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doing fine in the sand


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Great to hear from you. Glad you are hanging in there and are OK


I want you to know...we all really appreciate your sacrafice for our country. Those guys in that photo are America's best.


We thank each and everyone of you and pray for the day that you all come home safely.


Hang in there and stay alert. Keep your focus on what you are there to do.


Many many thanks to you all.


Ps we are all praying for every one of you every day. BE SAFE. :thumbsup:

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What no sandcastles? Interesting group there. Guess this trip isn't as much fun as the last one. Or so far it isn't. I'm gonna PM your lovely Mrs. for some pics of that little darling you have. Haven't seen any new ones in a while. Remember to be careful.



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Hey Brother,

Thank you for your service to our country! When will you return from the box? If you can send me an email with the arrival date and place, I'll be happy to get hold of the Patriot Guard Riders in your state and they'll give you a proper WELCOME HOME!!

Take care my Brother and be Safe!!

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Hey Clay, glad to hear your doing ok over in the sand box...........yeah they are kinda cute...........I know you talk to Lori a lot, tell her to come meet us at Smokey Bones Sat. nite with or without Chelby..........we would love to see your ladies there..........


Keep safe and dont forget to :duck:

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