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Just a Little Nervous


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I'm heading out tomorrow A.M. to pick up my "New to Me" 2005 Venture. I'll be going to Youngstown to see Randy (Crash) and picking her up.


I've never ridden a Venture but I have ridden a Tour Deluxe. Is there a lot of difference in handling? I know that the Venture is a bit top heavy and that concerns me a little.


I've been riding for over 30 years and I've learned that if your not a little nervous on a new bike there's something wrong. I was just wondering if there was any advice that you guys would give to a "Venture NewB"? :Cartoon_397:

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Get 'er going and don't stop and you'll be just fine. The only time 'top heavy' means anything is when you are stopped,,, at that point keep the front wheel pointing straight ahead and then get rolling before you turn,,, also watch where you're gonna put a foot down,, that it's not in a low spot,,,enjoy your ride.

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Thanks for the responses. I'll be heading straight to the Interstate for a 260 mile ride home so the side streets will have to wait but that's good advice, none the less. I'm actually as excited as I am nervous cause my ride on the tour deluxe is what sold me on the Venture. What a ride:256:. I'm just hoping that the Venture is just as Sweet

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Jump on it and take it slow to start off with. Think about your safety and forget about what you heard. Ride very carefully when going really slow. Use the "friction zone" riding while going slow.

I bought a Venture 6 months ago and had no problems when I started riding it despite the fact that I had not ridden since 1984. I took the MSFC and that helped with the concers over a "big" bike. Teh Venture rides great but you need to learn "How it handles" at various speeds. Get a copy of the "Ride like a Pro " DVD and use the info you find there to ride safely.

Since you already had a bike you most likely know all that anyway. Just get on be safe and have a good time.



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I was just as nervous as you when I picked my 06 up last year. I heard all the horror stories about how top heavy they are and how easy they go down. Dont worry at all, with 30 yrs exp. you are gonna love that bike. They handle great for a big bike and with 12k miles I never came close to dropping it, there was that pickup truck that knocked it over in Asheville but thats a whole nother story:crackup: Enjoy the new bike. Craig

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If you are used to the Tour Deluxe, you should not have any problem with the Venture - I would think. I ride a Tour Deluxe - and find it very top heavy. For me - I sit better in a Venture - so from my perspective you should not have a problem. Remember the camera.

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I bring along a air pressure gage and head straight to a gas station. On the way to the station - with no traffic around - I would hit the front and rear brakes fairly hard. At the station I would put her on the center stand - spin both wheels and look for sticky brakes by seeing if the wheels spin freely. I would then check air pressures front and rear. Also check the oil while I had her up.. Now give her the once going over looking for loose nuts and bolts that might cause me troubles..

Then, if it already had the break-in miles on its clock, I would hit the road and not look back - yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Congrats on the new bike and have fun out there.


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