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The wisdom of blood transfusions


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As we get older, and the fact we are targets for cagers, chances are, we, or our family may need medical services in the future, which may include blood transfusions


But....more and more it is becoming evident that bloodless surgery is the best for patients.


As some may know, I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and so I refuse blood for religious reasons.


This is NOT meant to be a religious discussion!



I wanted to provide some links where you can get information on the use of blood so you can make your own decisions. For me...it is because I believe that is what God wants for us...but it also is just GOOD MEDICINE!


One link is a well known PBS news show.

Another is a preview of a video put out by Jehovah's Witnesses.


I promise that the fulll length video is not "preachy"...it is a logical and very good examination of the use of blood and an explaination of alternatives to blood transfusion.


Again....this is not meant to push my beliefs on anyone (that's not what we do anyway) but is an interesting subject that could affect us individually or our family.



Here's the links








you will see there are several links for more information on the Watchtower site.

...again...these videos do not push the beliefs of the Witnesses....but do provide good information.


IF anyone wants to discuss the religious aspects of this subject I would be willing to do so via PM's.


If anyone, after seeing the previews and checking out the other links, want a copy of the DVDs distributed by JW's, I could arrange to get a copy for them.


PLEASE don't turn this into a religious discussion or I'm sure it will be pulled by the moderators.

Edited by Trader
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But....more and more it is becoming evident that bloodless surgery is the best for patients.


Surgeries are only one aspect of blood tranfusions.


Some people who have serious injuries—such as from car crashes, war, or natural disasters—need blood transfusions to replace blood lost during the injury.


Some people need blood or parts of blood because of illnesses. You may need a blood transfusion if you have liver disease, anemia, hemophilla etc.


I have donated blood most of my adult life, and have once been a bone marrow donor for an anonyomus patient. Last gave 2 days ago.


I have even thought about asking Freebird if we could see if Red Cross would bring Bloodmobile to MD in Oberlin in 2011.



Edited by dingy
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My second wife was a life long Jehovahs Witness and we had several discussions about various topics...most were kinda interesting as i am at least agnostic probably some would consider atheist. She had always said she wouldnt take blood transfusions and her argument was that you dont put used oil in a car.....my come back was if i was in a bad spot and stranded and it was the only way out I sure would put used oil in my car.....:2cents:



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I always admired my dad, who gave blood enough to earn a "5 Gallon" coffee cup. I began giving in High School, and attained the "3 Gallon" cup.


I live in Houston, a hot spot for medical research. My last donation, they asked if I would be willing to have an extra vial drawn for testing of a new, faster AIDS test. I agreed, and the results of the test showed that I had AIDS.


It was a false positive. Three additional tests confirmed that the experimental test screwed up.


Even so, Federal law says that if you ever test positive for AIDS, even a false positive, you can never again give blood. So now, I can never again give blood.


Yeah, I'm still bitter.

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I used to donate too, and then a couple of years ago took a vacation into an area that was rated as a possibility for malaria so now I cannot donate for awhile. I didnt realize that until i went to donate blood and went thru the checklist, and then got the boot, lol!



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I have been a lab tech for over 35 years now. I work in our hospital blood bank, so I have given out blood since 1975...lots of blood.


Strictly from a scientific view, I don't entirely agree with Trader on the reasons why bloodless surgeries (and treatments) are better. I do believe that getting blood and blood products is fairly safe, and much safer than even 5 years ago. As for the religious reasons why I can't speak to that because there is no way to argue or prove beliefs.


HOWEVER...with that said, Trader's assertion that bloodless surgery and/or treatments is better than infusing blood products. There is some truth that...



Many (not all) Physicians have little understanding of how to use blood products. The American Red Cross is constantly having emergency donation centers set up because of blood shortages. And while the blood shortages "may" be real, most of the time these shortages are caused by improper use and unnecessary transfusions simply because a physician does not weigh the risks, benefits, and cost of using blood products.


In my 35 years I have seen patients get blood with blood levels (hemoglobin & hematocrits) HIGHER THAN mine. The transfusion was totally unncessary and was the equivalent of "blood doping", something that professional bike racers do (or marathoners).


You can tell this is rant...and I have way TOO much opinion on this...


Bottom line, yes there are lots of reasons NOT to have a blood transfusion, but if used properly and in the right circumstances, yes it can save your life.

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As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I to would reject blood on religious reasons due to my bible trained conscience ,but, I also want the best medical care for my family. A careful, skillful surgeon who takes his time is a good start. There are sooooo many ways to avoid blood loose or minimize it. Religion aside, my fellow Venture riders make sure you too are getting the best medical care.

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