that can't be crossed. Don't like to see members say they are leaving because they can't speak their mind/opinion on certain subjects....but the rules are the rules. Stay withing certain limits and all is good. Push too far and posts need to be deleted. Open discussion is okay....and I've had theological discussions with people of different religions (in person) that were really good discussions, and there have been a couple threads here over the years that were nice discussions pro/con gun control....until they went a little too far. Praise to the mods for being reasonable and liberal (small "L"). Everyone stay safe and healthy.
  4. I have to agree with Freebird. History here and on other forums have shown that discussions regarding politics, religion, and gun rights cause disagreements and personal attacks. Sure, it is okay if I agree with "you" (not any one person being mentioned) but should someone disagree then arguments start....and Freebird sends us to our rooms for punishment. I've seen threads being allowed to continue when the discussions were kept at a decent level. They do tend to reach a point where the thread has to be deleted by the moderators and friendships are broken. Carl/Don don't want to and shouldn't have to get involved in breaking up fights. I agree with the site's restrictions and don't want to see opinions/posts using religion or politics in people's justification for their opinions. And I'm sure there are others here that don't want me to voice my opinions/responses.
  5. What brand of headsets do you have? The J&M headsets you choose the cable based on the type of connector for your bike and for the headset.
  6. Sorry Freebird...my response was not intended to be political...just a comment on the market and how companies went where lowest production costs were.
  7. Lets go back a few years....when most products used in North America were made in North America. Appliances, electronics, clothing, footwear, toys. After WWII people were buying cars, the "new fangled" appliances that made life easier. People were working and had money....and wanted higher wages....and higher and higher. Companies competed with each other in lower prices, requiring lower cost manufacturing, lower labour costs. To do this manufacturers moved production off-shore... Japan, Taiwan, China. Companies moved programming and tech support overseas where labour was cheap and because the work was contracted out the North American companies didn't have to pay health care and could blame working conditions (think sweat shops, child labour) on the overseas companies. But unless they were caught the companies let it continue and denied knowing about it....as long as they were making profits, as long as their investors were making money off the stocks. It was all about the almighty $, at the expense of the North American labourer. Look at the Big 3 automakers (and I don't mean Toyota, Honda, Volkswagon).... they moved production to Mexico to take advantage of the lower labour costs. Look what happened to places like Michigan. Governments play games with the numbers....don't take into account the production workers that used to work at Ford and GM making $20+ per hour and are now working part time at McDonalds flipping burgers for minimum wage - they are counted as employed. And those that gave up looking for work have fallen off the labour market numbers because they are no longer actively looking for work. Blame who you want....it isn't just previous governments, not one party or the other....but companies, investors, and even purchasers. Consider the cost of manufacturing in North America vs overseas. You want the price of your sneakers, appliances, cell phones to go up in price considerably? It was said that if Apple (U.S. company that moved a lot of their production and sourcing of electronic components to China) moved production back to North America the cost of an iPhone would go up several hundred dollars. If you are an Apple fan...and you were looking at two identical iPhones, one made in China and a couple hundred $ cheaper than an American made iPhone....which would YOU purchase? Don't tell me you'd support "made in the U.S.A." if it was going to take money out of your family's pockets, reducing what your family had for food or anything else. This is why we are where we are at with overseas production. And that product made in North America....is probably designed overseas now too. And good luck trying to find something manufactured in North America....unless it is a Toyota, Honda, or Volkswagon.
  8. Nice when you get a responsive company like that. You should give them a "plug" - name them.
  9. I did a search for members with the name "Lonnie" and searched posts. Found this post for a "Lonnie" in UT. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?75363-powder-coat&p=735378#post735378 Skinney's Restorations in Orem UT,run by Lonnie Woodard (loonair@hotmail.com) Seeing as how you are in UT....and Lonnie isn't that common a name....I would say he is the likely former owner.
  10. If it is pinstriping or paint....use oven cleaner on them. That's how I took some pinstriping off my bike.
  11. Hadn't seen this thread until now.... Best wishes for a speedy recovery ! Hope things are improving.
  12. I still use Microsoft Streets and Trips 2013.
  13. You were doing u-turns long before I met you !
  14. Channel 9 is just that....supposed to be for emergencies. Used to be a monitored channel...I haven't heard otherwise. Channel 19 is the most commonly used channel. 29 is what Venture riders use during group rides. As mentioned, turn your squelch down and park by a major highway and see if you hear anything. It isn't like it used to be, there isn't a lot of use on CB's. If your buddies have cb's on their bikes, try testing with one of them and see what you get. If you are near a Yamaha dealer you can get them to check to make sure everything is good. Your headsets... are you certain that they are working? Can you talk to your passenger?
  15. I should be able to go this year...so unless Carl objects to me being tail gunner....I'll be last thru the border. I need to remember "Carl-speak" so I can understand what he is saying over the cb.
  16. One of the members sells a plug in adapter. See here : https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?137711-Aux-lighting-harness-for-2nd-gen-venture You can check with him to see if he has 3rd Gen adapters or if this will work for you.
  17. I did a write up on changing the fuel filter - https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?76515-2nd-Gen-changing-the-fuel-filter RoTorKev did a video to relocate - https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?143810-Fuel-filter-change-and-relocation
  18. I have to agree with the others...go see a doctor. If you hit your head....be careful of an internal bleed as well.
  19. I have one on my '09...pretty much from the first year I had the bike (2010). Never had any issues with heat. Don't know if it has protected the rad from stones but 96,000km and no issues.
  20. Our condolences to Eileen and the family.
  21. Hope you and every member has a good Christmas !
  22. Heal quick....at least before riding season !
  23. We won't be able to attend. Family dinner.
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