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Carb tune

hunter 1500

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I have the carb tune. Bought it several years ago and this is the first time I have used it. I read all the instructions and stared doing it and one side seems normal but the gage is maxed out on the other side. I had the carbs off as one assembly when I was having a fuel problem which ended up being the fuel pump.

Now I have a lot of popping from the left exhaust and that is the same side that the gauge is maxed out on. Any ideas.

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the replies. I just got done working on the bike for about 5 hours. Took the air box off and made sure that everything was seated right Its a real ***** getting them to all seat right but after a long battle I was able to do it. After I started up the bike and could hear some air leaking from the Harley slip ons even though they seemed tight so I took it off and clean it up and put it back on. It now ran a little better but still way out on the carb tune but was able to sync them and then I turned and turned and turn the screw to sync both banks and viola it runs like a dream. No backfire through the pipe and no vibes.

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So now you have to ask yourself, how did the carbs get that far out of wack?? Did you have your bike serviced somewhere that you should never go back to??


It is normal for the carbs to be just a wee little out of tune due to normal vibrations but not to require the amount of screwing you stated!!

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So now you have to ask yourself, how did the carbs get that far out of wack?? Did you have your bike serviced somewhere that you should never go back to??


It is normal for the carbs to be just a wee little out of tune due to normal vibrations but not to require the amount of screwing you stated!!


I think somebody thought to adjust the idle somewhat, saw a screw, turned it and adjusted the RPMs sure enough, but got the wrong one. Once on that road it's hard to turn back unless there is a carbtune nearby.

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Has anyone done a You Tube of this on OUR bikes? There are a few video's online but none I can see of our bikes. Just wondered if someone could highlight which screws to adjust & more importantly which ones to leave alone. The manual I have doesn't make it too clear.

Just thought it may help someone down the road (maybe even me) if someone who'd actually done the synch did a short video or small write up?

OK sorry just found this, done by our esteemed Boss may be of help...


what chance have we got when the Manual gets it wrong?

Edited by Kretz
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I agree with the last comment that the screws are very hard to see. My eyesight is not good up close and the one on the far side was hard for me to see. The way I ended up finding it was to look from the other side to see where it would be. Like someone else said I will be able to do it in 20 minutes or less next time now that I know where everything is.

I think the reason they were out of wack so much is that I had the whole carb assembly off when looking for the fuel problem. I do all the work on the bike myself with the help from this forum. Also the exhaust leak wasn't helping.

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