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Goofy question.....


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As some of you know this summer I am making a trip from my home in Ft. Collins, Colorado to Boynton Beach ,Fl. Besides my mother worrying about me ( ya know how moms are) and wanting me to keep in contact with her, a few folks at work suggested that I should have like an "online posting" of some sort. A- to let people know where we are and the we are alright and B- to relay some of the cool stuff we might see or do or whatever. Kind of a running documentary. Would anyone be interested in follwing something like that? Goofy question I know but ya never know unless ya ask, I guess.

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Yes, we would be intrested in following someone else across the country, rather than us for a change!!:rotf: Let us know where you are, and that your OK! Whenever you stop, take a pic and post it if you can! I think also take a copy of the VR assistance list....just in case you are in need of something! It's just a good thing, to let us know where you are, just in case we don't hear from you, to make us all feel good!

Other than that have a GREAT time, and be SAFE!! :bighug:

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That would be great, a friend of mine did that last year, he started out in hou,Tx. went to GreatFalls, Mt. down through Cali. and back to Texas, he posted picks and a breif detail of how things are going and where they are at, on Webshots, kinda had his own web page there.. I thought it was pretty cool....Good luck and be Safe !!

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Ok sounds like with my folks and the peeps at work and some folks here that I will go ahead and do it. I'll post more abouth the trip later. I will more than likely ask a few questions from some of the folks who live in the areas Im going to for some travel advice too. Right now the trip sounds like we are going from here thru KS, MO, IL, KY, TN, GA FL,and back thru FL, AL, MS, LA, AR, TX, OK, KS and back to CO

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Sure! I enjoy following the travels and adventures of other motorcyclists. Especially if lots of pics are involved.


Have you ever checked out this forum- http://www.advrider.com/.

Fascinating stuff from all over the world.-Jack



+1 on the advrider.com reference. Be careful if you start reading some of the ride reports. They will consume you and your time.



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. Right now the trip sounds like we are going from here thru KS, MO, IL, KY, TN,


Sounds like I-24 through western Ky. I'm an hour from the interstate through Ky. so if you need assistance, a place to get off the main track, scouting report or do a M&E let me know. Happy trails.

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As some of you know this summer I am making a trip from my home in Ft. Collins, Colorado to Boynton Beach ,Fl. Besides my mother worrying about me ( ya know how moms are) and wanting me to keep in contact with her, a few folks at work suggested that I should have like an "online posting" of some sort. A- to let people know where we are and the we are alright and B- to relay some of the cool stuff we might see or do or whatever. Kind of a running documentary. Would anyone be interested in follwing something like that? Goofy question I know but ya never know unless ya ask, I guess.


Pitbull,This never stops.I'm pushing 50,been driving semi for 30 years and my mom still calls me to check on me when she knows I'm in a area with bad weather...I know,it sucks to have people that love you.It used to embarrass me,but not anymore.With modern things like cell phones it's great to feel the long distance love..:):):)

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