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Paypal question


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I have wanted to open a paypal account, but have avoided doing so because I don't want to give out my bank information. I've decided to open another account and maintain a modest balance in it...my question, is it a checking account required by paypal, or can it be a savings account?:think:

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checking, I set up my checking but I never use through paypal,, I set up my credit card as a second source on my account and when ever I buy anything I switch the funding source to my credit card. That way I have the protection guarantee of both Paypal and my credit card on every item.


Of course you want your checking account listed to verify your account because it takes away monthly amount limits on the Paypal account and gives you a place to transfer money to if you sell something and the person pays through Paypal..

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You can do it with only a credit card. I have a discover card on mine and they ask and want me to let them link to my bank account everytime I use it. I have been using it to the credit card for about 7 years.

This way I have 2 layers of protection...one with paypal and one from Discover.

I have noticed they limit the amount I can spend on paypal but it resets every year. Right I have a limit of over $9000 and I have never exceeded any limit on Paypal.


Don't let them BS you.


Also I have one of those Paypal Security Keys that I carry with me...it has a 6 digit number that changes every minute that I have to use to logg into paypal and Ebay.

My Ebay account got hacked once and a guy had 9 used cars on there under my id.

Ebay caught it and recommend the Security Key. My password was not something common...that most folks could figure out. It was not a words, names or date associated with me or my family, it had punctuation and some other charcters and it was over 8 digits...so I have yet to figure out how that happend. By most standards it would pass...even at work that requires us to change it every 30 days.

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When you set up your account you don't even need to keep a balance on PayPal. You can set it up to pay directly from a credit card. Much faster and smoother and nobody but PP sees your info. All the seller knows is he got paid.


If you keep a balance a seperate account is a good idea, but like the guys said, using a credit card to pay is adding another layer of protection to what PP offers.


Also buy the PP security key. It's $5.00 and adds another layer of protection to anyone trying to get into your account. Had mine for a few years now and don't worry about it anymore. It's like a garage door opener. Everytime you use it it rolls a new set of security numbers into play. Check out the security section on the PP site. Worth the $5.00 anyway.

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check your bank to see what charges you get when you have transactions going through savings accnt. you can use checkin, once setup, you can put secondary means of payment, like credit card. initial setup is as stated.


i have had PP for many many years.

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If you're going to only buy all you need is a credit card they can bill listing fees in case it doesn't sell. If you want to receive free balance transfers for something you've sold, you will need a bank account they can transfer the funds to. And even then you don't need the bank account if you sell an item and want a hard check mailed to you.

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Guest seuadr
You dont have to give them banking info if you use a credit card with paypal. Thats the way mine is set up, goes rite on Amex. Craig:mo money:

same here, never gave a bake account number, just a credit card.

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I did exactly what you're planning to do, and it works great!




I set up a "free checking" account at Wachovia (low balance, no fees), and use it strictly for eBay/PayPal.


Almost all of my PayPal purchases are via credit card, but the bank account gives me a place to transfer money from sales.

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