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Everything posted by McBrush

  1. Is that the right site name? Can't get to anything...
  2. You make a valid point, but I can think of... - a time someone was backing up into me - a time when someone forgot to look and almost pulled out into the street in front of me - a time when I wanted to get a co-rider's attention and most of all - a few times I wanted to give someone the finger, but didn't want to raise my arm...
  3. Thanks TEW, just wanted to hear from at least one person who had the specific tire, since different brands can vary a bit in size even though they are 'marked' the same.
  4. And you had the smaller, 130-90-16 replacing the stock 150-80-16 on the front?
  5. I'm ready for tires, and extremely hesitant about downsizing my front tire, mainly because I can't get a single mechanic or shop to say that it will fit my rim. I know many here have done it with the Avons, but does anyone have the 130-90-16 Dunlop E-3 on the front of their RSV with the stock rim? Any issues whatsoever?
  6. You are sure going to see some nice country out there. Last summer, I was in that area, here's some pics of Lake George on Rt 9N, Eagle Lake on Rt 74, Lake Placid, Whiteface Mountain & the Toll Booth, Lake Champlain Ferry at Essex, and Kancamagus Pass along Rt 112 in the N.H. White Mtns., and Mt. Washington North Pole, NY near Whiteface is a cool place to stop and send postcards to the kids from Santa during the summer. There's a fantastic pie shop on 9N in Upper Jay in that same area, just a little blue house that's easy to miss. I gained 2 pounds looking through the glass. The Mount Washington weather was unique, as we had 75 miles of visibility, but it sure was cold for August! Enjoy the ride!! Gary
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