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lost sight in one eye


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My laptop quit, I am on my cell trying to peck out this message.

Surgery was four hours as other damage was found. A schleral buckle was installed, scar tissue cleaned up and a couple other things with big names were done. They retina was detached and the attempt to reattach has been done. Face is a bit swollen and some various colours have appeared. Now the healing stage begins , eye patch on .

Doc says more surgurys to follow.

Man it aches at the moment, but the other eye is enjoying babysitting two grandaughters today.

Thanks to all


I feel for ya man, I know the pain, I had the left retina detach, tear and a scleral buckle added a couple of years ago. That was the most painful thing Ive had done, as it felt like some guy had his thumb on your eye and pressing down, but it will go away fairly quickly as your eye gets used to the new shape.

On an up note, You may end up with better vision than you think you will, Mine is coming back every eye exam and now I can get around pretty weill if I just had to use that eye, its just that things are wavy from the scar tissue along the retina. Youll have very little vision in that eye for the next 6 weeks or so, until it fills back up with liquid as they keep gas in there to keep your eye inflated until it heals. you may also have the oil filled eye that they will have to remove before you can see again.

Glad to hear from you, and keep us posted on how youre doing. If you ever want to chat about stuff please feel free to call or email, I would be happy to try and let you know what to expect.



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Scott, I thought about you today. I had an eye appointment where the Dr sticks two different needles in my right eye.

Sounds like you got a ways to go, but at least you are on your way.

Keep us posted and anytime you want to talk, please give me a call.

One other thing, be careful picking up the grandkids. Your eye won't like that.


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Was thinking of you today Scott as we rode home on the last day of our Venture East ride so your post is appreciated. Hope the recovery goes well my friend. if you are up to it, I will come visit later this week or early next week.

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Just got off the phone with Scott! He is home recovering, and other than some serious pain from surgery is living the good life. He's not allowed to drive or lift anything so he's out on his deck enjoying the world. It will take about 6 weeks recovery, and I think he said he has some other surgery yet to be done. He sounds in excellent spirits!

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  • 3 months later...

go in tomorrow for operation number three.

still no sight in the right eye.

doc says the retina have attached and she is happy with the progress.

i really miss riding the bike, but i think of all the miles i have ridden with it and how many friends we have made.

operation tomorrow is going to take around 5 hours doc says.



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Gee, Scott so sorry to hear that you have to go thru all the surgeries, its too bad they didn't get you all fixed up with one procedure. Best wishes on the surgery and I hope this is the one that gets you going again! On an upside it gives you more time at home with the Grandkid(s) :)



Edited by friesman
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