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Smaller Front tire Observations.

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For some time now I have been reading about members going to the smaller front tire and getting better handling at parking lot speeds. I never went to the smaller tire because I run the Michelin Commanders and they didn't make that size tire. Well now they do and I purchased one to give it a try. I have 400 miles on it and here are my observations.



  • Slow speed handling. I personally noticed no difference at all. Then again I never had a problem with slow speed handling.
  • Highway speed handling. Here is where I noticed a BIG difference.
    The bike feels like it's 200lbs lighter in the corners, she really feels good and will track true through the corner. So far I have not noticed any problems with it following the tracks in the road. The bike is real responsive and easy to go from side to side.
  • Wet driving. Here is where I haven't felt too comfortable. I have never slid out on wet roads with Commanders before, but I did several times this morning under braking. I didn't have any problems in corners, but I was not pushing it either. Now I am not sure just how much it had rained prior to my riding but it was a very light drizzle at the time so it's quite possible that the oil was still seeping up from the road. Jury is still out on that one.
  • Riding 2 up felt very good and handled like a dream.

Overall I am satisfied, just want to get some more time on the wet roads, which I should get on the way home tonight and tomorrow.

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The narrower front tire has a smaller contact patch, so your observation doesn't surprise me. Also at highway speeds in a good wind it will be a bit more loose due to the same thing. Commander is a good tire, and is my 2nd choice to run on the Ventures


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The narrower front tire has a smaller contact patch, so your observation doesn't surprise me. Also at highway speeds in a good wind it will be a bit more loose due to the same thing. Commander is a good tire, and is my 2nd choice to run on the Ventures



It won't be long for me to find that out. I usually get pretty good crosswinds several times a month. Not to mention the ones while I'm on the motorcycle.:hurts::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

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I have the Avon MT90 (130) on the front. I like the handling much better than the stock size.

I also had leveling links on it when I changed front tires. Rode it with both for 2000 miles, and liked it, except it felt a little light in the wind at speed. It blew from side to side more than I liked.

I put the original links back on, and it still handles the same, but no more wind blowing me around.

So, IMHO the smaller front tire helps handleing more than the leveling links. Doing both is okay (It never felt unsafe), but a little loose. The best answer for me is standard links and smaller front tire.

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I agree with Squidley, its the comprimise you make with the thinner tire that profile helps the bike fall into the turn faster making it seem lighter. Yet because the tire patch is smaller there's less grip on the road so the bikes affected by wind and water. Personally I'd stay with the larger tire and just work out more to handle it in the turns.

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To be honest I don't know if I have the leveling links on or not since I bought it from the second owner. It sits higher than most RSV's I have been around, but I also have the works performance shock on it, so that may account for that. It was down right windy this morning coming to work and it handled pretty much like it has before the change. Now tonight on the way home I will be in gale force crosswinds for about 35 of the 50 mile trip and that will keep me busy even without the tire size change.


I was able to get a better feel for wet road handling this morning and I had no problems with skidding out, so I am pretty confident that it was in fact the oil seeping up from the road that caused my problems yesterday.


All in all I do like the change. Hopefully the tire will last as long as the bigger one.

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To be honest I don't know if I have the leveling links on or not since I bought it from the second owner. It sits higher than most RSV's I have been around, but I also have the works performance shock on it, so that may account for that.



Easiest way to check if there are aftermarket links is look at them. If they are a green color those are stock links, if they are Stainless steel they are more than likely the upgrade

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Hey Wayne, few years ago I switched to the Avon's 130 front, recommended by Squidley (Thanks Brad). Very Glad I did, made a big difference to me on how it handles, but like you I did notice a bit more movement on highway. Figured, that was okay to live with, and a good trade for handling. Last August, fully Loaded, two up, a storm came over our sholders and we was hit with 67 mpr winds and 6"rain in 10 min on the highway in Vegas, the Avons never gave me trouble. Yes, we was finally able to seek cover, very scary, but no problems with the smaller front tire. Good Luck, Later-

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