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Everything posted by Rip

  1. lots of info here, but for a newby, no reference to the dates, except for 2008.
  2. I mentioned in another thread, my friend in Austin had his HD in for repair and it took 100 days to get done, and even then not until he came in complained big time--The brand isn't what makes the difference, but the individual wrench.
  3. I've got a ScalaRider, with a mic --Ken
  4. If I have a bluetooth receiver on my helmet, is there anyway to use it with the CB on the Venture? or is the only way to use the Venture systems to wirre in directly.
  5. the one thing that keeps me off the bike in the winter is the salt on the roads. The cold air?--get heated clothing, and it feels great!
  6. I just purchased a new '06 Venture, and will be picking it up in Michigan in two weeks, to drive home here near Toronto. Can someone tell me about the auxiliary connector and jack? one is under the rider seat and one at the front--exactly what kind of connector do I need to plug into these? Also, I will be riding home in probably cold weather. I have a heated suit, but it appears the connectors can't handle the amps that my system requires--6.4 for the coat, 3.6 for the pants, and 2.2 for the gloves. What do others of you do? Run directly from the battery? Thanks in advance, Ken
  7. I like to wave at the little 2-4 year olds who stop and point and wave when I drive by.
  8. I just got an email from a friend down in Texas. He drives an HD--had a little tangle with a deer, and HD took 100 days to fix his bike. So, get a Harley and jump into the fire. --Ken
  9. Hey, last winter I was regularly riding all the way into January; took a six week break and was at it again whenever the roads were clear. BTW, did you know that Ontario is bigger than Texas? LOL (I lived in Austin 8 years before moving here.)
  10. That's helpful, thanks. I can get a new 06 (1 mile) for 14448US, including taxes, etc. Does that sound good? --Ken
  11. Is there a difference between the Midnight Venture and the regular Venture, other than color? I am looking at a new 2006 Midnight Venture.
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